
Chapter 693 Three Treasures Come Together, One Against the Crowd

In fact, in the entire fairy world, even if there is a Xuanxian who can possess a complete holy artifact, he can at most protect himself against the Jinxian. It is an extremely difficult thing.Not to mention Luo Tian's ability to kill a Golden Immortal in a short time, this kind of talent is already regarded as the most terrifying.

Luo Tian held the mirror of life and death, even if he couldn't fully exert the power of the mirror of life and death, a sacred artifact, he was able to exert [-]% to [-]% of it.This made it possible to drive the death law on the mirror of life and death to temporarily force the Yaozu Jinxian to be unable to perform Taoism and supernatural powers, and then relying on his incomparably powerful body to display peerless sword energy, finally shocking the opponent to death.

Of course, the peerless sword qi displayed by Luo Tian could only be tolerated by his perverted body, and it would be extremely difficult for the opponent's demon clan Jinxian to display it.

"If you're not afraid of death, just let the horse come! Don't gnash your teeth and do some dirty things."

Luo Tian looked around with a sneer, but none of the strong men dared to look at him, and they all lowered their heads.

On the battlefield of this genius battle, even if one dies, it is impossible to be completely wiped out.After all, it is just a projection clone that enters the battlefield of the genius battle. Although it has [-]% of its own strength, it cannot display its full strength without any scruples.Moreover, even if they can display their full strength, ordinary people still have to hide their strength. After all, even though the battlefield of genius battles is extremely dangerous, the opportunities are equally scary.No one wants to be sent home early because of a momentary dispute.

In the fairy world, there are still very few immortals who possess high-level immortal treasures.

Good resources and cultivation conditions are completely reserved for those ruthless people who are talented and perverted.

Of course, Luo Tian's unscrupulous occupation of immortal treasures has already caused some people to feel angry, and some of them couldn't swallow this breath, and secretly contacted those powerful golden immortals they knew well. Anyway, Luo Tian was here, and he had to I can't get the treasure, but I won't let Luo Tian get it either!

Everyone has this twisted mind.He can't get it, and he won't let people he doesn't like get it.This is the so-called wounding one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages.In fact, your loss will not be too small.

"Xiao Yizi, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid you will provoke a powerful golden fairy in the near future!"

Chen Lin was the most experienced, and he immediately saw the key points, and said worriedly beside him.

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and said: "Xiao Linzi, in the current situation, even if we don't do this, powerful golden immortals will come one after another. After all, no one has trouble with unowned treasures."

"Okay, Huang Jin and I got a lot of high-grade fairy treasures, why don't we search for the Zhenyuan futon with all our strength next!" Zheng Feng ran over and said, and then he flew in the sky cover extremely concealed A wisp of faint smoke was emitted, quickly blending into the air and disappearing.

"With the great poisonous technique I set up, even if Jinxian came in person, he would not easily approach us!"


Next, the four of Luo Tian kept circling above the nearby sea area. Even if a fairy treasure was unearthed, they would not fight any more, because more and more powerful people came over at this moment, and they wanted to fight for it. Even if it is as strong as Luo Tian, ​​the price to be paid is not small.

Of course, the most direct and main reason is that Luo Tian and Chen Lin didn't like any of the fairy treasures that were unearthed next.For those fairy treasures, the price they had to pay and the value they got were completely out of proportion.

In this way, Luo Tian and the others can also slightly divert the attention of other strong men.

Sure enough, after Luo Tian and the others stopped competing for the treasure, the rest of the powerhouses gradually became bolder, and the competition for the treasure became more and more fierce.From time to time, the strong fall.At the same time, the number of strong men who rushed over gradually decreased, and even after many strong men rushed over, they did not find the excellent Luotian four who were hiding, and then saw that the unearthed fairy treasures were not of high rank , stayed for a while and left.

If so, a few more days passed.

On this day, countless streams of colorful rays of light like waterfalls were suddenly refracted from the high sky. There was nothing unusual about the rays of light at the beginning, but after half a day, the waves of rays of light turned more and more violently, trembling unceasingly , ups and downs, and finally condensed into a rainbow bridge.

"It seems that there is another fairy treasure of the Mirror of Life and Death level that is about to be unearthed!"

Looking up at the sky, Luo Tian murmured, at the same time, he couldn't stop calculating the secret in his mind, and found that the secret this time was actually hoodwinked, and he couldn't figure out anything.

"Ready to shoot!"

Chen Lin's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted in a low voice.

"Another immortal treasure has been unearthed!"

"Quick, we must succeed this time!"


The strong men who had been waiting for several days below couldn't help making a noise.

"It seems that the fairy treasure unearthed this time is at least a holy artifact!" Zheng Feng said after pondering for a while.

"Where are there so many holy artifacts?" Huang Jin didn't take it seriously, and then he suddenly put his hands on his head tightly, his expression painful, "There is a feeling again! There is a sense again! This time the feeling is so strong, could it be Zhenyuan futon?!"

Ding Ding Ding!

There was a sudden and beautiful bell ringing in the whole sky, and finally the sea below set off white water waves hundreds of feet high, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the power contained in the turbulent water waves was extremely amazing. The strong Xuanxian who was too close to dodge was swept up by the water waves, and directly turned into mist and evaporated into smoke in mid-air.

"It's so scary!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank violently, and he couldn't help but feel jealous. Even he wouldn't dare to grapple with such power.

Puff puff!

At this time, the surface of the sea suddenly split into two, and three immortal treasures flew out from the bottom of the sea.

The auras of these three immortal treasures are unparalleled, and just after they flew out from the bottom of the sea, the entire void was crushed into broken chasms, and the broken voids spread continuously, advancing towards the distance.

"Zhen... Zhenyuan futon!"

Huang Jin exclaimed in a low voice with astonishment on his face, "Yes, it is definitely the inheritance treasure of our Qingtian giant clan!"

The three celestial treasures were a futon that looked like weeds, a gray-white round hammer, and a black scimitar like a sickle.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Luo Tian shouted in a low voice, and then took a step in the void, and flew towards the Zhenyuan futon at the first time.

"Not good! Then Han Yi is going to make another move!"

"Grandma's! This guy has been safe for a few days, and this time he reappeared!"

"This Han Yi has a very good vision. He only selected some high-grade fairy treasures. What do you think of us? The servants who take in the garbage fairy treasures?"

"Stop him!"

"This time, Han Yi must not be allowed to succeed easily! Even if I risk my life!"

Luo Tian's attack immediately aroused public outrage. This time, it seemed that everyone was united in the same hatred. They all got together in one place and began to attack Luo Tian with immortal treasures, Taoism and supernatural powers, showing a posture of smashing to the end.

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