
Chapter 695 Tianya Palace and Haijiao Palace


At this time, a whirling nebula-like colorful light suddenly appeared in the void, and it swelled up from the size of a soybean at the beginning, and finally transformed into an ancient palace, exuding an ancient aura from the whole body, and slowly rising from the sky And rise.

In an instant, the entire void seemed to be directly suppressed and sealed by this ancient palace. The boundless space rippled unceasingly, turbulent in all directions, and the space violently rolled and surged like waves.

"A person who pretends to be a ghost is also worthy of being called a little saint?"

The wave light is weird, and the multicolored rays of the sun are bursting out. It seems that few people can see through the original core of the ancient palace at the first time.However, as soon as Luo Tiantuntian's spiritual eyes were activated, he could see clearly the depths of the ancient palace in just a moment. Among the lingering light yellow clouds and mists, a young man in light yellow brocade clothes stood with his hands behind his back in the void. The ancient crown of golden light diffused countless small and soft light curtains, condensing into a brilliant canopy wreath, slowly hanging behind him, like a bright yellow moon!

"come out!"

For some reason, Luo Tian clearly saw the contempt on the face of the broken-foot little saint, and a burst of nameless anger surged in his heart, and then he clenched his right hand into a fist, and punched three times in succession at the ancient palace in front of him!

Longmen Triple Wave!

When this type of supernatural power was displayed, Luo Tian seemed to break through the void in an instant, and even forcibly destroyed [-]% of the restraining circles around the ancient palace. Like a hundred tons of gunpowder being dropped in the air, it rumbled and blasted the void into a void of thousands of miles, and countless strange space turbulence seeped out of it, and some strong men who were too close were even directly involved in it, and were wiped out directly. He didn't even have time to let out a miserable howl.

"You are the barbarian Han Yi from the Western Theater of the Sixth Battlefield?"

The young man in yellow robe raised his eyebrows, walked out from the depths of the ancient palace, and waved his sleeves lightly, the prohibition circle on the ancient palace immediately absorbed and refined the surrounding laws of heaven and earth to restore itself. How long will these prohibition circles be fully restored.

"Xiao Yizi, be careful! This little saint with broken feet is an unworldly genius who came out of the Heavenly King State. He is proficient in the principles of the Great Restoration Technique and the Great Breaking Heaven Technique. He can see through the void with his cultivation. It only took thousands of years to practice Although the peak of Da Luo Jinxian is still some distance away from breaking through to Taiyi Jinxian, but with the ancient fairy treasure that he will get by chance——Tianya Palace, he is unmatched among Da Luo Jinxians!"

Soon, Chen Lin refined countless memories of the Xuanxian of the Heavenly King State he had killed, and finally summed up enough information, and then transmitted it to Luo Tian.

Even if this person's talent is not as good as his own, it's not far behind!

Luo Tian's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at the little saint with broken feet without showing any weakness in the void. In an instant, countless thoughts moved in his mind, connecting all the things in front of him, striving to obtain the most favorable information, so as to Take the initiative in the long river of fate.

Of course, when Luo Tian calculated the way of heaven, he only caught a glimpse of an opportunity, and was almost backlashed by the illusory law of fate in the void.

Even so, Luo Tian also suffered some minor injuries, but he immediately communicated with the Tuntian vitality in Tuntian, and after a few breaths, he immediately recovered.

"This person has a long history of good luck and good luck. Now is not his time of death at all!" Luo Tian's thoughts turned sharply, and he couldn't stop thinking about countermeasures. Even if the Saint Immortal came here in person, it would not be possible to kill him, but it would bring him infinite benefits.

At this moment, Luo Tian finally knew that the evildoers in the fairy world are really geniuses with great background. Most of them are favored by the heavens. It's just to humiliate the other party severely.

"This seat is asking you something!"

The Duanchi Little Saint frowned slightly, snorted coldly, and then didn't bother to say much, and directly slapped Luo Tian lightly.

It seems that a huge palm print appears from the center of the entire void, and the space law in the four directions of the palm print is floating up and down, and there is no change or running track at all.


Luo Tian yelled violently, his whole body was like a vajra glaring at him, he spewed out several shocking sword auras from his fingers, and went straight to meet him, "The bastards of Tianwangzhou, do you really think that with the name of a little saint, you can do whatever you want? I don't agree with you at all. Just kill me, what are you?!"

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian was even more arrogant and arrogant than the Duanchi Little Saint Immortal. This scene shocked all the surrounding Xuanxians, and even the few golden immortals who watched the show secretly shook their heads and sighed endlessly. They all thought that Luo Tian was too sharp and had already looked like he would die young.

"Huh? He has some strength, no wonder he is so arrogant." The face of the Duanchi Xiaosheng changed, and then he sneered, "But Xuanxian is Xuanxian, and he will never know how big the gap is with Jinxian! You This little thing has a bit of Taoism and great luck, so I will seal you directly, imprison you in the Tianya Palace, let you reflect on it, and once the time comes, I will refine you!"

"Although let the horse come over, there is a lot of nonsense." Luo Tian smiled lightly, and said with deep meaning, "But your troubles seem to be coming."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian directly entered the void, started to swim quickly, and kept approaching the Little Saint Duanchi. The immortal beheaded.

Luo Tian's move was really daring to the extreme. The little saint with a broken foot was not an ordinary golden fairy. Even if Luo Tian played all his trump cards, he might not be his opponent. There is no moral dogma that can restrain him!

"You think you can lie to me by doing this? It's ridiculous!" The Duanchi Little Saint closed his eyes immediately, and then began to calculate and rehearse the future non-stop, trying to figure out everything about Luo Tian.

"Duanchi, I didn't expect you to live and go back!"

Suddenly, a thunderous laugh came out of the void, and then a strong man in orange clothes appeared from the void, "Even Han Yi could figure out that this seat was about to appear, but you couldn't detect it. Surprised!"

"Wuwang Xiaoshengxian!"

The pupils of the Duanchi Little Saint shrank violently, and his complexion became cloudy.

Under the feet of King Wu Xiaoshengxian is a long-horned hall that is much smaller than the Tianya Palace driven by Duanchi Xiaoshengxian. Not weaker than Tianya Palace.

"The Cape Hall!"

Chen Lin's eyes were also concentrated, and he murmured, "This is a genius who is as famous as the little saint of Duanchi, the little saint of Wuwang from Tianwang Prefecture! It is rumored that he is a martial artist who plunders the sun and the moon, and he is not the reincarnation of any big man at all. However, he seems to have a unique advantage in martial arts, and he can master any martial arts in his eyes!"

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