
Chapter 687 Kill them all!

"I don't know when it will start?"

Zheng Feng and Chen Lin Qi bowed their waists and rubbed their hands together. Luo Tian rolled his eyes when he looked at them. These two treasures are a natural pair. It would be nice if they were a man and a woman. You can also become a male and female thief.

Huang Jin and Gongyang Qi looked directly at them with straight eyes. No matter how they looked at Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, they didn't look like good people, but like a pair of robbers and bandits who robbed their houses. , these two people not only didn't have any fear or restraint, but they were very excited.

"Do not worry."

Luo Tian patted his forehead, and said weakly: "As long as these two treasures don't meet Jinxian, nothing will happen to them. Also, Gongyang Qi, do you want to hide in the world inside me?"

"What! You actually cultivated the inner world?!" Gongyang Qi said in shock.

"Xiao Yizi cultivated the inner world when I first met him 1000 years ago!" Now, it was Chen Lin's turn to roll his eyes.

1000 years ago.That is, shortly after Luo Tian's ascension, he cultivated the inner world?

Gongyang Qi smiled wryly all of a sudden, Mr. Fang really has a vicious eye, even if Luo Tianman was working hard on the Tianxuan plane, it took only two or three hundred years to soar up, and he has already created a new record in the Tianxuan plane. Thinking that he had just ascended to the fairy world and cultivated out of the inner world, his talent is so perverted to such an extent!No wonder Mr. Fang was relieved to let him send a message to him to find the Luoxian Hammer.

In fact, even Gongyang Qi didn't know that Luo Tian had cultivated the inner world when he was in Tianxuan Plane. At that time, he was only over 100 years old based on his age.This level, even in the fairy world where there are as many geniuses as the crucian carp crossing the river, can still be among the best.

Except for the only first-order plane in the fairy world, the countless planes in the lower world are not without geniuses, and there are even monstrous geniuses who can ascend from the ground when they are more than ten years old, but they may not be able to cultivate the inner world in a short period of time. , it can be said that only by cultivating the inner world can one be promoted to the rank of Da Luo Jinxian, otherwise, it will be extremely difficult.

"Okay." After finally accepting such a shocking result, Gongyang Qi, who was still a little complacent, suddenly became heavy. In the fairy world, Luo Tian is not the strongest of the younger generation, and there are many others who are better than him. His cultivation speed is even faster and his talent is even more perverted. He still has a long way to go.

In one fell swoop, Luo Tian absorbed Gong Yang Qi into the inner body world. The inner body world is extremely important to an immortal, but Luo Tian was not afraid of any tricks played by Gong Yang Qi at all, so he was happy to show a little generosity.

With Luo Tian's current strength, I am afraid that even if he faces Da Luo Jinxian, he needn't be afraid.Of course, the specifics will not be known until Luo Tian and Jin Xian actually fight.

"It seems that the treasure is about to be unearthed!"

At this time, Zheng Feng looked into the distance.

In the beginning, the distant sky was nothing more than layers of white clouds, flowing slowly. At this time, the white clouds burst apart, like a cloth suit made of gauze. It was full of water, and naturally there was no omission at the beginning, but later, the gauze case exploded all at once, and water dripped everywhere.

In the sky, countless colorful rays of light suddenly appeared, and then, behind the rays of light, countless rainbows like arch bridges appeared. These rainbows were distributed in the sky one by one in arcs, compressing the sky into an extremely beautiful scene.

"A sign of the unearthed treasure!"

Chen Lin shouted in a low voice, he has traveled in the fairy world for countless years, and he can still see the signs and visions of the unearthed treasures.

"Should we rush up first?" Huang Jin asked naively, a little anxious in his expression.

"No need." Luo Tian chuckled, "Even if the treasure is unearthed, the fight will not end so quickly. Rushing up ahead of time is just acting as cannon fodder and a stepping stone for others. We will wait and see what happens after the treasure is unearthed!"

"it is good!"

The three of Chen Lin immediately nodded in response.

The celestial phenomenon unearthed from the strange treasure lasted for a long time, about half a day, and finally began to change.

I saw the multicolored rays of light and the rainbow intertwined incessantly in the high sky, and finally condensed into countless colorful beams of light falling straight down from the high sky, and actually condensed into a shocking waterfall bursting with colorful lights, that kind of spectacular scene , It is really insufficient and outsider.

Finally, Caimang Waterfall slowly poured into the top of the semicircular island group, and then covered the entire island group.

"This is?!"

"What is this! God damn it!"

"It's a trap!"


Suddenly, screams and curses came from the semi-arc-shaped island group covered by Caimang Waterfall, and the scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

"It turned out to be a fierce treasure!"

Chen Lin's complexion tightened slightly, and then he waved his big sleeve, and several pieces of jade charms flew out from the big sleeve, immediately forming a blue light curtain, directly covering everyone in it.

"That's right! Only the birth of a fierce treasure can pollute the immortal body so badly!" Zheng Feng took out a jade bottle, took out a few elixir, and distributed them directly to Luo Tian and the others, "Just in case, It's better for the three of you to keep this anti-poison pill in your mouth!"

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged. He was the first to notice the abnormality in Caimang Waterfall, because there was a hint of violence and fierceness in it, which made him alert for a long time, but this level of pollution , is really not worth mentioning to him.That is to say, those guys with weaker cultivation bases and primordial spirits will be enlightened. It seems that the demons and monsters have lost the most this time.

In terms of Yuanshen's cultivation base, among the three major races, the human race's cultivation base is the highest!

"The strange treasure has been unearthed!"

Soon, Caimang Waterfall set off hundreds of feet high waves on the sea surface, and the deep black sea water flew up high, collided with each other, and shattered into balls of white water mist, slowly floating in the void. Dissipate.

In the end, in the depths of the most turbulent sea area, a ray of light flashed leisurely, and then flew towards the place where Luo Tian and the others were standing without stopping.

Along the way, there were naturally many strong men who shot one after another, but that ray of light seemed to have become a spirit, dodging from the joint efforts of many strong men, and also injured many people.

"What a fierce treasure!"

Luo Tian praised loudly, and then he took a step out of the void, crossed countless spaces in an instant, and came directly to a place tens of miles away from the bright light.

"It doesn't work here!"

Soon, as expected by Luo Tian, ​​a group of monster clan powerhouses appeared, all of them stared at the fierce treasure with red eyes, extremely fanatical.

"Is this your home?"

Luo Tian said calmly.

"Destroy them all! All the fairy treasures unearthed here belong to my monster clan!"

Soon, some members of the Yaozu shouted arrogantly.

"Destroy them all? This suggestion is very good." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and shot quickly.

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