
Chapter 731 The peerless evildoer, Ling Ruochen!

Luo Tian's heart sank, and he finally realized that this Arhat relic was not as simple as the rumors said, but the causes and effects involved in it were extremely complicated. Half an era has passed through the long river of time and space, and this half era is not complete, and the degree of fragmentation in it is beyond ordinary people's imagination. If Luo Tian had not possessed the body of the immortal soul, I am afraid that this time, he would suffer a lot. minor injury.

"very scary!"

Luo Tian directly withdrew the power of swallowing the sky, shocked in his heart, but remained calm on his face, "This Arhat relic is actually connected to the source of incense, what on earth are these bald heads of the Buddhist sects going to do, one Arhat relic is enough to communicate Absorbing the wish power of countless worlds below to condense into incense, this method of tracing back to the origin shocked Luo Tian extremely.

Rao is that the law of Luotian swallowing the sky is unprecedented. It is born out of thin air. Luotian thinks that he cannot resist the power of this source of incense. It is too grand. It is impossible for Luotian to fight against countless The power of incense in the lower plane.

Of course, this is also closely related to the fact that the Law of Luotian Swallowing Heaven has just entered the realm of Xiaocheng.After all, Luo Tian is just a Xuan Xian in essence, even if he can kill the Little Saint Immortal, he is not as good as the Golden Immortal. It is a bridge to enlightenment, and the mysteries contained in it are beyond what Luo Tian can comprehend at this stage.

Still not strong enough!

Luo Tian sighed in his heart, then carefully wrapped the Arhat relic, moved to Chen Lin's side with a flash, and directly threw the Arhat relic to him, "Xiao Linzi, take it, this Arhat relic is not mine, I'm afraid it's only you who killed it!" Yuanyuan can restrain it, remember, the power of incense contained in this Arhat relic is poisonous, even refining it must be extremely careful!"

"I know!"

Chen Lin took the Arhat relic with gratitude on his face, and was about to throw it into the inner world, when suddenly his expression changed slightly.

"If you want to pull out your teeth, you must be brave."

Luo Tian smiled coldly, "Xiao Linzi, leave it to me, you go and continue to snatch the Arhat's relic!"


The next moment, Luo Tian appeared in midair out of thin air, one leg flew high like a long whip, and then countless densely packed shadows of legs appeared in the void tens of thousands of feet behind, each leg shadow was like a stick The thick stone pillar hugged by several people made a rapid whistling sound, and began to crush the void.

"The barbarian Han Yi really has some tricks."

A faint laughter came out of the void, and after that, countless wings of light were flying all over the sky. These wings of light emitted extremely holy light, which appropriately attacked Shang Luotian.


Then, there was only a soft sound in the void, and it was only this sound that shocked the faces of the other strong men who had just heard the news.

Luo Tian and the strong man who was invisible in the void had already fought tens of thousands of times in a few breaths, but they only made a contact sound, which clearly showed the speed and intensity of their attacks!

"An evildoer from the Heavenly King State?"

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and then saw through the opponent's hiding place in an instant, and approached the opponent's body, but the opponent seemed to have a heavy treasure body protection, even Luo Tian couldn't see through the opponent's body protection.

But when he sensed the other party's aura, it was obviously the same as his own, and it was only in the invincible state of Xuanxian!

"Fellow Daoist, what does it have to do with me if outsiders address you?"

The strong man was also aboveboard, and when people noticed his whereabouts, he didn't hide, and walked out of the void directly. It turned out to be a boy with a round face in black clothes.The young man looked like an ordinary fairy, but his long hair was tied up by a white jade hairpin, revealing a full moon-like forehead, a pair of eyes as warm as jade, and sword eyebrows slanted into the temples, looking heroic.

"Ling Ruochen of the Heavenly King State, I have met Fellow Daoist Han, and I have admired his name for a long time!"

The young man in Xuanyi smiled lightly and cupped his hands, looking extremely polite.

"Jinzhou Han Yi." Luo Tiantan whispered, for some reason, although Ling Ruochen in front of him looked harmless to humans and animals, Luo Tian instinctively felt a hint of danger from him.

"Ling Ruochen! It's him!"

"Oh my god! Ling Ruochen also came to the sixth battlefield, do you want us hard-working people to live?!"

"Ling Ruochen? Wait, I remembered, he is the peerless genius of Tianwang State who fought against a Taiyi Jinxian when he was at the limit of Xuanxian!"

"Damn! How could it be him, how could it be possible!"


Luo Tian didn't care about other things at the moment, he actually burned his life essence, exerted the immortal soul to the limit, and directly created the Wan Dao seal secretly, and even peeped the spiritual conversation of the nearby Jinxian strongman.

Ling Ruochen!With the limit of Xuanxian, he can retreat completely in the hands of Taiyi Jinxian!

This news alone made Luo Tian feel a little dizzy. Although he thought he was strong, but Ling Ruochen was like this, but he was a true peerless evildoer, already the evildoer among evildoers.At least Luo Tian thought that when he was at the limit of Xuanxian, he couldn't do what he did!

"I only want Arhat relics, and I don't want to create conflicts with fellow Taoists." Ling Ruochen smiled faintly, and said to Luo Tian via voice transmission.

"I'm sorry, my brother also needs Arhat relics." Although Luo Tian was under great pressure, he still refused without hesitation.

"Arhat's relics are poisonous, and few people can refine and comprehend them." Ling Ruochen said calmly, as if nothing in the world could surprise him.

"It's from a certain province in Han, don't bother your Excellency."

"Man God, are you really going to fight against me?" Ling Ruochen frowned suddenly, his background was extremely mysterious, and he was in Tianwang State, but few people dared to speak to him in such a tone.

"It's impossible to do it right. After all, you and I have no grievances or enmities." Luo Tian looked up to the sky and laughed, and his heart suddenly became very happy, "It's just that if you don't do some things now, you may have no chance in the future. I'm sorry, This time, I can’t just befriend Fellow Daoist Ling. In another place and environment, we might be able to have a good time with each other, but now, it’s impossible!”

After speaking, Luo Tian took a step forward and shot Ling Ruochen from a distance.

"Crack the sky!"

Luo Tian felt that if he didn't make a move, he was afraid that he would be at a disadvantage when the other party made a move, so he had to take this opportunity to force his move. At the same time, red and white beams swept out from the Tianling Cap, which was the mirror of life and death.


With Luo Tian's charged blow, countless spider web-like cracks appeared in the void above Ling Ruochen's head, and they began to break apart soundlessly and spread continuously.

"It's been a long time since I've met an opponent worthy of my vigor, no matter what!"

Ling Ruochen laughed loudly, bowed his body slightly, and countless holy beams of light radiated from behind, these beams of light faintly condensed into an ancient pattern.

"Go back to me!"

Ling Ruochen gave a low shout, and a strange thing happened immediately.

I saw the ancient pattern on top of Ling Ruochen's head turning slightly, and after turning, Luo Tian's Cracking Sky Claw was silently dissolved into nothingness!

The peerless evildoer is so terrifying!

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