
Chapter 730 The Terrible Source of Incense!

"Whether you finish or not!"

In the void in the distance, Luo Tian's face moved, then curled his lips, stretched out his fingers and twirled lightly, the void near the place where the Si Li Xiaosheng fell just now, leisurely split open, and a fist-sized hole appeared. From it, a ray of light condensed by the Heaven Swallowing Law slowly flew out, and finally pierced through the void and disappeared.

"If you don't finish with me, you will have the consciousness of falling."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and the posture of his fingers changed again, and finally retracted quickly.

"You bastard!"

Chen Lin said with a wry smile, "The Li clan of the witch religion is not so easy to provoke. I feel that you are going to be safe if you offend all the powerful people in the sixth battlefield."

"It's all done now, even if you want to regret it, it's useless." Luo Tian pretended to sigh, "Actually, these strong men of the Li tribe of the witch religion are quite cute, at least they dare to love and hate, even if they turn bad, they are true A villain is better than those hypocrites who are full of evil!"

"Come on, don't waste time."

Chen Lin rolled his eyes, and then took the lead to cut through the void and leave.

Luo Tian hurriedly followed from behind.

After a long time.

"Isn't it?"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin hid in the void, staring dumbfounded at the tragic scene in front of them.

"For an Arhat relic, what kind of life is it!"

Finally, Luo Tian who came back to his senses said with a sigh.

"Hey, you don't know something." Chen Lin shook his head and said, "Arhat relics may not be of much use to you and me, but for those strong people who have cultivated to the Golden Immortal by their own strength and have come to today , too much effect. Just imagine, they don’t have a big background, they don’t have enough resources, and they have to rely on their own hands to fight for everything, to fight and grab it, and they have no other choice.”

"It is infinitely more difficult to survive in the fairy world than in the lower realm." Luo Tian finally couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Before coming to the fairy world, which monk in the lower realm was not eagerly hoping that one day he would be able to ascend to the upper realm and the immortal realm .It's like a dream.But when Luo Tian personally ascended to the fairy world, he realized that the fairy world is not as beautiful as in his dreams...

"What? Regret it?" Chen Lin glanced at Luo Tian and laughed.

"That's natural!" Luo Tian immediately said righteously, "With my talent and cultivation, I can live a comfortable life in the lower realms for at least a few million years, and in the lower realms, I'm all my own people, the feeling of the emperor How wonderful..."


Chen Lin slapped Luo Tian with a displeased face, and slapped Luo Tian directly on the back of the head, "Wake up, kid, stop dreaming!"

"woke up."

Luo Tian glanced at the field with a bitter face, "Let them fight for it first, the first Arhat relic, there are many strong people who want to get it, there is no shortage of the two of us. "

"Then what do you mean?"

"There will be many more in the future."

"So sure?"

"Personal feeling, speculation, speculation, hehe."

"My grass!"


Sure enough, the scramble for the first Arhat relic quickly entered a fierce stage. Luo Tian and Chen Lin watched for a full hour or two. The battle for the scramble was not over yet, but dozens of Golden Immortals had already fallen. Among them, more than ten Xuanxians have fallen.Speaking of which, these Xuanxians were kicked in the head by donkeys. In such a fight, they still want to take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters. It is not normal if they don't get killed.

In the end, when the first Arhat relic was still being fought for, the distant sky was shining with golden light again and again.

This time, without even thinking about it, Luo Tian and Chen Lin moved directly in the void to the place where Jin Guangxia appeared. Since the two of them did not have any worries and worries, and because they were extremely fast, they were able to catch up with each other. When they arrived, there were only three or four nearby Jinxians and a Xuanxian, and the rest of them hadn't had time to rush over.

"It's Arhat Sari!"

Luo Tian's two people are so cultivated, they only need to look over to see clearly the things in the golden light.


Luo Tian immediately rushed out of the mirror of life and death in the spiritual cover, and the red and white light beams intertwined in the void, and swept out at once, illuminating the front so brightly that it cannot be described in words.

In the void, the laws of life and death are jumping and shining, unstoppable.

Chen Lin swayed, and countless blood shadows appeared behind him. These misty blood shadows were blurred at first, and they were independent. Soon, these blood shadows surged and flew in the void. It shoots like a stream of light, and then condenses under Chen Lin's feet layer by layer, turning into a huge flower that is completely condensed by the blood-colored token. As it continues to move forward, the laws of heaven and earth in the void are partially involved by the blood-colored giant flower. assimilation.

"The law transformed from the source of killing can even assimilate the law of heaven and earth, and it is about to catch up with my law of swallowing the sky!"

Luo Tian glanced at it and sighed like this.

"Catch the fart!"

What startled Luo Tian was that the bandit fairy suddenly said, "Although the killing law is not ranked high, its power can at least rank in the top ten among the three thousand roads and thousands of trails. But one thing is, practicing the law of killing, it is easy to go crazy, and if you go crazy in the understanding of the law, it will be wiped out in ashes. This friend of yours is taking an extremely dangerous path of cultivation! Compared with you living the Dao out of thin air, there is nothing comparable sex!"

"Xiao Linzi is not my friend." Luo Tian shook his head and said, "It's a brother."

"Okay, brothers are brothers, but this deity warns you, you'd better not refine the Arhat Sari."

"Why?" Luo Tian asked.

"You will know as soon as you get the Arhat relic, but your brother can refine it a little bit."

After the Robber Xianjun finished speaking, he fell silent again.

"Step aside!"

A total of four relics appeared in the golden glow, and one of them was very close to Luo Tian. When Luo Tian approached, one of the golden immortals immediately issued a warning to Luo Tian.

"Didn't this guy see that I have a holy treasure?" Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, thinking speechlessly, but no one dared to stop him when he turned his head. After all, what Chen Lin revealed was the little saint. Fairy breath.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with a holy treasure!"

The golden fairy still shouted in a dignified manner, "A little Xuanxian is not qualified to touch the Arhat's relics!"


Luo Tian spread out his hands and put away the Mirror of Life and Death, "Is it okay now?"

The Golden Immortal on the other side was stunned, not knowing what Luo Tian wanted to do.

"Find a fight!"

Luo Tian punched out without hesitation, directly punched out, annihilating the golden fairy's protective light at once, and then he punched three left and three right, aiming at that golden fairy fiercely. Thumping, directly beat the opponent until his nose is blue and his face is swollen.

However, the other party has no strength to resist...

call out!

Luo Tian strolled in front of Arhat Sari, and grabbed it with his hand, and the power of swallowing the sky penetrated into it, but his face suddenly changed!

"What an Arhat relic! What a terrifying source of incense!"

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