
Chapter 698 The Change of the Three-Color Disk

Of course, Luo Tian didn't take these people's fear and hatred to heart.The reason why he can achieve all this today is because he is strong enough.If his strength was weak, the corpse would have been frozen long ago.This is the case in the fairy world. Only those who are strong can have enough right to speak, and only then can they be eligible to enjoy privileges.

It's that simple.

"Xiao Yizi, you have become more and more cruel recently!"

Not long after, the three of Chen Lin flew over. Seeing Huang Jin's happy expression, he must have gotten the Zhenyuan futon.

"Is your kid a human?"

Zheng Feng looked left and right around Luo Tian, ​​looked up and down, looking confused, "With the invincible state of the Xuanxian, he can easily defeat the Daluo Jinxian. I am afraid that even the little saints are not far behind. Far!"

"I really don't know how powerful you will be once you are promoted to Da Luo Jinxian?" Chen Lin shook his head with a wry smile and sighed.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, first looked at Huang Jin who was just smirking, and scolded with a smile: "Damn! Let's not talk about me, Huang Jin has obtained the treasure inherited from the Qingtian Giant Clan, and I am afraid that he will break through to Da Luo Jinxian just around the corner. Zheng Feng has According to the inheritance of the Medicine King Valley, breaking through to the Da Luo Jinxian is safe and sound. Xiao Linzi, if what I see is right, you might have been able to break through to the Da Luo Jinxian a long time ago, right?"

"That's right." Chen Lin nodded, and nodded with a surprised expression, "Your eyes are quite poisonous, brother, I have such a little background, and you can see through it."


Seeing that Chen Lin admitted without hesitation, Zheng Feng and Huang Jin couldn't help being surprised.

"What's so surprising." Luo Tian waved his hands and said, "Xiao Linzi was reincarnated and recultivated. The experience and wisdom talents of the two lives are superimposed in one place. Coupled with the background behind him, it is easy to break through Daluo Jinxian. He There may be some reason for the delay in not being promoted until now."

"I didn't want to involve you in this matter." Chen Lin hesitated for a moment, and then said with a firm face, "Because my own situation is extremely special, and I didn't accumulate enough foundation to break through to Da Luo Jinxian rashly, and the consequences would be disastrous. "

"I'm afraid it's because of some powerful families and enemies?" Zheng Feng asked cautiously.

"Stop sniffing me out, kid, play around!" Chen Lin immediately scolded with a smile.

"The three of you quickly followed Xiao Linzi to hide in the void, and several powerful auras came towards us!"


Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he said anxiously.

"it is good!"

Chen Lin nodded resolutely, and then opened his sleeves. Several streaks of light flew out from the cuffs, outlining a small space portal in the void, and stepped in first.

"Xiao Yizi, be more careful!"

At the same time, Chen Lin's voice sounded in Luo Tian's mind.

"Be careful!"

Zheng Feng and Chen Lin also warned with slightly ugly expressions, and filed in.Their ugly faces were not due to anything else, but because Luo Tian had to bear it alone whenever a strong enemy came, and he felt guilty and secretly grateful.

"I can handle it."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and after a little recognition of the direction, he galloped away.

At the same time as Luo Tian moved away, the light curtain composed of rainbows and rays in the sky seemed to gradually dim in color, and finally became fainter and fainter, almost completely dissipating.

"The treasure unearthed is coming to an end!"

"Grandma's! It's Han Yi and those four bastards who messed up the situation. Not only did I not get a fairy treasure, but I was seriously injured! Damn it!"

"Shh! You're not bad, didn't you see that Han Yi can even kill Da Luo Jinxian?"


The breeze is blowing, and the colorful lights in the sky are infinitely agitated.

Luo Tian stood in the void, secretly troubled in his heart.

"It's bitter! It's been a long time since I've harvested anything. If things go on like this, I won't even have enough immortal power to support thirty times the combat power. Why are all the perverts I encountered recently?"

Every family has its cupboard.

Luo Tian also has it. His suffering is that he is too poor. The continuous battles in recent days have consumed nearly [-]% of his spiritual veins. If this continues, as long as he goes through a few more battles, Luo Tian's consumption will still multiply.

"God, let me meet more rich guys!"

Thinking of this, Luo Tian couldn't help but let out a wail, extremely miserable.

"Hey! I didn't expect to meet a fool here!"

"Are you stupid? Is there any idiot who can enter the sixth battlefield? If you say it, you are not afraid of being laughed out of your belly!"

"That's right, maybe it's another cruel guy who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger like the barbarian Han Yi!"


Soon, a team of Golden Immortals came galloping from the horizon. There were four of them in total, one of them was the mid-stage Da Luo Golden Immortal, and the other three were the early Da Luo Golden Immortal. The overall strength was neither high nor low.

Luo Tian didn't move, but he had secretly calculated in his heart that if he fought with all his strength, these four people would not be his opponents, but it would be quite difficult to erase all wisdom.At the moment when his Immortal Spirit casts the spell, at least one Golden Immortal will be able to escape from the opponent.

After just a few breaths, Luo Tian stood there calmly, quietly waiting for the expected breath to arrive, like a sculpture.

"Huh? Is this Xuanxian little guy really a fool? What a breath we are waiting for the four of us, and he actually endured it without changing his face or beating his heart!"

"I guess it has some skills."

"This kid is so rude. It's okay to see the strong Jinxian not come to salute, but he even pretends to be aloof! I'll teach him a lesson!"

"Hey, don't make troubles, we still have important things to do!"

"I'll come when I go!"

Soon, one of the strong men of the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian flew past Luo Tian's head with a sneer on his face, stretched out his big feet, and directly transformed into a giant mountain, stepping down from the void.

Da Luo Jinxian's kick, even if it was a random kick, Xuanxian couldn't bear it, at least he would suffer minor injuries.


With a low shout, Luo Tian turned around slowly, flicked his sleeves, and a gust of wind gushed out like a tsunami.


The big Luo Jinxian who was about to step down was suddenly counterattacked by an inexplicable force, and he couldn't resist it. He retreated dozens of steps in the void before stopping.

"So strong! Where did this monster come from? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Come on!"

Soon, the expressions of the four golden fairies changed, and they all left hand in hand.

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows. If he had encountered such a situation before, he would have killed them directly, but now, he needs to wait for the arrival of two people.

Those two people are the deepest part of the black lotus magic weapon that suppressed the foundation of the world in his body at the bottom of the Tiantian Pagoda, that is, the three-color disc that only appeared once. At the beginning, the three-color disc only absorbed Mount Bodhi His primordial spirit has greatly increased.

But now, Luo Tian even felt that there seemed to be a slight movement in the three-color disc.It can be deduced from this slight change that the immortal soul that Luo Tian possesses today was transformed from this.

These three-color discs are the root of the immortal soul!

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