
Chapter 711 The Secret of the Pool Bottom

Golden Blood Pool!

Naturally, it is the central area of ​​the three Misty Light Towers arranged in a triangle. The central area exudes an extremely powerful aura, but there is no sign of attack. This kind of power is the kind of power that is peaceful, at least On the surface, as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke it, you will never be attacked for no reason.

After all, although the Pure Land of Arhats had left the Buddhist sect a long time ago, they still contained an incomparably profound Buddhist way in their hearts, and the Buddhist way has always seldom killed and opened the precept of killing, and their aura is naturally peaceful.

Luo Tian watched for a while, then thought about it quietly for a while, then quickly shot towards the sky.

The path Luo Tian chose is heaven!

Hovering like a bird in the sky for a while, Luo Tian finally figured out a flaw in it. He calculated quietly for a moment, and then carefully landed downwards according to the trajectory he calculated in advance.


Luo Tian made a mistake in his calculations, and even strayed into a restriction, but seeing that restriction suddenly turned into a series of clear and high-pitched Buddhist chants, the mouths flickered and condensed into a loud noise like thunder.

Exploding thunder rang in Luo Tian's ear, Luo Tian's body shook violently, and then he kept walking in the void one after another, exerting all his strength, blasting out a temporary hole in space just now.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

The Buddha Sect's restriction just now had already injured Luo Tian. Now that he had fired [-] times the combat power at the critical moment, the Buddha Sect's restriction was finally unable to withstand Luo Tian's full blow of thirty times the combat power for the time being. The ban blasted a gap.

call out!

Luo Tian's body flashed, and he moved out of the gap, and finally got a chance to breathe, breathing violently, his whole body was covered in cold sweat, like the rest of his life after a catastrophe.

"The Buddha sect is really powerful, and the restrictions left behind are still so powerful after so many years, it is simply the pinnacle!"

Luo Tian couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off his forehead in fear, and finally began to face up to the definition of Buddhism in his heart.For the Buddha Sect, a powerful force that can exist for several epochs, I began to feel awe in my heart.

If there is strength and lawlessness, then naturally it is nothing.To be unscrupulous without strength is definitely courting death.

If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts!

"Looks like you have to be more careful!"

Luo Tian couldn't help saying this to himself in his heart, otherwise he might have died here today.Judging from the prohibition array set up by the group of powerful Buddhist sects, even though it is impossible to truly fall here, the Buddhist sect is good at attacking the soul, and once the main body is involved, it will be a bit bad.

As Luo Tian proceeded cautiously, he finally fell from the sky without any risk, and then landed smoothly over the Golden Blood Pond.

clap clap clap!

Luo Tian looked down from the sky, and saw countless golden and red bubbles growing on the light blue water of the Golden Blood Pond, and then these bubbles kept floating towards the sky, at most no more than Ten feet away, these golden red bubbles exploded in mid-air, turning into a faint fragrance that wafted far away.

"It smells so fragrant, it's like honeydew from flowers!"

Luo Tian took a sip, and then transferred the fragrance directly into the inner world. Even though the fragrance is highly poisonous, the Heaven Swallowing Law can quickly decompose it and dissolve it.

"An ignorant boy with long hair and short knowledge!"

The Robber Xianjun suddenly said something, which really shocked Luo Tian.

"Ex, senior, can you say hello in advance every time you open your mouth? This man is scary, he will really scare people to death!" Luo Tian couldn't help complaining a little, feeling very helpless.

"This deity is for your own good, do you understand?" The Robber Immortal still spoke in that aggressive manner, "Do you know how this golden blood pool was formed? This is the three days of the Pure Land of Arhats. How much manpower and material resources, how long did it take to collect the spiritual liquid refined from the heaven and earth treasures in the fairy world, including the lower world!"

"So powerful!" Luo Tian's eyes lit up, "Then can I get some spiritual liquid into the inner world?"

"Impossible!" The Robber Immortal denied it directly.

"..." Luo Tian was very speechless, since Xin Dao can't be used, then you should say something.

"Although this spiritual liquid cannot be taken away, it can be used directly in the golden blood pool. It is not bad for tempering the primordial spirit." The robber fairy continued, "Of course, the blood in the golden blood pool There are also restrictions on the use of psychic liquid, I would like to advise you, if you need Arhat’s golden blood, you should first refine enough in the golden blood pool, lest you use too much in a while, and you will never have a second chance in this life!”

"I see!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but suddenly realized, and at the same time, he admired the robber fairy, this old guy seemed to know everything.

"Dare to ask senior, how much Arhat's golden blood needs to be refined is enough?" Luo Tian asked.

"The Arhat Brick is naturally able to absorb the blood of the Arhat Gold. You only need to dye half of the Arhat Brick into blood red."

Next, Luo Tian almost died of depression. I don't know if he was unlucky or came too late. In this golden blood pool where he is, there is very little Luohan golden blood. The strength of the bull and the tiger is only three or four drops from refining, and these Arhat's golden blood is less than one-thousandth of the Arhat's gold brick.

Then Luo Tian tried to find some Arhat's golden blood in the nearby area, but he didn't expect that the entire golden blood pool seemed to be separated into individual small areas, and he could only move around in a certain small area and could not go beyond it. .Of course, Luo Tian could also choose to sneak into the bottom of the Golden Blood Pond to refine the Arhat's Golden Blood, but the risk factor at the bottom of the pool is also very high.

"It's hard to come here, how can you give up halfway?"

A precious light flashed on Luo Tian's body, and he immediately left the water surface of the Golden Blood Pond, and then slowly dived down.

After diving about fifty feet, Luo Tian began to refine the Arhat's golden blood. Not to mention, this method was quite effective. After half a day of refining, Luo Tian actually extracted nearly twenty drops of Arhat's blood essence. The immortal energy consumed is quite a lot, but it is still worthwhile compared to the harvest.

Next, one hundred feet, three hundred feet, five hundred feet, eight hundred feet...

When he dived to [-] feet, Luo Tian was still frantically refining the blood essence of Arhat, but soon he found some things that were a little bit wrong. It stands to reason that this golden blood pool should be the same as that of ordinary oceans and rivers. Similarly, the further down, the greater the inexplicable pressure, but Luo Tian was terrified to find that he was too excited at the beginning, but he didn't realize that the further down, the pressure became smaller and smaller.

But the suction is getting stronger and stronger!

Luo Tian couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically.

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