
Chapter 694 Fight against the heroes, the little saint with a broken ruler!

"You want to stop me, dreaming!"

Luo Tian yelled again and again, the mirror of life and death was floating above his head, and the mirror of life and death kept flipping, and the red light strips transformed into the law of death on the front side kept flying around, while the law of life on the back turned into clouds of white smoke. Emerging continuously in the void.The right hand took out the Jinghong Dao and continuously slashed out a series of shocking sword auras in the void, while the left hand protruded countless sword auras, and fell towards the strong men rushing up all around without any scruples.

Life and death, what a divine power!

Some Profound Immortals whose cultivation level is not enough, in the red and white light of the mirror of life and death, it can be said that they are miserable.Being swept by the red light, if there is no high-level defense fairy treasure, it will be corroded all of a sudden and become a skeleton.Then he was swept by the white smoke, but flesh and bones grew again, and all the blood and flesh were restored.This feeling of constantly turning back and forth between life and death is simply driving people crazy!Especially when you have to endure the unimaginable pain!


"What kind of fairy treasure is this? It's so sinister!"

"The law of life and death! Damn it!"


As the strong men rushed up and rolled all over the ground in the void, there were bursts of piercing howls from their mouths, and the scene was like Senluo Hell.

Bang bang bang!

The law of life and death is in charge of life and death. This life and death seems simple, but it is actually extremely difficult to deal with.In the transition between life and death, even those strong people are the powerful law of cultivation, but before their strength exceeds Luo Tian, ​​they will still be suppressed and trampled by Luo Tian, ​​like lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

"Get out of here!"

Luo Tian snorted coldly, opened his mouth and spewed out a Milky Way, which spread out in the air, and immediately condensed into a star-studded long river, suppressing it in all directions.

Longevity Star River!

This was obtained by a strong Xuanxian in Tianwangzhou killed by Luo Tian. This long river was originally a holy treasure, but was condensed and refined by a big man, and finally a high-grade fairy was imitated according to the appearance of this treasure. A consumable fairy treasure at the pinnacle of weapons!

Of course, the consumable fairy treasure of Longevity Star River can not only be used once, but can be used several times.However, when Luo Tian obtained this treasure, the aura of this fairy treasure seemed to have almost withered, and it seemed that it could be used at most twice.

This Wanshou Xingchen River does not have too terrifying attack power, but has an extremely unpleasant stagnation force. As long as it enters the range of the starry sky covered by the Wanshou Xingchen River, regardless of any rules, the only option is to forcibly break through a path, otherwise , as long as it stays in it, it will be swayed by the stagnation force, and eventually it will become meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Xiao Yizi, this is a big deal!"

Chen Lin exclaimed, "Even though this Wanshou Xingchenhe is powerful, but to use this treasure to trap hundreds of Xuanxian strongmen at the same time, the immortal energy consumed is probably astronomical!"

"Xiao Linzi, let's do it! What are you talking about!" Huang Jin said anxiously, "Brother Han did this for me to stand out. I feel ashamed if I don't do it. Anyway, the group of sesame seed cakes in front of me are also trapped by Brother Han Already!"

"Don't rush to attack!" Zheng Feng directly interrupted Huang Jin's words, stopped in front of Huang Jin, shook his head and said, "At this moment, the entire void is blocked by Xiao Yizi, even if you and I attack, we can only attack." Only if we can forcibly break through the blockade of Wanshou Xingchenhe, if that's the case, wouldn't we help outsiders break Xiao Yizi's defense?"

"Don't worry! Brother Yu has his own plan!"

Chen Lin let out a smirk, then took out several black fist-sized objects, and threw them into the space covered by the Longevity Star River.

"Damn! You're ruthless!" Zheng Feng stared at Chen Lin dumbfounded, "You're willing to even take out the Five Elements True Thunder..."

True Thunder of the Five Elements is an extremely rare consumable fairy treasure in the fairy world. The reason why True Thunder of the Five Elements is so precious is that this kind of real thunder itself is to pick up the pure power of the Five Elements free from the sky. The purity is at least [-]%. It is refined by the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth. The most important thing is that the last procedure of the five elements of real thunder is the most cumbersome. It must be continuously tempered in the nine-day thunder pool. Destroyed at this step, it can be said that after countless years of tempering, one hundred five-element real thunders out of a hundred five-element real thunders were destroyed, and only one thousand five-element real thunders were able to successfully temper one Therefore, the finished product of the Five Elements True Thunder is extremely precious.

As for Chen Lin, he threw at least a dozen of them just now.

These more than ten five-element real mines are enough to easily raze a second-order planet to the ground!

Boom boom boom!

"Xiao Linzi is really willing to spend a lot of money, right?" Luo Tian was taken aback by Chen Lin's sudden generosity. The Wanshou Xingchen River was almost about to collapse. Fortunately, Luo Tian once again spent nearly a second-order spiritual vein, The Longevity Star River was used for the last time, and the entire starry sky was once again shrouded by the long river of stars.

Ka Ka Ka!

Luo Tian's body shattered quite a bit all of a sudden, and even his physical body couldn't bear such an intense attack.In the end, it was Luo Tian who communicated with the Tuntian vitality in the Tuntian Pagoda, and just now completely restored the physical body.

"not good!"

At this time, Luo Tian's mind moved, his face changed immediately, and then he took several steps backwards in the void, and then he stopped to look.


Just when Luo Tian backed out, a pothole emitting green smoke appeared directly at the place where he was standing just now, without warning at all.

So strong!This man is a formidable enemy!

Luo Tian's eyes rolled, and he thought to himself, just relying on the opponent's random blow, Luo Tian was a little afraid of the opponent, and the opponent was definitely the strongest among the Da Luo Jinxians.

"It's the Little Saint Immortal with Broken Ruler!"

"Haha, it's time for the devil Han Yi to die!"

"Little Saint Immortal Duanchi, it is said that he is the reincarnation of Saint Immortal Duanchi from ancient times. He is born to be a monster and strong. Now he has begun to comprehend the laws of the Saint Immortal. After he is ready to awaken his supernatural powers, he will directly step over the Taiyi Golden Immortal and step into the Saint Immortal. ! Han Yi will peel off his skin if he doesn't die this time!"

"That's right, tell him to be so arrogant, this one will be even more ruthless!"


Broken ruler little saint?

Luo Tian said lightly, "Since you're here, why do you have to hide?"

"How brave! You are the first Xuanxian who ran away without turning around after hearing my name, very good!"

Suddenly, a tepid voice came from the void.

Luo Tian couldn't help feeling weak all over his body. Do these guys who are born and bred in the fairy world have brain problems?Damn, when you see a strong man, shouldn't you turn your head and run or kneel down and beg for mercy?It's too cheap, right?

"All of you strong men in Tianwang State are like you, I'm afraid the entire Southern Immortal Realm has been pacified long ago." Luo Tian cried weakly.

"Haha, is it too late to flatter you? A monk from Jinzhou?"

"I think you misunderstood what I mean." Luo Tian said with a troubled face, "What I mean is, if everyone in Tianwangzhou is as shameless as you and brags everywhere, I'm afraid that just being angry can make the other party angry." Many died!"

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