
Chapter 729 2 in a row 3!

Luo Tian and Chen Lin are both extremely powerful now. Hearing that someone in front of them has obtained the Arhat relic, their speed is further accelerated. With divine consciousness, he quickly found the correct direction by following the clues.


Luo Tian and Chen Lin suddenly appeared in the void, and then quickly broke through the billowing clouds and mists below them. After circling for a while, they swooped forward at an extremely fast speed, without any breath dispersing.

From this, we can know just how terrifying Luo Tian and Chen Lin's current strength has reached.Generally, the soul, consciousness and breath condense in the body and stay in the body, which is only possible for a strong person at the level of Taiyi Jinxian to reverse the law of the Five Elements Transformation Dao.

Chen Lin has a rich heritage and was trapped in Xuanxian for countless years. Now he has an opportunity to advance directly from Xuanxian to Xiaoshengxian.But Luo Tian is not the case. If it is only about the cultivation level, Luo Tian can easily kill the Little Saint Immortal, but compared with the primordial spirit consciousness, Luo Tian is already a little powerless. He can have the current primordial spirit cultivation level. Naturally, it is thanks to the blessing of the three-color disc in the black lotus magic weapon.

Therefore, Luo Tian paid great attention to the throbbing of the three-color disc.If the three-color disc leaves on its own one day, it may be a considerable blow to Luo Tian, ​​and at least [-]% of its overall strength will be cut off.

In the air, the billowing thick white clouds and mist separated towards the two sides by themselves. Luo Tian and Chen Lin stepped out of it, and then each cast their magical powers and looked forward.

As far as they could see, Luo Tian and Chen Lin found that the laws of space in front of them were extremely chaotic. The torches sent out explosions in all directions that seemed slight but were surprisingly powerful.

And in this space, at this moment, there are many bright lights moving rapidly, avoiding those explosion areas by themselves.Moreover, if you look carefully, you will find that the strong men who emit these brilliant lights are all strong men of the Da Luo Jinxian series without exception. Shot to attack, and some tried to avoid it as much as possible, too lazy to pester.

"Xiao Linzi, did you see anything?"

After a while, Luo Tian slowly looked away, and the black vortex in his eyes disappeared immediately.

Chen Lin frowned slightly, and said with a wry smile: "Why can't you see it! Those brilliant lights seem to have no rules to follow, but as long as they combine their trajectories, you can find that their goal is——"


Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and then shouted in unison.

"It seems that the Arhat relic was really unearthed, otherwise it would be impossible for each of these strong men to have a trace of killing intent." Chen Lin shook his head and chuckled, "I refined a trace of the origin of killing, the perception of killing intent It can be said to be extremely sensitive, they can hide it from other people, but they can't hide it from me."

"Why don't we go around?" Luo Tian chuckled and made a wretched suggestion.

"Good idea." Chen Lin clapped his hands and laughed.

Soon, the two wretched guys hid their bodies and breaths, and moved quickly towards the northeast from the side.

Luo Tian was inside, Chen Lin was outside, and the two of them, one outside and one inside, worked handily.

Coincidentally, just as Luo Tian turned a corner, he sensed a looming aura galloping across from the front left.

"I guess I just happened to be passing by." Chen Lin blinked, and transmitted his voice to Luo Tiandao.

"I hope so." Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and then he clenched his fists tightly. The celestial power in his body circulated rapidly, and immediately raised his whole body to the peak, just in case.


Suddenly, a sharp scream spread out from the void, and it came to Luo Tian and Chen Lin from a distance in an instant.

Luo Tian and Chen Lin didn't even have time to react, the void was covered with white feathered arrows like locusts, the white feathered arrows were quite powerful, they just whizzed and rolled over layer by layer, and the void was crushed riddled with holes.

"Damn, it really came for us!"

Luo Tian let out a low snort, and then launched the attack he had prepared a long time ago.

"Yin Yang seal!"

"Qiankun Seal!"

His hands danced quickly in front of him, and the Yin-Yang seal directly cut open the void, as if a huge mouth had grown out of the void, swallowing the white feathered arrow into it, and then Luo Tian's next Qiankun seal directly opened up the space where the other party was. Suppress the blockade, and then turn the universe into a mustard, pulling the opponent to the front at once.

"Dare to sneak attack our brother, die for me!"

After that, Chen Lin's two-handed technique was also completed. A huge blood-colored token fell from the sky, and it fell directly on the white light and shadow that was all over the body, making a loud noise like the symphony of gold and iron.

"You two bastards! How dare you kill my third brother, do you think our witch religion Li people are easy to bully?!"

The white light and shadow slowly converged, like a halo of erratic light, barely resisting the bloody token. Looking at the person's real body and words, one can deduce that this is another little saint from the Li clan of the witch religion.

"No wonder the speed is so fast, he is actually a descendant of Dijiang, a descendant of the Twelve Ancestral Witches in ancient times." Luo Tian smiled lightly, his tone suddenly changed, "However, don't talk nonsense! Go back and ask the little saint of Sanli , who is going to make the first move between us? Li people are really more and more disappointing when they confuse right and wrong."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian opened his five fingers, and five mountain peaks gathered in the void immediately, and slammed down fiercely on the strong man in the white animal skin skirt below.

"Hehe, it's useless, your attacks are of no use to me, Little Saint Immortal Si Li!"

The strong man in the white animal skin skirt turned out to be the Si Li Little Sacred Immortal of the Li Clan of the Witch Cult!

"Xiao Linzi, how many little saints are there in this Li tribe?" Luo Tian sent a voice transmission to Chen Lin while attacking.

"It should be nine."

"..." Luo Tian couldn't help being a little speechless. The background of the Li Clan of the Witch Cult is truly extraordinary. Nine little saints have emerged in this generation. If there is no accident, these are nine future saints, and even among them Someone can see the opportunity of the half-step fairy!

After all, there are not many Little Saint Immortals in the fairy world.

"Quick battle and quick decision! Two more auras are coming here!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly and he shouted.

"it is good!"

Chen Lin responded, and then opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, "The cage of blood!"

In an instant, a cage completely composed of blood light quickly emerged in the void, directly trapping the little saint Si Li in it, and began to attack the protective light outside his body.

"Ten times the combat power!"

Luo Tian murmured in his heart, and then he didn't bother to test the opponent's strength anymore, and directly played ten times the fighting power. Before the little saint of Sili had even had time to sacrifice the fairy treasure, he was smashed by the joint blow of the two, and then fall.


Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, then broke through the void and left quickly.

Not long after, two piercing sounds came from the void, and soon two figures appeared. The two of them just glanced at each other, and their faces twitched.

"Savage God Han Yi, Little Saint Immortal of Blood Order, I, the Li Clan, will never end with the two of you!"

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