
Chapter 708

Outside the battlefield of the Genius Battle, in the high sky filled with endless clouds and mist, in the huge palace of unusual size, at this moment, quarrels erupted.

"Luo Yun! Don't deceive others too much!"

An old man with long beard sitting cross-legged on a planet full of clouds and mist shouted angrily.

"What's the matter? What's the matter!" The old god Luo Yun sat on the ground at a high altitude obviously higher than the long-bearded old man, and said leisurely and condescendingly, "I said, old man driving the fog, why do you always have a problem recently? Inexplicable anger, is it because you feel unwell, or is it because you have just broken through to the half-step Xianjun's qi and blood floating too much? How about this, I and Yaoxianjun are old acquaintances, go and ask you for some elixir to relieve anger, you What do you think?"

"Old Luo, don't pretend to be a good person here! There are all discerning people here!" The long-bearded old man was full of anger, "The Xuanxian you guarded is obviously following the path of Lord Tian Xing Xianjun. Bullying! My poor grandson was beaten to death by him like this!"

"What's the trouble? What are you calling for?" Luo Yun finally rolled his eyelids, rubbed his temples, and scolded unceremoniously, "Bullying your old lady! Old man Jiawu, you don't even blush when you say that Jump! Your good-for-nothing grandson, Xiao Shengxian, was beaten to death by an invincible boy of Xuanxian, and he was still bullied by Xuanxian. What kind of reason is this? You old thing has lived to the end gone?"

"You!" The Saint Immortal Driving the Mist rolled his eyes, almost fainted out of breath, and his whole body was trembling, "Come on! Everyone come and judge! Old Luo Yun, this is simply preposterous!"

"Criticism!" Luo Yun snorted, "Everyone here can see this clearly. You can tell right from wrong at a glance. Your grandson is inferior to others. If he dies, he will die. Anyway, you With so many grandchildren, I don't care if one or two die!"

"It's unreasonable!" The sage driving the fog was almost going mad, pointing at Luo Yun and cursing, "Old Luo Yun, you are simply arguing! Even though there are many grandsons in this seat, they are talented enough to cultivate to the realm of the little sage But there are only two of them, and now one has really fallen! It is clearly stipulated in the battlefield of the genius battle that the main body cannot be killed as a last resort, and the Xuanxian will wait for the elders to punish him!"

"Right and wrong, you have your own conclusions." Luo Yun didn't say much, and glanced at the Saint Immortal Driving the Mist, "The elders have seen all this, do you think the elders will see you because you have recently broken through to the half-step fairy realm?" To favor you?"

"Too deceiving!"

"Dissatisfied? This old man only treats all kinds of dissatisfaction!" Luo Yun chuckled, "Old man Jiawu, if you are not satisfied, come out and make gestures. Believe it or not, this old man will destroy you in a short time?"

Immortal Driving the Mist's complexion suddenly became extremely exciting, his face turned red and white at times. To be honest, a saint like him who has just been promoted to a half-step immortal is far from being promoted tens of trillions of years ago. Luo Yun's opponent to half-step Xianjun.If you make a move, it's just asking for humiliation.

"Forget it!"

"Calm down, fellow daoists, let's wait for the resolution of the elders."

"Yes, yes, peace is the most important thing!"


Soon, several Saint Immortals stepped out beside them, and began to persuade the two of them.


"Damn! It hurts me to death!"

In the Pure Land of Tathagata, Luo Tian, ​​who had just killed the thin young man with all his strength, was almost [-]% shattered. He recovered in a matter of breath.

"What? I have wiped out your biggest backer, so you want to sneak attack me on your own?"

Without even looking back, Luo Tian understood all the thoughts of the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian strongman, and then stretched out his palm without hesitation, directly forming him into a ball of meat, and then traced back to the origin of the other party, spending another time Make great efforts to obliterate the other party's wisdom, and make the other party a real idiot from now on. Unless the great master Xianjun personally takes action to reverse time and space, otherwise, no one can save him.

Immortals and great figures can reverse time and space to resurrect a completely fallen immortal, let alone rescue an immortal whose wisdom has been wiped out.

But please Xianjun, who do you think you are?Even if someone can ask Xianjun to make a move, the price will be extremely high, and Xianjun should value that person extremely.Otherwise, Xianjun will not make a move.

"You go."

Luo Tian waved his hands to the group of powerful Xuanxians from Jinzhou next to him, "I suggest that you leave the Tathagata Pure Land as soon as possible. Now I am afraid that most of the golden immortals in the sixth battlefield have entered it, and you will struggle in the future. .”

"Thank you senior!"

"Senior, are you really Han Yi, the barbarian god of Jinzhou?"

"Let's go."

Luo Tian nodded, said lightly, and then stepped out with one step, and disappeared into the void.


Soon, Luo Tian rushed to millions of miles away, and then directly slowed down, restraining the breath in his whole body. If his perception is correct, those few roads just now are definitely not inferior to the wild little saints. The tyrannical aura is galloping in this direction.

"Huh? Where did those guys go?"

Luo Tian looked around, using the Sky Swallowing Eye to see from the sky to the ground, but he didn't find any valuable information.

"It's going to cost money again!"

With a howl in Luo Tian's heart, the Yuanshen directly communicated with the spiritual veins of the world in his body, and then directly burned three second-order spiritual veins. These three second-order spiritual veins were refined into an incomparably thick river of origin force, which was directly swallowed by Luo Tian's sky-swallowing The law dissolved into beams of light as thick as the waist of an ordinary person, and these beams of light appeared directly around Luo Tian's body, and then transformed into magnificent and grand scenes.

"Rewind time and space!"

Luo Tian shouted in a low voice with some difficulty, and finally completed the last formula with both hands.

The next moment, a clearer and clearer picture appeared in front of Luo Tian. The scene on the picture kept going backwards, and was finally pushed back by Luo Tian for several months. Luo Tian saw everything in it .


Luo Tian opened his mouth and sprayed out a bloody arrow, and then he stepped back a few steps in the void, muttering in his mouth, "It turned out to be like this! No wonder..."

Luo Tian just reversed the time and space for a few months, and he was injured himself. One can imagine how difficult it must be for the immortal master to perform a much, much higher reversal of time and space, and how much the price must be paid !

"This group of guys even teamed up to set up a prohibition circle, and still want to eat alone?!"

Luo Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his lips with his hand, "It's really unreasonable not to bring such an experienced master as my brother to rob the relic!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian turned around, and the Tuntian Yuan Qi in his body directly repaired the injuries on his body, and then he stretched out his hands in front of him, and a huge light ball appeared in front of him, which was extremely dazzling.

"Thirty times the combat power! Open it for me!"

Luo Tian took a step forward, clasped his hands tightly, how can such a good thing as grabbing relics be missed?

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