
Chapter 704 Falling one after another

"Then I would like to ask seniors, who are the three big figures in these three days of Arhats?"

Luo Tian asked urgently.

"Your cultivation level is still too weak now, so it's useless to tell you this." The Robber Xianjun was silent for a moment, and then said lazily, "However, I can be sure that when I left the fairy world, three The great arhat has long since disappeared without a trace, and even some immortals can't figure out their whereabouts. It's impossible to figure it out without mastering the law of destiny!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. Originally, he wanted to gain more experience and knowledge, but now it seems that it seems to be in vain.

"However, what I can tell you is that the Tathagata Pure Land in front of you is owned by Tongtian Arhat, one of the three-day Arhats. Apart from being good at fighting, this Tongtian Arhat is also a rare one in the Buddhist sect and even in the entire fairy world." Grand Master of Artifact Refining, the formation of the Misty Light Tower in this area was made by him, but fortunately, this Misty Light Tower has been eroded for many years now, and its power has been greatly reduced. The former deity came here in person, and the Misty Light Tower is presided over by Tongtian Arhat himself, so it is also very difficult to break through."

"so smart?"

A faint layer of cold sweat oozed from Luo Tian's forehead. This Misty Light Tower was so powerful that even a fairy could not easily enter it.

"What is this? In the heyday of the Lost Light Pagoda, the three-day Arhat personally sat in the town, and more than a dozen immortals all came back without success. Do you think this vital place that protects the Arhat's relics is not easy?" The robber fairy sneered He said, "Even if the power is greatly reduced now, and the Taiyi Jinxian enters rashly, even if he is not careful, his body and spirit will be destroyed. I am afraid that only the holy immortals are likely to leave calmly."

"Since the saints have such abilities, why can't they enter it in person and grab the relics?" Luo Tian asked suspiciously.

"You don't understand." The bandit fairy said contemptuously, "The group of saints are not fools. Even if the power of the Lost Light Tower is greatly reduced now, it is just a superficial illusion. Jun clearly stipulates that Taiyi Golden Immortal and above powerhouses will be killed without permission. What's more, don't you think that this Misty Light Tower is only so powerful, and some of the powerful restraining magic circles in it have not been activated. If there are really tyrannical If the strong enter it, I'm afraid it will directly trigger these prohibition circles!"

"In the final analysis, the danger posed by this Lost Light Tower is still extremely great." Luo Tian sighed, "Those restraining magic circles are still stuck in their throats, and they may be activated at any time. A great figure of the fairy king once blessed them personally." The big formation is also the remnants of the tiger's death!"

"Bastard!" The Robber Immortal yelled, "How can there be such an easy fortune in the world? It's all about forcing. If you are seeking wealth and wealth, you will not have too much achievement if you are not brave enough!"

"Actually, I'm not a coward..." Luo Tian nana said.

"Nonsense! Not only are you courageous, but you are very brave!" The Robber Immortal said angrily, "It is never polite to talk to this deity. If it were before, I would have killed you directly. No matter how many immortals work together to perform the art of reversing time and space, they will not be able to revive you!"

"Scary!" Luo Tian was startled, "Is it possible to be resurrected after falling in the fairy world?"

"Can you be a little more ignorant?" The Robber Xianjun was helpless, "As long as you reach the realm of Xianjun, you can reverse time and space and resurrect the strong, but even if you are reincarnated, you only have one chance in this life. Unable to bear the most original law of heaven and earth, they were wiped out. However, the bald heads of the group of Buddhist sects are powerful. Some of them are proficient in some supreme secret methods, and they can be reincarnated several times. Otherwise, you think that the deity will not prevent you from entering Is it in the Lost Light Tower?"


Luo Tian's eyes lit up, "Senior, are you saying that the supreme secret method of Buddhism that can be reincarnated several times is likely to exist in the Lost Light Pagoda?"

"Of course, otherwise, why did I waste so much saliva with you?" The Robber Immortal exclaimed angrily, "Okay, I am tired and have other things to do, so be careful yourself! As long as you don't get close to the Lost Light Tower Within ten miles, there is absolutely no danger."

"Okay, I remember."

Luo Tian nodded, continued to gallop forward, secretly clenched his fists, and made up his mind, even if he couldn't get the legendary Arhat relic this time, he must get the supreme secret method that can be reincarnated several times!

Possessing such an astonishing supreme secret technique, Luo Tian doesn't have to worry too much about falling. With his current attainment of indestructible primordial spirit, as long as it is not for the immortal king or the holy immortal, he has a great hope of escaping a trace of the primordial spirit. God, so that he can recover to the peak level again!


Luo Tian's pupils narrowed, and he saw the Misty Light Tower standing majestically in the air in front of him from a distance. The Misty Light Tower showed a triangular shape from top to bottom, and the highest point was a tower tip. At first glance, the aura of the Lost Light Pagoda is soft to the extreme, without any dangerous aura at all, but now Luo Tian, ​​who has refined the mirror of life and death, knows that the most proficient thing of the Buddhist sect is life and death. The law, the acme of life is absolute death, once you fall into it, you will sink into it forever, unable to find the opportunity of life, and be annihilated forever.

"The law of life and death, which can break away from the law of yin and yang, has developed to such an extent. I really don't know how powerful the founder of the Buddhist sect is!"

There was a trace of awe in Luo Tian's heart, but at the same time his face changed slightly.

"Someone wants to forcefully pass through the Misty Light Tower? The fastest passage between the two Misty Light Towers is less than ten miles away!"

Thinking of this, Luo Tian secretly slowed down, preparing to follow up secretly from behind to see how that guy ended up. Luo Tian has always believed in the words of the robber fairy, although this guy sometimes does things very unreliably. spectrum, but in this regard, he still disdains to deceive himself.


"Hahaha, it is said that the Misty Light Tower has three closely connected large formations, each of which is composed of 99 Misty Light Towers, and each Misty Light Tower has an earth-shattering peerless divine power. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"That's right. It is said that if you are within a hundred miles of the Misty Light Tower, you will be obliterated by the Misty Light Tower. It is a lie that those bald men use to deceive people! Hahaha..."

"Fellow daoists, it seems that this time we have great good luck! It is said that the Arhat relic is a treasure that can enhance the primordial spirit!"



Luo Tian followed at a distance, using the void assassination technique, and directly disappeared into the void.

fifty miles.

Thirty miles.

ten miles.


Those few strong Jinxians directly entered within ten miles of the Misty Light Pagoda!

Bang bang bang!

Soon, the few golden immortals at the front exploded into a ball of light spots without even reacting, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed. I am afraid that even their bodies have been greatly affected. The most conservative situation Also seriously injured.

"Huh? There are two other golden fairies who are smart enough to hide into the void!" Luo Tian's eyes were sharp, and he saw the two golden fairies at the back all of a sudden disappearing into the void, feeling a little uneasy.

Bo bo bo bo!

Sure enough, after one breath, the space where the two golden immortals who had hidden into the void were located suddenly burst open, and the momentum of the burst was like a tornado sweeping past, sweeping the surrounding void into a mess, and directly spreading out hundreds of times inside.

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