
Chapter 710 Golden Blood Pond

High in the sky, the strong wind roared, sending out waves of palpitating howls.

At the same time, Luo Tian walked in the sky with his hands behind his back, with a leisurely attitude, as comfortable as walking in the clouds and flowing water, and suddenly there was an air of immortality in his whole body, which could not be described in words.

"So, this is what Da Luo Jinxian feels like!"

Luo Tian's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and he said to himself with a smile on his face, the brightness of his smile is comparable to the sunshine in the sky.

In fact, according to the ancient hierarchy of the fairyland, generally only in the Daluojin fairyland can one be able to call the wind and call the rain, or even cast beans into soldiers, so that one can be called a real fairy.You must know that the division of ranks before Daluo Jinxian only appeared in the last few epochs, and it has not been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Just now, Luo Tian was walking in the void, and suddenly he had a sudden whim. The Heaven Swallowing Law derived from the Sky Swallowing Pagoda seemed to have glimpsed the future in such a moment, and in the future, he glimpsed the trace of the scene where he broke through to Da Luo Jinxian. As a result, the two half-golden light flowers floating in the world in his body faintly reached a perfect state. Once they reached perfection, it meant that Luo Tian had completely become a Da Luo Jinxian, and at this moment, Luo Tian from the future I learned that if he breaks through to Daluo Jinxian rashly, even if he succeeds in the end, there will be a trace of flaws, which will cause accidents.Besides, Luo Tian is now able to defeat the masters of the little saints in the later stage of Da Luo Jinxian with the invincible realm of Xuanxian. With his rich background, there are few young strongmen in the entire fairy world who choose to break through the realm at this time. The catastrophe to be faced is too powerful, and the risk factor is a bit too high.

Moreover, if there were other people sneaking up on Luo Tian when he broke through, it would be difficult to deal with it, and Luo Tian would probably fall directly.

After deliberating for a long time, Luo Tian finally made up his mind. He took a deep breath, and then his mind and mind became one, driving all his cultivation bases to directly suppress the desire and consciousness to improve.

Arhat Golden Blood!

Luo Tian's heart suddenly jumped. According to the guy who secretly transmitted the sound, the Arhat Gold Brick seemed to cooperate with the Arhat Golden Blood to enter the central area to obtain the Arhat Relic. where?

What's more, the person who secretly transmitted the voice didn't know whether it was true or not. If it was true, then that's all. A whole body of cause and effect, I am afraid that there will be more variables at that time.

"Then let's confirm whether the news is true or not."

Soon, Luo Tian made up his mind, and with a movement of his body, his primordial spirit and consciousness spread out instantly, covering an area within a radius of five or six thousand miles in an instant, and began to investigate carefully.

"This group of guys from the fairy world can do anything for profit."

The next moment, Luo Tian couldn't help but shook his head and sighed slightly, two groups of people were fighting in the place covered by his spiritual sense, and judging by their ruthlessness, it was probably because of the Arhat Brick.

"Since these guys are already so bad, it shouldn't be considered intentional killing if I perform the soul search technique on them?"

Luo Tian held his chin with one hand, and then said to himself, hundreds of miles ahead of him, a strong man with an early cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian was directly blown away by the opponent, and then the opponent did not give him any chance to resist, directly Step forward quickly, and cast a powerful magical power to kill him with one blow.

As the strong golden fairy was killed, a big hole opened in the void immediately, and a piece of Arhat gold brick and a lot of small things fell out of it, including several second-order spiritual veins. emerge.

"Haha, Arhat Gold Brick is here!"

A joyful expression appeared on the face of the Jinxian powerhouse, and he grabbed it without hesitation.

call out!

At this time, a sudden change occurred!

I saw a white-clothed light and shadow suddenly appearing in the void, slowly emerging, gently grasping the Arhat brick, and layers of law chains suddenly appeared around the body, and these chains danced continuously, striking the opponent's attack Dissolve directly into the invisible.

"My fellow Taoist, I have a question and I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

The light and shadow in white clothes is naturally Luo Tian, ​​he has a sincere smile on his face at the moment, and his attitude is very sincere.

"Talking about your mother! But a little Xuanxian dares to discuss friendship with my peers. If you are sensible, hand over the Arhat Brick to me quickly, and this seat can give you a happy death!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Luo Tian shrugged helplessly. He originally wanted to talk to the other party in a good manner, but who would have thought that the other party's attitude would be so bad, it would simply force him to kill...

"Boy, can you pay? My patience is limited!" Seeing Luo Tian's appearance, the strong Jinxian thought that Luo Tian was talking softly, so he couldn't help becoming more arrogant, and at the same time, he still had Luo Tian in his heart. Kill the plan of making a small fortune.

"Hey, if you don't know how to cherish such a good opportunity, it's no wonder I'm here."

After two or three breaths, Luo Tian sighed softly, and immediately stunned the strong Jinxian for a moment, thinking that this guy hasn't lost his mind, has he?He actually said that he wanted to give Lao Tzu a chance?What is he?Why is he?How ridiculous!


Luo Tian didn't bother to talk any more, and directly punched the opponent into a ball of fleshy paste, then stepped out with one step, moved to the front, and kept grasping in the void with both hands, smashing the golden fairy who was not yet fully formed. The scattered projection avatars were gathered together again, and then started the soul search technique, searching in the other party's primordial consciousness.

"It turned out to be here!"

After a while, Luo Tian's pupils shrank fiercely. He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't even think that the place where the Arhat's golden blood was located was there!

What Luo Tian learned was an area he had bypassed, and that area was nothing special, but it was very strange. There were three obscuring light towers forming a triangular area, which vaguely included an area. , and counting that area, Luotian probably only has less than a hundred miles of activity area, and the three Misty Light Towers are intertwined in an area within ten miles around, which cannot be approached. Only about [-]% to [-]% of the normal range of activities.

"With a range of sixty or seventy miles, it's hard to dodge a random blow!"

Luo Tian frowned and thought about it, and then rushed towards it without stopping.

The central area of ​​the three Misty Light Towers cannot be entered from all sides, only from high altitude or from the ground, and from these two places, only narrow roads meet each other.

There are naturally many immortals who want to get the golden blood of Arhat.

After half an hour.

Luo Tian directly landed in a somewhat quiet mid-air, and looked down with his hands behind his back, only to see that the three Misty Towers below were like three groups of dazzling brilliance converging in one place, exuding a powerful and incomparable light. breath.

"Is this the Golden Blood Pool?"

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