
Chapter 688 Whoever Stops Me Will Be Killed!

What is very strange is that Luo Tian's quick attack is not a thunderous attack, without the momentum of a violent storm, but like a refined youth, who seems to be extremely slow, but actually walks slowly in the void extremely fast, every time he walks One step, I don't know how many spaces and worlds to cross, the surrounding space laws seem to be unable to restrain him, it is like strolling leisurely in the back garden of his own home.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian casually slapped his palm while walking in the void, it didn't look too amazingly powerful.But in the eyes of those demon clans who blocked Luo Tian, ​​it was really like the end of the world. It seemed that Luo Tian's random strike would completely seal the surrounding space and the laws of heaven and earth, and then ravage it arbitrarily.Soon, there was a roaring explosion in the void, and several powerful monster races turned into dust, and were completely annihilated from the void.

"This is also too strong!"

Although Gongyang Qi was taken into the inner world by Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian did not deliberately conceal all this. He directly saw the scene where Luo Tian easily killed the Yaozu Xuanxian from the projection mirror of the inner world.

"Too strong! It is too strong!"

Gongyang Qi clenched his hands tightly into fists, and his whole body trembled with excitement. He knew very well in his heart that it was brighter than a mirror. Any one of the strong monsters Luo Tian faced was a cultivator above the peak of Xuanxian. Because, and the understanding of each law is extremely profound, any one of them finds himself, and he can blow him away with a single breath. In front of Luo Tian, ​​he was like a little man made of paper, who could be pierced and killed at will.

"However, in just over a thousand years of ascension, Luo Tian has become so powerful. Given time, Luo Tian will surely become a peerless flower that rises rapidly in the fairy world, shocking the entire fairy world!"

"Want to run?"

At this time, Luo Tian was walking slowly in the void. Wherever he passed, no matter who was standing in front of him, it would be difficult to resist his random blow. Only by all means can he be forced to continue.With a cultivation level below Xuanxian's limit, Luo Tian killed him in an instant even before he could think of it, and immediately lost the qualification to continue to stay in the sixth battlefield.

"Han Yi, I'll fight you!"

At this time, in the distance in the void, two powerful Xuanxians finally came galloping. These two Xuanxians were moving in the void, and they rolled slightly, and then turned into two silver-haired silver figures with a size of several hundred feet. The giant white wolf is coming.

"Xiaotian Ice Wolf! Xiao Yizi, be careful, Xiaotian Ice Wolf can barely be classified as a royal family among the monster clan, but it is a famous and noble blood of the wolf clan!"

Chen Lin's voice transmission soon rang in Luo Tian's mind.

Luo Tian's eyes lit up. It seemed that this was the first time he met the royal family of the monster clan. It was a good time to test how strong his physical body is now!

"Come on, come and fight me!"

Luo Tian took a step forward excitedly, and in an instant he was in front of the two Howling Ice Wolves, punching him with a wave of his hand.

"It's ridiculous for a small human to dare to compete with my monster race!"

One of the howling ice wolves snorted coldly, then stared straight at Luo Tian with icy eyes, stretched out a huge front paw, and slapped Luo Tian straightly.In its view, not to mention Luo Tian, ​​a human being, even a monster with a slightly weaker strength, would probably be seriously injured by this capture, or even die on the spot.

Next, a scene that left everyone dumbfounded appeared!

In the void, Luo Tian's body, which was like an ant compared to the monster clan, actually withstood the claw of the king of the monster clan, Xiaotian Ice Wolf, and it was a solid physical resistance.

This is as ridiculous as if an ant can resist the attack of a giant dragon at will.

But it actually happened!

In fact, Luo Tian didn't completely rely on his physical body to resist the opponent's attack, because compared with Xiaotian Ice Wolf, his body was obviously thousands of times smaller, how could he compare?Even if his physical body was strong, he might not be able to support the huge claws of the Xiaotian Ice Wolf like this.In the real situation, I am afraid that Xiaotian Icewolf slapped him down, and Luo Tian would either be smashed to pieces or pierce Xiaotian Icewolf's claws.

There is no way, humans and monsters are taller than the flesh, there is really no comparison.

"Huh?" The Howling Ice Wolf, which had reached the invincible state of the Xuanxian, couldn't help but let out a little gasp in surprise, as if the human had barely survived its blatant blow?

"I said, is this the strength of the Xiaotian Ice Wolf?"

After a while, a joking voice came out very quickly, and it was Luo Tian who said, "You monster race are not so poor that you can't even afford food, right?"

Luo Tian's words are really sarcastic and shameless, everyone is from the fairy world, which god have you ever seen eat to replenish their strength?The two or three planes are usually easy to bigu when they reach the alchemy stage. They only need to absorb the pure vitality of the world to survive, let alone the fairyland. The vitality in the fairyland is countless times better than that in the lower realm. All babies have a Nascent Soul cultivation base...

"Damn human beings, no matter what your background is, if you leave the sixth battlefield, I will naturally find you in person!"

"Look for your sister! Now it's over!"

After finishing speaking, the big sword-light hand in front of Luo Tian suddenly condensed in one place, and quickly condensed into a vortex of abundant energy, which was directly ejected towards a certain direction behind him.

Luo Tian himself naturally brandished his fists and charged towards the Xiaotian Ice Wolf...

"Human! I told you to look down on the human race! I beat you like a dog today!"

Boom boom boom!

The loud noise, accompanied by Luo Tian's rude scolding, made people drop their glasses. Luo Tian actually used the human body to easily trample the Xiaotian Ice Wolf. The Xiaotian Ice Wolf was more like a ball. Luo Tian kicked back and forth, unable to fight back.

"Your physical body surpasses our demon clan!"

The remaining Sky Howling Ice Wolf was full of disbelief, but it reacted extremely quickly. It opened its mouth and spewed out an incomparably bright red beam of light. This beam of light passed through the void, and the void seemed to be frozen. In general, all the laws of heaven and earth cannot operate.

"I've long wanted to see Xiaotian Icewolf's innate supernatural power—condensed divine light!"

At this time, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng came laughing and galloping forward. The two of them don't have Luo Tian's perverted body, and they definitely won't hit a stone with an egg. Naturally, they will use their best Taoist magical powers or immortal treasures Against the enemy.

In terms of the number of fairy treasures, even among the human race, there are very few who can compare with him, let alone the monster race where fairy treasures are always rare!

With Chen Lin and Zheng Feng's move, the two Sky Howling Ice Wolves were thrown into a panic.

At this moment, Luo Tian turned around into the void with his face unchanged, the place where he just ejected the sword energy into!

"The little guy has some skills."

As soon as Luo Tian entered the turbulent space, a gray-white brilliance galloped towards him, "However, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible."

"So what if you don't leave?" Luo Tian smiled coldly, "Whoever stops me today will be slaughtered!"

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