
Chapter 697 The target of public criticism

Luo Tian opened his eyes, opened his mouth and sprayed, a long white river ran across the void, and shot towards the bone spear rushing in front of him.

Ka Ka Ka!

Among the fairy treasures that rushed to Luo Tianzhong before, it was not the highest grade, but it was almost the hardest thing, and it was not known what kind of creature's bones it was refined from.However, under the breath of immortal energy that Luo Tian spewed out, he only supported for a while, and within a short time, the long white river would be involved in it. There was a light beep, beep, and finally turned into ashes.

"Give me back the fairy treasure!"

As the long white river that Luo Tian spewed out rolled up into the void, it spread out again at a very fast speed, directly covering many Xuanxian powerhouses who rushed up from behind, and immediately vomited blood and flew upside down many Xuanxian powerhouses All of them were sent flying for thousands of miles.

Whoa whoa whoa!

High in the sky, it was like a torrential rain of magic weapon fragments, and half of the sky against the background was colorful and extremely gorgeous.


Luo Tian stood up and walked in the void step by step. Wherever he passed, the void involuntarily formed countless folds, which looked strange and abnormal.

"If you want to kill me, you want me to pay for the magic weapon. How shameless is this? Whoever stands in my way dies!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian punched out, and a huge cyclone exploded directly in a certain void, and soon, a thin young man covered in white bone armor fell out of it.

"You still want to escape? Stay!"

Luo Tian is like the demon god of the sky, he opened his hand to grab it, but it turned the universe into a mustard seed, and the void was sealed and compressed, and the thin young man in the bone armor felt extremely painful. The look on his face, the whole six-foot body seemed to be directly compressed into a child by Luo Tian's Qiankun Seal, and his height was abruptly reduced by two feet, and the white bone armor with countless pale flames flowing on his body also groaned in pain.

"Great bone burial!"

The thin young man finally found an untouchable opportunity, opened his right hand, and the right hand suddenly lost all the essence of flesh and blood, leaving only a lot of bones, but the palm of the bones was soaring in the void, displaying his last Powerful magical powers come.

Sure enough, once the skinny young man had used such supernatural powers, Luo Tian's Qiankun Seal was finally barely resisted, stopping the momentum of shrinking.

"It's a bit of a way, no wonder you dare to attack me."

Luo Tian sneered, "If you only have these abilities, you will still die today!"

"What a big breath!"

The skinny young man in bone armor laughed angrily, "In this genius battle field, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal can't make me die, let alone you, a little Xuanxian!"

"is it?"

Luo Tian smiled faintly, and strolled in the void, every step exuded a powerful coercion, "Even though I am a Xuanxian, I can suppress you, a Daluo Jinxian, can I kill you?" Dao Xiao, you will know in a while."

Next, the corners of Luo Tian's mouth curled up slightly, and he uttered three words, "Wan Dao Yin!"


The next moment, as if thousands of mosquitoes were chirping in unison, the countless laws floating in the void suddenly trembled and turned into square seals the size of a millstone, and then they kept moving towards the thin young man. It fell down like a dense swarm of locusts, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.


The thin young man seemed to be returning to the light, and he laughed straight away. He laughed instead of being startled. Several kinds of huge monsters were born, they opened their teeth and danced their claws, and changed into various shapes. Hulala displayed their innate supernatural powers. Not the pinnacle.

"Xuan Xian is Xuan Xian, knowledge and methods are too weak!"

The thin young man laughed wildly, "Such a dense attack looks good, but it's not powerful enough to hurt a hair on me!"

"is it?"

Two groups of black vortexes instantly appeared in Luo Tian's pupils, and the two vortexes kept rotating, and soon he noticed some extremely hard-to-find flaws in the bone armor on the lean young man!

"Go to me!"

Luo Tian drew his hands, and the countless large square seals falling in the void fell on the phantom of the monster beast like raindrops, shaking out layers of ripples.

"Haha, what can you do to me!"

The thin young man laughed wildly, his body suddenly swelled up, and he returned to his original appearance in a blink of an eye, and finally completely resisted the aura of Luotian Qiankun Seal.


Luo Tian sneered, and typed out several formulas with both hands, "Come on!"

All of a sudden, the remaining countless large square seals in the air immediately merged into one place, condensing into a large colorful seal with a radius of tens of miles, which fell directly from the sky and moved towards the thin young man to suppress it!

"The power has increased a bit, but it's not enough!"

The thin young man snorted and laughed as if someone had just come by, feeling very contemptuous in his heart, seeing the momentum created by the Xuanxian on the opposite side, he thought he was a peerless evildoer, but it turned out that he was worrying for nothing.


Luo Tian slowly pressed down with both hands, and the big colorful seal flew down instantly, directly shattering most of the phantoms of monsters transformed from the thin young man's body, and finally disillusioned all at once.

The big colored seal instantly changed to the size of a fist, and landed on the lean young man extremely quickly.

"Ah! How come!"

The thin young man let out a miserable wail, his face full of disbelief, "How do you know the flaws in my bone armor?! Who are you!"

"These are not important." Luo Tian's face was neither sad nor happy, "I didn't explain the truth to a dead person."

"You can't really kill me at all!"

"is it?"

In an instant, Luo Tian waved his hand and shot out several streaks of colorful clouds in the void, covering half of the sky.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian took a deep breath, and then a ray of gray-black light directly entered the thin young man's body, and began to trace the thin young man's body from a distance.

"This time I want to save my strength for the coming battle, so I will just wipe out your wisdom and make you demented to death!"

Luo Tian's eyes quickly recovered, and with a flick of his sleeves, he disappeared.

Then, not long after, Luo Tian used his powerful means to kill all the Xuanxian strongmen who were fighting with him for the gray-white round hammer. Among them, he defeated the three early Da Luo Jinxian strongmen again.

In the end, Luo Tian successfully took away the gray-white round hammer.

But Luo Tian has also become everyone's public enemy, because as long as Luo Tian appears, the slightly higher-ranked treasures here will be divided up by Luo Tian and others, and even Da Luo Jinxian can't subdue him.

Luo Tian seems to have become a thorn in everyone's eyes!

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