
Chapter 720 3 Squeeze Hell!

The next moment, everyone was stunned.

Blowing Da Luo Jinxian to death in one breath, ordinary Taiyi Jinxian would definitely not be able to do it. A Xuanxian can reach such an astonishing level, which naturally belongs to the ranks of geniuses at the level of monsters.

And this kind of evildoer, even a saint would not dare to punish him too much.After all, those geniuses who have reached such a level have already been snatched away by those immortals as disciples!

"Xiao Linzi, Xiao Huanghuang, hurry up and give me a quick look. Is my brother's old eyesight blurred? I have hallucinations!"

Zheng Feng muttered in a dazed manner.

"Oh! You two are so ruthless, you even hit my handsome face!"

Then Zheng Feng's screams came out, and he yelled with a pair of panda eyes on his face, "How come Xiao Yizi hasn't seen him for 20 years, and his cultivation has soared to such a level, is he still human?"


Chen Lin and Huang Jinqi shook their heads and replied, "He is a pervert, a super pervert!"

"I said, we don't bring this kind of thing. I'm working hard in the front, and the three of you are still talking happily in the back. It's too shameful! Come on, this golden fairy still has some good things, except for the spirit veins. It's all given to you!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian, ​​who was very upset, waved his hand, and the things in the split void in front of him moved directly to Chen Lin and the three of them, "You can choose your own, and I will not be disrespectful to the spirit veins, after all, I am too poor recently!"

Afterwards, Luo Tian snorted coldly, and then disappeared directly in place.

"This guy." Chen Lin couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Every time I see him, his cultivation has inexplicably increased, but he has become poorer and poorer. It's really strange to the extreme."


Zheng Feng and Huang Jin said in unison.

"Not good! Run away!"

All of a sudden, Chen Lin shouted with a changed expression, and saw a cloud of spiritual clouds rushing out of his heavenly cover, immediately enveloping Zheng Feng and Huang Jin, and was about to disappear into the void.

"You haven't reached the status of Daluo Jinxian, but you can easily tear the void and shrink it into an inch. It seems that this treasure of yours is undoubtedly a holy treasure, so let's keep it as a small compensation for this seat."

In the void, an arched golden light descended quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the three of Chen Lin, and then a big golden hand quickly separated from the golden light, and grabbed the top of the three of Chen Lin's heads very quickly.

Puff puff!

Soon, the blossoming clouds transformed from Chen Lintian's spiritual cover swelled a little, collided with the big golden hand, and made a dull loud noise, like the vibration of a war drum, which made Chen Lin's ears hurt. Almost oozing blood.

"Be careful! The other party is a little holy fairy, and he also has a sacred treasure of the soul attack, which is very powerful!"

Chen Lin couldn't help roaring.

"Nothing, no way, three thousand karma will form a golden bridge!"

A round-faced young man walked out of that golden light, and he seemed to be wearing a golden robe, and brilliant golden light kept flowing on the robe, emitting rays like the sun.

The round-faced young man came up and stepped down on Chen Lin and the three of them. A huge foot suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the foot stepped down with a bang, shattering the void and collapsing it.

A strange scene happened!

I saw the round-faced young man stepping out, and countless golden lights appeared under the soles of his feet. These golden lights kept wandering in the void, and finally turned into golden arch bridges, crushing towards Chen Lin and the three of them, emitting bursts of light. There was a loud noise of friction.

"Prepare to use the strongest means, and at most I can support a cup of tea!" Chen Lin shouted again with an ugly expression.


"The villain of the Luojia plane, don't think that you can do whatever you want with a piece of the Naihe Golden Bridge!"

There was an angry laugh in the void, and then a white light and shadow fell on the sky above Chen Lin and the three of them like light and electricity. With a slight shake of the sleeves of the robe, a burst of vigorous force immediately dispersed, hitting the countless golden arch bridges directly. Became shattered nothingness.

"Who are you?! You know the plane of Lorja!"

The round-faced young man's complexion suddenly became ugly.

The white light was Luo Tian, ​​and he ignored the round-faced youth, and then stretched out his hand to swipe at the void, and the void in front of him immediately split open, and countless things floated out of it.

"Xiao Linzi, the three of you will share it."

"Hmph, the Luojia Plane Ascension Immortal Realm's power is located outside the northern and southern immortal realms, but is it more personal to the northern immortal realm?" At this time, Luo Tian finally had the time to talk to the round-faced young man, and turned around slowly, his eyes sharp like a falcon's. , giving a great sense of oppression.

"You don't need to say more about this!" The round-faced young man said with a slightly ugly expression, "Our Luojia sect has always been relatively neutral, and our relationship with the Southern Immortal Realm is actually better, otherwise we will not be able to enter the battlefield of the genius battle this time!"

"It's nothing but grass." Luo Tian waved his hand and said, "In your Luojia Sect, there was a woman named Zhou Qing who ascended from the lower realm 2000 years ago? If you can tell me about her, I will make an exception today. Spare your life."

"Zhou Qing?" The round-faced young man rolled his eyes and began to recall, and laughed after a while, "So you are the concubine of that bitch Zhou Qing, and I still treat you as the heir of some important person. You die!"

After finishing speaking, the round-faced young man circled his hands, and a golden light circle the size of a millstone appeared in front of him, with ancient runes floating on it.

"The Gate of Naihe!"

"You can go to hell." A smile appeared on Luo Tian's face, but there was no smile in those eyes, instead there was a piercing coldness!

Speaking of which, this round-faced young man committed suicide. He said something bad, and even scolded Luo Tian's mother in front of Luo Tian. Luo Tian's killing intent!

"A little mysterious fairy, even if you have all kinds of means, can you still kill me?" The round-faced young man laughed loudly, "Look at you, although you were able to kill the golden fairy before, but that was just an ordinary golden fairy , this seat is a little saint! Now that this seat is on guard, you still want to use that magical power secretly to attack and kill this seat? It's ridiculous!"

"Three strokes of hell!"

Luo Tian shouted in a low voice with no expression on his face, then stretched out his right hand, and pressed three times lightly in the air directly at the round-faced young man from a distance.

Soon, the light and shadow of sixteen Buddha pillars emerged around Luo Tian, ​​and he stood faintly in the center of the light and shadow of the Buddha pillar, with a strange-looking black vortex floating behind him.

The three hells are exactly a kind of supernatural power that Luo Tian realized from after taking charge of the small reincarnation. Once this supernatural power is used, the opponent is like being in hell, and it goes back and forth three times, which is enough to wipe out even the primordial spirit.

"Don't think you stole some Buddhist supernatural powers from somewhere and come here to pretend to be a ghost, and you can't scare me!" The round-faced young man snorted coldly.

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