
Chapter 689 The Mirror of Life and Death

"Hahaha, what a breath!"

The gray-white brilliance turned slightly in the void, and a projection appeared.

The projection looks to be more than a hundred feet high, and it turns out to be a huge skull frame that is as crystal clear as jade. The skeleton frame looks clearer than crystal. Luo Tian can see the law of heaven and earth flowing slowly in the bone at a glance. The laws of heaven and earth are so powerful that he is actually a strong man whose cultivation base has reached the invincible state of Xuanxian!

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes slightly. Normally speaking, the strong man in front of him is definitely a line higher than himself in terms of cultivation alone. I am afraid that he belongs to the kind of supreme mysterious immortal who can barely compete with ordinary golden immortals.

However, as long as it is a Xuanxian, even if he is a life against the sky, Luo Tian is not afraid. As long as the opponent does not have a body of Dao Grade Immortal Treasure, and only has a Saint Grade Immortal Treasure, Luo Tian is confident that he can kill the opponent with [-]% certainty .

Today's Luo Tian, ​​he himself doesn't know what kind of situation his overall strength has reached!

At least when an ordinary Jinxian meets Luo Tian, ​​as long as he comes up and doesn't focus on running away, he must not be Luo Tian's opponent!

"Whether the tone is loud or not, only the fist can know."

Luo Tian's primordial spirit spread out all of a sudden, and began to trace the opponent's body, but he said it calmly, without a trace of fireworks.

"Overestimate one's strength!" On the head of the tall skeleton skeleton, two dark green will-o'-the-wisps appeared, looking down at Luo Tian. Wherever the eyes could see, the entire void could not help trembling slightly. The laws of heaven and earth could not help but become distorted and became a mess.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Luo Tian's eyes suddenly opened, and two deep black vortexes slowly rotated in the depths of the eyes, as if they contained two vast starry skies, which were mysterious.

Ka Ka Ka!

In the void, the place where the eyes of the two met suddenly broke apart, forming an empty space gap.

"What do you mean?" Skeleton Skeleton laughed loudly, "You are so unreasonable, you blocked my way, and instead asked me what I mean?!"

Skeleton Skeleton was originally a person who had no scruples, but in front of Luo Tian, ​​he couldn't see through Luo Tian's depth at all, so he had to hold back his anger and didn't make a move, otherwise he would talk so much nonsense when he was called someone else. Extinct.

"Oh, it was Han who stopped you?" Luo Tian raised his lips slightly, "I fought against the monster clan outside the space before, and you forcibly stepped in. How can this be explained?"

The skeleton was obviously at a loss for words. In fact, it was a misunderstanding. It took him a lot of energy to come across the void. Naturally, he locked a person at random so that he could obtain the coordinates smoothly and land successfully.

What he didn't expect at the time was that the person he locked at random turned out to be an invincible and powerful Xuanxian!

"This is a misunderstanding!"

After being stunned for a moment, the skeleton skeleton finally spoke lightly.

"Then I'll kill you and say it was a misunderstanding, okay?" Luo Tiandeli said unforgivingly. In the fairy world, you can only speak with your fists. You can do whatever you want.

In front of him, Luo Tian was the reasonable party.

"You ungrateful animal!"

As expected by Luo Tian, ​​the skeleton finally got angry. The majesty and dignity of a strong man absolutely cannot tolerate Luo Tian being so aggressive in front of him. Otherwise, if it spreads, many people will secretly laugh at him.

"Finally I can't bear it anymore, it's so good a long time ago."

Luo Tian chuckled, and when the skeleton frame was stunned for a moment, Luo Tian somehow arrived in front of the skeleton frame in an instant, turned his hand and slapped it with a palm, and this palm fully covered all the space within fifty miles around No, it is not a simple matter to move the skeleton shelf out immediately.

"I'm so angry! How dare you hand out your paws to me? Court death!"

The skeleton skeleton roared, and was about to use its supernatural powers, but what surprised him immediately was that his entire body was invaded by a huge force of law.

"The law of yin and yang!"

The skeleton screamed in panic, and then wanted to burn his lifespan to get out of trouble.


Luo Tian smiled lightly, and the next moment his whole body was as fast as an incarnation, flying up and down around the skeleton, covering his entire body, and finally turned into a streamer and returned to the original place.

"Hey, it's a pity that it's just a projection, and at most it will hurt him by [-]%." Luo Tian sighed self-consciously, his whole body swayed in the void, and then returned to the real world.

"damn it!"

Not long after Luo Tian left, a faint light the size of a soybean suddenly emerged from somewhere in the void fragments, "It actually destroyed my projected avatar, and caused me to lose more than [-]% of my foundation, which is unforgivable!!! "

"I want you to die! I must want you to die!!!"


After Luo Tian came out, he stood at a high altitude and looked intently, and found that several immortal treasures had been unearthed at the moment below, and the scuffle had already started, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The ray of light that Luo Tian locked first was indeed a fierce treasure, and no one was able to collect it at this time. As a result, more and more strong people are now participating in the competition for this treasure.

At this moment, Luo Tian finally saw clearly the body of that ray of light, which turned out to be a palm-sized mirror.

The law of heaven and earth on that mirror is very strange, but all the strong people who approached him were forced to push away by the light emerging from it, and for the time being, no one can approach it, which is really helpless.

"Xiao Yizi! Where did you go just now?"

At this time, Chen Lin and the others also discovered Luo Tian, ​​and flew over.

"Solved a little trouble." Luo Tian replied casually, "I don't know what the origin of this fairy treasure is, so fierce?"

"The law of heaven and earth on this fairy treasure seems to have never been seen before, it seems to be legendary..."

"The law of life and death!"

Chen Lin's face darkened slightly, "It's the law of life and death, the top ten law of life and death among the three thousand ways! You can't go wrong!"

The law of life and death!

Luo Tian was startled. These laws are simply heaven-defying fairy treasures for those who are not strong enough. You only need to activate the life and death laws above to directly kill the opponent. Unless there is an existence like a fairy that reverses time and space, it cannot be revived!

"Wait for me to fetch it!"

Luo Tian said something softly, and the next moment he took a step forward and disappeared in the void.


Luo Tian directly appeared on that bizarre mirror. The whole body of the mirror was tempered from bronze, but it was unknown how many other rare materials were added in it, otherwise it would definitely not be able to condense into such a fierce treasure.

"Holy Grade Immortal Treasure!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, he was too familiar with this breath, it was almost the same as the soul-invigorating stone, it was impossible for him to make a wrong judgment.

"Pay me!"

Then, in the void, Luo Tian played several treasure refining moves one after another, directly falling towards the fierce treasure through countless spaces.

When Luo Tian played the formula, he suddenly saw three big characters appearing on the ancient mirror.

Life and death mirror!

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