
Chapter 712 Six Buddha Pillars

It's like a swamp, the pressure is naturally very low at the beginning, as it sinks, the suction from below is often more irresistible, and even when you react, the suction has already exceeded yours Control the domain, so let me take advantage of it.

At this moment, Luo Tian seemed to be trapped in a huge swamp. As his body sank, he found that the water below became more difficult to distinguish clearly with the naked eye, and he could even gradually see fish and shrimp in the deep water. Creatures, of course, these creatures are not docile creatures, and all of them rushed towards Luo Tian extremely ferociously.

"The innate animal nature contained in these creatures has not been domesticated yet."

Luo Tian only had to take one look to see the essence of these creatures thoroughly, and then he let his body be dragged down by the suction without hesitation.

clap clap clap!

Even though those creatures are fierce, but with Luo Tian's cultivation level now, the precious light of his body can shock to death the strong below Da Luo Jinxian. As soon as they got close to Luo Tian's body-protecting precious light, they were shaken into a cloud of blood mist, turned into heaven and earth energy and merged into the pool water.

What Luo Tian didn't expect was that these creatures who had only slightly opened up their intelligence seemed to covet his physical body very much. Not only were they not afraid of seeing this, but they rushed up in groups even more ferociously, densely packed like a group of black clouds , a black mass.

If Luo Tian hadn't estimated that using magical powers in this golden blood pool would provoke the counterattack of the restraining magic circle, he might have shaken these creatures into dust with a single wave of his hand.

After a while.

Luo Tian didn't notice any strange perception, so he had no choice but to walk towards the bottom of the Golden Blood Pond.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Tian finally felt that he was still not far from the bottom of the pool, so he quietly revealed a trace of consciousness and went towards the bottom of the pool.

"That's how it is!"

Luo Tian's spiritual knowledge scanned for a moment, then his complexion changed. Under the prying of his spiritual sense, most of the situations at the bottom of the pool were displayed in his mind. There are many giant creatures, including octopuses with countless tentacles, fish that are as big as giant ships, shrimps and crabs covered with scales the size of acres, dragons with one horn on their heads, and countless other Luo creatures. A living creature in the water that the sky has never heard of!

"Although the cultivation base of this group of evil beasts has not broken through to the Da Luo Jinxian realm, but the primordial spirit consciousness has already broken through to the Da Luo Jinxian level, it is really unbelievable!"

Luo Tian's expression moved slightly, his whole body suddenly became blurred and faded, and finally almost disappeared.

"The Variety Fairy Pocket! Turn into a Cancer!"

With a low cry in his heart, Luo Tian's transparent body suddenly appeared from the void. After appearing, it turned into a huge fiery red crab with a length of two feet and a height of five feet. It came from the shape change of the Cancer family in the plane.

The changes are almost the same. Since Luo Tian has the Variety Immortal Pocket, as long as he can see the opponent's figure clearly, he can imitate it even if it is a human race or a demon. But what makes him a little depressed is that this Variety Immortal Dou can only imitate the external shape, but not the inner spiritual aura, otherwise, it would be quite against the sky, even if it is a Dao grade fairy weapon.


At this time, the giant crab that Luo Tian transformed into was finally on the ground and completely reached the bottom of the pool, but he was startled by a dull roar just as he landed.

"Damn! It turned out to be a giant clam!"

The trajectory of the crab appeared in Luo Tian's mind, and he was able to move flexibly immediately. He moved his body in an instant, and then moved forward sideways.





As an outsider like Luo Tian continued to offend other creatures, these creatures shouted and roared in dissatisfaction. However, even though Luo Tian had changed into a cancer, his strength had not weakened because of this. The creatures were also all extraordinary, and they all sensed the dangerous aura on Luo Tian's body, so they just warned him with a roar and didn't make any further moves.

After all, the aura that Luo Tian intentionally exuded was enough to be comparable to a strong Golden Immortal, and these creatures were not fools, so how could they dare to provoke Luo Tian.

"Why are the cultivation bases of the creatures ahead getting higher and higher? If things continue like this, I'm afraid they may encounter creatures of the Golden Immortal level in a while!"

As Luo Tian walked forward silently, he was secretly surprised at the same time. As he walked along, the strength of the creatures became stronger and stronger.

"what is that!"

Then Luo Tian turned over a soil slope that was neither high nor low. With some clear light from the bottom of the pool, Luo Tian saw a group of black shadows towering majestically in the distance. Shadow, can not see the specific appearance and shape.

"Could it be a problem with the light?"

Luo Tian guessed secretly, and then he had to continue to bite the bullet and move forward. In his opinion, this place is full of weirdness everywhere. This kind of weirdness really made him feel a little scared, but he couldn't tell any reason.

"Leave—leave—you are not qualified to approach here!"

Luo Tian was happily approaching the group of black shadows in the distance, but there was a roar in his mind, extremely angry.

"Yo, still young Liwen?"

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, and then cursed in a low voice with Qing Liwen, "Get lost!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian stretched out his huge pliers, and straightly moved forward horizontally.

A muffled hum came, and then a layer of silt gushed out from the bottom of the pool, making the pool water blurry.

Sometimes, some people just need to use force to deter them!

After being intimidated by Luo Tian's strong tactics, he went all the way unimpeded, and no one dared to scold or stop him, which made Luo Tian feel a little proud.


Suddenly, a buzzing sound came from the group of black shadows in the distance, and then, the buzzing sound quickly spread to every corner of the pool bottom, and then, what surprised Luo Tian was that those who didn't care Creatures who were cultivating in closed doors or pretending to be dead jumped up one after another, ran towards the group of black shadows with a whoosh, and quickly rushed past him.

"Damn, if you want to surpass me, there is no way!"

Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, and then shot out quickly with his body sideways, flying three or four feet off the ground.

About half an hour after Luo Tian ran wildly, he finally found that the speed of the creatures in front of him had slowed down, and he could finally see clearly what the group of black shadows were.

Buddhist pillars!

A total of sixteen Buddha pillars supporting the sky stood tall, as if they could support the strength of the entire sky, standing proudly at the highest point of the bottom of the pool. Around the Buddha pillars, rainbow lights, golden flowers and fairy music appeared constantly.

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