
Chapter 705 No one can save you!

"damn it!"

Luo Tian cursed bitterly, and then the celestial energy in his body circulated rapidly, gushing out, directly covering his whole body, and the whole person shot out directly in the void towards the side, and he arrived in an instant. Thousands of miles away.

Ka Ka Ka!

Just as Luo Tian finished moving, the void behind him was like a shattered flat layer of ice, breaking and shattering one after another, the scene was extremely exciting.


Luo Tian couldn't help but sucked in a breath of air. Looking at the momentum just now, if he swept away by a little bit, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"It's dangerous! Those bastards, if they die themselves, they will implicate others, and they almost got me into it!"

Luo Tian thought angrily in his heart.

A moment later, an extremely faint white light circled in from the Misty Light Tower, broke through the thick clouds and flew forward.

"Haha, with your level, are you worthy of entering this Lost Light Tower? Get lost!"

Luo Tian walked forward for about a meal, when he heard an extremely arrogant and wild laughter coming from the wind in front of him, the laughter was like thunder, roaring continuously in the air.

"Is there a good show?"

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up, outlining the arc of a smile.

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Tian's whole body immediately surged, and a layer of introverted rays of light emanated from his body, and then the rays of light rolled two or three times, and the ever-changing fairy pocket on Luo Tian's body suddenly turned into a thick mass. The white clouds and mist were directly mixed into the clouds, and then the movements and rhythm became the same as the clouds, and the rhythm was exactly the same, and finally drifted forward slowly.

The thick cloud and mist that Luo Tian turned into flew over in a flash, and condescendingly, he saw the sky above an extinct volcano in front of him, densely packed with dozens of people.There are only three of them on one side, but their cultivation bases are all Da Luo Jinxians, two Da Luo Jinxians in the middle stage and one Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage.


With just one glance, Luo Tian understood what was going on in the arena. It seemed that the three Da Luo Jinxians were not just chasing people away, and there were probably other backhands that hadn't been used yet.

"What exactly do the three seniors want?"

An invincible Xuanxian who looked like a leader boldly stepped forward and asked with a slight frown.

"The three of you here are afraid that one of you will accidentally fall in the area of ​​the Misty Light Tower. Don't you know your good intentions?" The big Luo Jinxian with his hands in his cuffs stepped forward, his lips were extremely thin, and he pursed his lips slightly. A cold arc.

"Thanks for the kindness of the three seniors, we appreciate it!"

The mysterious and invincible strong man directly refused without hesitation.

"Hey hey, don't go!"

Next, the only early-stage Da Luo Jinxian strong man in the opponent's trio directly waved his hand and shot a white light, which directly turned into a barrier, directly blocking the opponent's group of people.

"What do the three seniors mean?!"

"It's nothing interesting, I'm just too worried about you, I'm just afraid that something will happen to you in the Lost Light Tower, don't worry, with us here, you will definitely not be in any danger."


Luo Tian wanted to laugh when he heard it outside, these guys are just mean, but they are so shameless.Obviously he just wanted to make a big buck, and he was full of benevolence, righteousness and moral principles.But now that the words are so clear, the fox tails of the three golden fairies will soon be exposed.

"Three seniors, if you have something to say, you might as well speak it out!"

The Xuanxian invincible and strong man who was the leader suddenly changed his face, and said with a frown.

"It's nothing. The three of us are not good people who do good deeds. It takes a lot of risk to protect you. Do you juniors think that we will protect you for nothing?"

"Sorry, we don't need protection!"

The invincible Xuanxian leader directly rejected the opponent's idea. Although he has a very high level of cultivation, he still has self-knowledge. Cooperating with these three golden immortals is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.These three vampires will never be fed.

"Then let them be exiled. If they are lucky, they may still survive. If they enter the attack area of ​​the Lost Light Tower, they may even collapse their bodies!" Another middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strong man laughed.

"Are you threatening us? Don't tell me you have forgotten the rules on the battlefield of genius battles! Jinxian must not attack Xuanxian for no reason!"

"In fact, this is just your one-sided statement. In this area, even the great saints may not be able to easily see through the void and detect our actions. We just want to protect you with good intentions, and you just agreed .It's that simple. Isn't it?"


"You low-level ants, how dare you scold us? Do you want to die? Although I will not kill you, some punishment is unavoidable!"

"Three idiots! I'm the one who's talking, okay? Don't be so damn bloody, I really can't stand you three idiots."


There was a slight movement in the void, and a white light and shadow slowly walked out of the void. It was Luo Tian, ​​who was dressed in white and had an ugly face.

"I also wondered what kind of great person came here. It turns out that he is also a Xuanxian. What are you, you dare to insult us?"

The strong early stage Da Luo Jinxian sneered.


Luo Tian pointed at the early-stage Da Luo Jinxian strong man in front of him, with a face full of disdain, "You bastard, you were originally from Jinzhou, and it's nothing more than hooking up with those guys from Tianwangzhou. I didn't expect you to be with Tianwangzhou This group of bastards are bullying us people in Jinzhou! Do you still want to be ashamed?"

"Never mind your business!"

The strong man in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian shouted with a complexion of red and white, obviously being told what was on his mind, and became angry from embarrassment, "It seems that you are tired of work, this seat will kill you right away!"

"A fool is a fool!"

Luo Tian stretched out his hand lightly, and a cloud of light burst out, directly wrapping the strong man in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian in front of him, and then the strong man in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian seemed to be imprisoned in a cage full of countless weapons , the skin, muscles and bones, flesh and blood, and even hair, were cut into pieces bit by bit.


"Your body will also cease to exist!"

Luo Tian's immortal primordial spirit communicated with the remaining primordial spirit of the other party at once, and directly spent a huge amount of immortal energy to trace the other party's body, directly erasing the other party's mind and turning the other party into an idiot.


Then, Luo Tian kicked out again, and a middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strongman immediately turned into fly ash, was trampled directly into powder, and even the primordial spirit did not escape.

"Who are you? Who are you? With such means, you can be considered number one even in Tianwang State! Why haven't I heard of you before!" The last remaining Da Luo Jinxian mid-stage strongman couldn't help but step back a few times step, shouted sternly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that you are going to die soon."

"You can't kill me! My grandfather is Tengyun Shengxian from Tianwang State! If you kill me, you will die too!"

"Really? Today, I want to let you know that no one will be able to save you!" Luo Tian took a step across, punching the entire body in the void, directly blasting the void behind the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian powerhouse collapsed.

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