
Chapter 707 Slash!

"This person is the divine body with purple-gold double pupils. Once the pair of purple-gold pupils are opened, they can turn everything into purple gold, and then turn it into the energy of heaven and earth and become nutrition to supplement the purple-gold double pupils, adding power to them. Among them, it is considered average.”

Soon, the voice of the Robber Xianjun appeared in Luo Tian's mind.

"It doesn't sound like much!"

Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, but his eyes became more and more cold, turning everything into purple gold?If this kind of supernatural power was placed in the Lingyun star field, even Shen Luoyun would have no choice but to fall, but for Luo Tian, ​​the purple and gold pupils were nothing more than a supernatural power similar to Wan Daoyin.It's just that this purple-gold double-pupil divine body is a divine body after all, and it must have other magical functions.

"Compared to the physical body? Let's see who is afraid of whom!"

Luo Tian smiled lightly, now his physical body is comparable to a high-grade fairy weapon, unless an extremely rare and powerful existence in the sacred body comes, otherwise, Luo Tian naturally has no scruples.

"The juniors below, let go of the grandson of Tengyun Shengxian. Tengyun Shengxian wants to break through to the supreme existence of a half-step fairy. Although you are extremely powerful, it is better not to cause trouble for yourself !"

The cold voice of the thin young man came out from the boundless thick fog.

"Breakthrough? Isn't that why you haven't broken through yet? What's there to be proud of! Why don't you see it like this, can you let me go after that Tengyun Shengxian breaks through?" Luo Tian chuckled and shouted loudly.

"You!" The thin young man frowned, and then he rose up, and as he rose up, the thick mist that seemed to never disperse under him kept flowing away, and finally turned into a gray-white rotating lotus platform .

"Although you are qualified to challenge the Little Saint Immortal, you have not achieved the status of Golden Immortal! If I try my best to lose some vitality, it will be easy to defeat you!" The faster it is, the breath keeps increasing.

"That's a lot of nonsense." Luo Tian curled his lips, and said in a tone that didn't take the other party seriously, "So what if you beat me? Believe it or not, even if you beat me, you'll turn into a pig's head?"

In fact, Luo Tian just said the most conservative result.Now he is not in a hurry to act because he has already felt that the other powerful auras seem to be getting closer.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

The thin young man stepped forward and slapped him on the head without hesitation.

The next moment, I saw countless clusters of thick mist rippling in all directions in the void, unexpectedly implicated countless wind pillars of Dao Yuanli, faintly condensed into a huge shadow, and fell towards Luo Tian.

"It's a little clever, even using the power of heaven and earth to oppress me!"

Luo Tian sneered again and again, and spat lightly in his mouth.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

Once Wan Daoyin was cast, the thin young man suddenly felt that the tide of Yuanli force that he had finally condensed under his body suddenly became disordered and became disorganized. Obedient signs become extremely difficult to manipulate.

The emaciated young man felt a little horrified.

Little Saint Immortal is nothing more than that!

Luo Tian cried out in his heart.

"It's not that simple to be a strong little saint!" The bandit fairy's lazy voice immediately appeared in Luo Tian's mind, "Although this little saint with purple and gold eyes is not your opponent, but it will make you suffer a little bit. It can be easily done with a slight injury!"

"I know!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he took out the mirror of life and death again. The mirror of life and death was suspended above his head, turning into two long rivers of red and white light, which shot out directly towards the thick mist under the thin young man, like two sleeping The blue dragon of countless years roared through the vicissitudes of life.

"The law of life and death! No wonder you are so arrogant!"

The thin young man's complexion changed, and he didn't dare to be negligent at the moment. He slapped his forehead with his backhand, and a light smoke burst out from the Tianling Cap. A gray-white cloak was held in the light smoke, and the cloak just hovered lightly. , it directly turned into a streamer and fell into the thin young man's body.

"Sacred Defense Immortal Artifact! It can even weaken part of the soul's attack?!"

Luo Tian rubbed his hands together, "Interesting, no wonder he dares to speak up. But it's not enough!"

"The seal of Qiankun! Turn Qiankun into mustard seeds!"

Next, Luo Tian's expression was finally a little dignified, and he waved his arms wide open and closed in the void. The boundless mist under the thin young man was suddenly wrapped by the law of swallowing the sky, and finally began to produce a kind of compressive force , a tremor in the void, it has already begun to break!

"What kind of law is this?!"

The complexion of the thin young man changed. He finally knew why the wild little saint and the life-chasing little saint had just arrived and found lame and ridiculous excuses to escape. It turned out that they knew the power of the mysterious fairy in front of them, and even They may have fought!It's ridiculous that I still secretly laughed at the two of them at that time, pretending to be afraid of a little Xuanxian who has a not weak name in Tianwangzhou.

Now, everything is revealed!

The Xuanxian in front of him is really an unworldly monster in the fairy world. If he breaks through to the Daluo Jinxian, I am afraid that the little saints who are not weak like myself are not even qualified to carry his shoes!

No matter what the price is, this person must be beheaded!

At this moment, the thin young man has secretly made up his mind to kill Luo Tian. He is quietly circulating the immortal power in his body, and at the same time communicates with the spiritual veins in the world in his body, preparing to use a powerful secret method!

"Want to kill me?"

Now Luotian's Wan Dao Yin has almost reached the peak of Dacheng, and it is only one step away from being perfect. Of course, perfection is not absolute, and further refinement is needed.However, it is enough to deal with Da Luo Jinxian with the realm that Luo Tian has mastered.

Almost in an instant, Luo Tian sensed the vague murderous intent of the other party, couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and then waved out a holy light formula, covering most of the sky, and at the same time, the mirror of life and death flew directly to At high altitude, countless waves of light began to envelope.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

Luo Tian let out a low shout in his heart, and in an instant he punched out a fast and incomparable punch.

Puff puff!

Ka Ka Ka!

The thick fog in front of him was instantly swept away by Luo Tian's fist wind, and it approached the emaciated young man.The thin and thin young man's gray and white brilliance rushed out immediately, directly resisting Luo Tian's attack, but he was shocked to find that the holy defensive fairy weapon on his body had a little crack under the opponent's blow, although it was visible to the naked eye afterwards. The speed is slowly recovering, but the opponent's attack is inevitably too terrifying!

"It's impossible! How could he increase his combat power so much in an instant! Could it be that he is a monster in the law enforcement team of the fairy world?!"

The emaciated young man was so terrified that he wanted to retreat. On the surface, the law enforcement team of the Immortal Realm belonged to the domain lord and the state lord, but in fact, everyone knew that the law enforcement team was only under the command of the Tian Xing Xianjun of the Southern Immortal Realm. His special skill is that he can instantly increase his combat effectiveness to a very high level.


With this kung fu, Luo Tian has instantly replenished the immortal power in his body, displaying thirty times the combat power again!

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