
Chapter 719 Blow to death in one breath!

"Why are you bothering?"

Chen Lin sighed heavily, but his eyes were full of mist. Since he was reincarnated and rebuilt, few of his original relatives and friends would agree with him. After all, he no longer has the glory of the past, no matter how hard he works, Some people in the family disapproved of him.

Chen Lin saw all this, so he could only secretly swear that sooner or later this group of idiots would realize that what they did today was completely wrong. Therefore, he kept traveling and rarely returned to the family, just for the sake of his heart. This one insists.

It is a pity that after reincarnation and recultivation, Chen Lin's talent is stronger than that of his previous life, but his luck is too bad. No matter how hard he cultivates, the growth rate of his cultivation is only faster than that of ordinary immortals. More like an ordinary genius.There is still a distance from peerless geniuses, let alone those monstrous geniuses.

Therefore, Chen Lin has always been very arrogant in his heart, and he hardly has any friends. He lives so proudly, even if he dies.

"You two brothers, I, Chen Lin, admit it, but now I have used the secret method of burning jade and stone together, and I am afraid it is too late to stop." Chen Lin smiled sadly, "Even if I, Chen Lin, die, I will Stand up and die! If you want me to succumb, don't even think about it!"

"Hurry up and stop!"


Zheng Feng and Huang Jin yelled loudly, tears were about to come out, "You must not blew yourself up, although you won't really die if you blew yourself up in this genius battle field, but it is enough to make your cultivation step back a bit. level or even more! This is simply not worth the candle!"

"I've made up my mind!" Chen Lin smiled lightly, as if he had let go of everything, "You two will look for opportunities to escape later, hurry up and find Xiao Yizi, with him here, he will naturally avenge me, this group of hateful people You bastard Jinxian, they are dead!"

In the endless void in the distance, a figure slowly emerged, with a sneer on the round face, "It's a dream to die with this seat. But for the sake of the Arhat Brick, let those few A guy who plays forward is a little frustrated, so as not to think that he can do whatever he wants with his seat in charge!"

Then, the round-faced young man suddenly moved, and an incomplete golden arch bridge appeared above his head. The arch bridge drew semicircular arcs of light and then disappeared suddenly.

In front, the three golden fairies looked at each other with livid faces, all without saying a word, they seemed to be communicating with each other through voice transmission.

"Damn it! Do you really think that you can deter the other party by being the little saint?"

"That's right! Still putting on a high air, thinking that you are the Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

"Bah! The Taiyi Golden Immortal can already reverse the five elements, how could he fail to catch up with those three Xuanxian little fellows? It seems that he is trying to make us look bad."

"The most unbearable thing for me is that the three Xuanxians will be found later, but the little Shengxian will definitely want an Arhat brick."


"Hahaha, let's see where the three of you escape this time!"

Soon, the three golden immortals detected the whereabouts of the three of Chen Lin, and couldn't help tearing apart the void and rushing over. As soon as they appeared, the three of them immediately exerted a powerful golden immortal pressure, and firmly suppressed and blocked the void in front of them .

"Hey, are these three guys dumbfounded? It's so stupid to stand motionless!"

"It's definitely a stupid thing!"

"Wahhahaha, the Arhat Brick is finally here!"

"Wait! How could the aura on his body be so weak, no, his aura has recovered again!"

"Could it be that he has a drop of the power of an immortal monarch?!"

"Don't be kidding! How precious is the power of a fairy. Looking at the entire fairy world, there are only a handful of Xuanxians who have the power of a fairy, that is, the number of less than two hands. How is this Xuanxian in front of me possible!"

"Damn it! Run away! This guy is so crazy, he's going to blow himself up!"

At this time, Chen Lin looked up at the three golden immortals who were about to tear through the void and escape, with a mocking smile on his lips, "Since I want to self-destruct, I won't let you escape from the self-destruction range in a short time. I will stay!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin opened his hands together, and grabbed the void like a dustpan, and the space within a thousand miles was immediately shrouded in layers of seven-color rays of light.

"It's a semi-sacred consumable fairy treasure!"

The three Golden Immortals shouted with eyes wide open, unless they possess the holy treasures of the consumable fairy treasures of this level, it is absolutely impossible to escape in a short while.

"If you want to blow yourself up, I will kill you first!"

One of the golden immortals immediately turned red-eyed and swooped towards Chen Lin.

"Come on!"

Chen Lin split his hands, and immediately pushed the red-eyed Zheng Feng and Huang Jin into the void, "Remember my words! If you live, you will have hope!"

Next, a strange scene happened!

Zheng Feng and Huang Jin who were supposed to disappear into the void were suddenly thrown out of the void.

"Who is this person, who is able to deceive himself and get close without being discovered by us!"

All of a sudden, everyone present, including the little saint who was hiding thousands of miles away, was stunned, as if they saw something incredible.

"Brother is not here, you are in such a miserable situation, it really makes me sad!"

Immediately, a teasing voice rang in the ears of Chen Lin and the others.

"Xiao Yizi!"

The three of Chen Lin looked up to the sky and shouted.

"Don't care about Xiao Yizi and Xiao Nanzi, no matter who comes, he will die!" The big Luo Jinxian who rushed over felt a little bit of the aura emanating from the darkness, and was happy, but he was another Xuanxian. For concern.

"You dare!"

In the void, a faint white light and shadow appeared in front of Chen Lin, frowning slightly, he said, "How could they force you to such an extent? These people should die!"

"Thirty times the combat power! The power of a fairy!"

Luo Tian displayed the strongest combat power at once, and waved out countless formulas, which turned into countless light bars and poured into Chen Lin's body, suppressing Chen Lin's self-explosive secret technique, and finally disappeared invisible.


Chen Lin spat out a bloody arrow with his mouth open. Although his face was pale, he would not explode himself on the spot.

"Fortunately, with the help of a part of the power of the reincarnation channel, otherwise it would be really difficult to pull Xiaolinzi back from the brink of self-destruction!" Luo Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then shot two cold lights out of his eyes, looking at Jin who charged over. fairy.

"The speed is pretty fast." Luo Tian lazily moved forward with his hands behind his back, and stood in front of Chen Lin and the three of them. He opened his mouth and sprayed, and a powerful and domineering immortal energy shot straight out, like a white sea wave thousands of meters high, washing away and go.


The Da Luo Jinxian who rushed over was about to easily break through the prohibition circle that Chen Lin had arranged before and approached, but was blown to death by Luo Tian who suddenly appeared!

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