
Chapter 706 Rampaging!

But when I saw that void, I couldn't help roaring softly, and there were several unusual brilliance faintly shooting out of it, but they were several jade talismans, and these jade talismans faintly formed a large formation. The strong are going to use the secret method to escape.

But it was discovered by Luo Tian!

"I told you, no one will be able to save you today!"

Luo Tian's eyes were as cold as a knife, and he took a step forward, his whole body was surrounded by layers of gray-black sky-swallowing law, and the domineering aura emanating from that body directly suppressed the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian powerhouse , It turned out to be extremely difficult to move.

"You dare to kill me! My grandfather is Tengyun Shengxian! If you kill my projection clone, I will tell you to die!"

The strong man in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian couldn't help screaming, with a sense of despair in his voice.

"Who said you killed your projection clone?"

Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, "You think I'm an idiot? Of course, I traced your body based on your projected avatar, and killed you completely, don't you understand the principle of cutting grass and roots?"

"Hahaha, are you really insane?" Da Luo Jinxian mid-term powerhouse laughed wildly, "The main body of this seat is naturally guarded by a powerhouse, just because you, a little Xuanxian of the evildoer level, can break through three grand masters. The guardianship of the two holy immortals, Yijin Immortal? Idiots are dreaming!"

"It seems that old man Luo promised me that it's okay for me to run amok in this genius battle field, and he will decide everything naturally." Luo Tian muttered to himself, and then turned coldly towards the guy in front of him whose face had changed drastically. smiled.

"Want to blow yourself up? It's beautiful to think about!"

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and then just stretched out his hand to probe lightly. Several golden hands tore out from the void, turning into surges of surging heaven and earth energy, and kept shooting around the strong middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian.

"You actually!"

The complexion of the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian powerhouse changed drastically, "Even my family's secret method can be stopped, what kind of supernatural power law are you practicing!"

"You just need to wait to die, so much nonsense."

Luo Tian saw that he could no longer extract valuable information from the other party, so he wanted to kill him.

"The strong man of Tianwang State, come and save me!"

Suddenly, this middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strongman raised his head to the sky and roared, blood-colored halos sprayed out around his body, his skin burst, and he looked hideous and terrifying.

"It's kind of sensible."

Luo Tian was not in a hurry to kill at this time, because in his perception, the coming aura seemed very familiar...

"Who dares to touch my Tianwangzhou people? I'm tired of living!"

A loud shout of thunder came down from the sky, and then the void trembled faintly, and a misty light and shadow slowly walked out from it.

"This breath! Could it be the powerhouse of the Little Saint Immortal?!"

The complexions of the Xuanxian powerhouses who were rescued by Luo Tian changed drastically. The Xiaoshengxian powerhouses are all late-stage Da Luo Jinxian powerhouses with unlimited potential. They are invincible on the battlefield of this genius battle. With the coming breath, this Little Saint Immortal is considered a powerful existence among the little Saint Immortal powerhouses!

"I said, wild little saint, how long has it been since I saw you, are you so noble and forgetful that you can't recognize me?"

Luo Tian's complexion changed, he laughed and said, gearing up.

"Ah! This is?! Damn it! I seem to have gone the wrong way! I'm sorry, I'll go now, I'll go now..." The person who came was the extremely fierce wild little saint, and his expression changed wildly. Without saying a word, he turned his head and left without stopping.


Everyone except Luo Tian, ​​including the mid-stage Da Luo Jinxian who was full of joy, froze immediately.

What's happening here? !

The little saint who descended from the other party seemed to be afraid of the ugly man in white in front of him, but it was as if he had seen a living ghost!

"Hey, don't go, don't go, let's get together, old friends!" Luo Tian hurriedly shouted from behind.

"The strong man of Tianwang State! Come and save me!"

At this time, the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strongman began to spray blood circles on his body again, and then roared wildly.

"Damn!" Luo Tian was taken aback immediately, "Even if it's a projection clone, there's no need to waste blood like this, right? You're really ruthless when you're ruthless to yourself!"

Hearing the words, the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strong man almost spurted blood to death, he secretly cursed in his heart, I'm ruthless to your mother, if I didn't want to save my life, who would want to waste blood for nothing?

"Which fellow Taoist in my Heavenly King State is asking for help? This seat is here to help!"

In the void, another voice came.

Even Luo Tian sighed and shook his head, it's no wonder that the strength of Tianwangzhou ranks first in the Southern Immortal Realm, and the Jinzhou Immortal is far behind in this style of fighting against the enemy alone!

"Haha, did you see that? There are endless strong people in my Tianwang State! Who dares to kill me?"


Luo Tian waved his hand without looking at it, and directly tore off the arm of the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strong man, who yelled in pain.

There were gusts of wind blowing in the void. Judging by its aura, it turned out to be another strong little saint!

"I'm here too! Who is calling for help? Damn it! My ears were a little hard just now, I misheard, and there is obviously no one calling for help here..."

The person who came was the Little Sacred Immortal Chaser, and he came and went quickly, coming and going faster than the blink of an eye, and soon disappeared again.

"This is also an old friend of mine."

Luo Tian said helplessly to the stunned Da Luo Jinxian middle-stage powerhouse.


"Bold as hell! How dare you touch people from the Heavenly King State!"

Suddenly, a shout of anger came from the sky, and with the sound, layers of thick fog flew from the distant sky, covering most of the sky in an instant.

Another Little Saint Immortal powerhouse!

"Little Saint Immortal Driving the Mist, I'm here, come and save me!"

This time, the mid-stage Daluo Jinxian finally saw hope, and almost cried out of excitement.

"Get out of here!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, then he raised and turned his palms, and said in a low voice, "Yin Yang seal!"

The next moment, the thick mist was split into two halves, and a drop of blood dripped out of it.But not only did the mist not weaken, but it became stronger.

"court death!"

Luo Tian stretched out his hand, and the mirror of life and death flew out from the inner world, and the red and white beams of light swept out incomparably arrogantly in the void, and fell directly towards the dense fog.

"This is the law of life and death!"

In the middle of the thick mist, sat a thin young man with a pale complexion. His eyes were closed at the moment, and suddenly he opened them, and a pair of purple light burst out from them.

"Who is this person, but in the Xuanxian realm, he can compete with me!"

The thin young man whispered to himself, "Fortunately, I have purple and gold double pupils to protect my body, so forgive him for not being able to do anything to me!"

"Natural Divine Physique!"

As soon as Luo Tian made such a move, he recognized the physique of the other party. In the fairy world, there are countless sacred bodies, a total of [-] kinds, and Luo Tian's five-element holy body is just one of them.Since the opponent has a divine body, it will not be so easy to deal with.

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