
Chapter 735 Team up to start the robbery!


Hearing the name 'Sheng Sheng Hao Hua Pill', Luo Tian didn't react at all. He had no choice but to be a newcomer in the fairy world. Knows well.

But Chen Lin's complexion changed drastically, and he looked straight at Ling Ruochen, "You actually know where the Shengsheng Huadan is?"

When he came over, Luo Tian had already briefly told Chen Lin about him and Ling Ruochen, so Chen Lin was also clear about what happened between the two of them. I was taken aback, Shengsheng Huadan, that is the most famous elixir in the fairy world, surpassing the category of top-grade elixir, this kind of elixir has already reached the point of transformation, and it is also extremely precious in the entire fairy world.

"It seems that I don't need to explain in detail next." Ling Ruochen shrugged and smiled lightly.

"Fart!" Luo Tian raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "I don't know what the life-changing pill is for!"

"..." Ling Ruochen was speechless. He really couldn't figure out how powerful this guy in front of him was, at least he was equal to him, but he didn't even know about Shenghua Pill, which was really depressing.

"Sheng Sheng Hua Pill is one of the supreme elixir that forcibly transforms and transforms. The strong below the saints, as long as they take this pill and refine it, they can break through the constraints of heaven and earth and directly advance to a higher level." Chen Lin couldn't help it. Patiently explained to Luo Tian.

"One level? Does Daluo Jinxian directly enter the level of Taiyi Jinxian after taking refining?" Luo Tian's eyes lit up.

"Dream!" Ling Ruochen couldn't help shouting, "Are you kidding me? It's not a promotion to a level, but a promotion to a realm, okay?"

Luo Tian's face was extremely thick. Not only did he not feel shy when he heard the words, but he said plausibly, "I only know the difference between the small realm and the big realm, so why pay attention to these levels and realms!"

Now, even Chen Lin rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Wait! You can only be promoted to one level, is there no limit?" Luo Tian suddenly realized a problem.

"Below the saint, there is absolutely no limit." Ling Ruochen said with certainty.

"Damn it! Doesn't that mean that after I take it now, I can immediately be promoted to Daluo Jinxian without having to go through the thunder disaster?" Luo Tian shouted loudly.

"Please, it's best to go through thunder calamity to be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian. At this time, you need to understand the infinite mystery of Da Luo's law. How can you use Sheng Sheng Hua Dan so wastefully?" Ling Ruochen almost made Luo Tian die of anger.

"Xiao Yizi, what Ling Ruochen said is right." Chen Lin was silent for a moment, and then said, "It's better to go through the thunder calamity to be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss."

"Then you?" Luo Tian suddenly changed his face and sent a voice transmission to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin chuckled, "Of course I don't have this restriction, because I am reincarnated and recultivated. In my last life, I have already experienced thunder calamity once. Even if I experience it again in this life, the gains will not be great, and there is nothing comparable. .”

"So that's the case." Luo Tian pondered for a moment, then turned to Ling Ruochen, "Do you know where the Shengsheng Huadan is? Tell me quickly, the three of us are allies now, so you don't have to be polite."

Ling Ruochen's tone froze, and he almost didn't scold. He was still yelling at me just now, but now he regards Lao Tzu as an ally again. This guy really has a milk and a mother, but he didn't dare Mrs. Guo to offend Luo Tian, ​​so he could only say with a wry smile , "Ling knows that's right. But that place has an extremely powerful restraining circle. Only the explosive power of Arhat Sari can wear away the restraining circle bit by bit. Apart from that, there is no other way. Law."

"Are you sure?" Luo Tian asked solemnly.

"Very sure, otherwise, do you think I still need to snatch the Arhat's relic? This thing is already poisonous, okay?" Ling Ruochen said depressingly.

"Then what should we do next? How many Arhat relics do we need to break through the prohibition circle there?" Chen Lin asked.

"About forty or fifty pieces." Ling Ruochen calculated carefully, and then added, "At least that many."

"Then stop talking nonsense, let's go." Luo Tian said immediately.

"What are you doing?" Ling Ruochen couldn't help being taken aback.

"Steal his mother!"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other and shouted in unison.



The body of a golden immortal who was flying in embarrassment was suddenly torn apart, and then, a white light came out of the void, grabbing the golden light that was about to fly out.

"No. 16."

Luo Tian said softly in his heart, then he dodged and disappeared in the void immediately.

"Ling Ruochen, Blood Order Little Saint, how can you two become allies?"

"Ling Ruochen, are you going to betray Tianwang State?"

"Ling Ruochen, let me tell you, this time, our Lihuo Little Saint Immortal from Tianwang State is also here, don't think that you can do whatever you want!"

"A bunch of idiots."

Ling Ruochen was really too lazy to talk to this group of guys, and then shot out thousands of holy lights from behind, directly covering everyone on the other side, "Hand over the Arhat relic, and spare your lives. If you don't hand it over, you will die!"

"Too much nonsense!"

Chen Lin laughed loudly, and his whole body turned into an illusory bloody light that shuttled through the void, beheading two Jinxian strong men in the blink of an eye, and then flew towards the next strong man.

Ling Ruochen curled his lips speechlessly, "These two guys are simply murderers, and they are not afraid of being punished by heaven."

Afterwards, Ling Ruochen also joined Chen Lin's camp and began to kill the strong men in Tianwang State.

"Fuck! So many people only have three Arhat relics, right?"

Soon, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin teamed up to kill dozens of Jinxian powerhouses, but Ling Ruochen immediately yelled very depressed.

"Ling Ruochen! You actually joined forces with those two devils from Jinzhou. Could it be that you want to betray Tianwangzhou?!"

Suddenly, in the distant sky, a majestic flame brilliance flew directly towards it, at an extremely fast speed, before it arrived, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin felt a wave of heat rushing towards their faces.

"Little Sage Immortal Lihuo!" Ling Ruochen's pupils shrank secretly.

"So strong!" Chen Lin's complexion also changed slightly, "Ling Ruochen, I'm afraid this guy can break through to the realm of Taiyi Jinxian at any time, right?"

"That's right, this guy has suppressed his own cultivation, otherwise he would have broken through to the Taiyi Jinxian realm." Ling Ruochen curled his lips, "Among the younger generation in Tianwangzhou, his strength is not bad."

"Afraid of a ball!"

High in the sky, a white light suddenly fell, and then Luo Tian appeared with a sneer on his face, "As long as you don't break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, you will be dead!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian didn't wait for Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin to make a move. With the Mirror of Life and Death on his head and the Dao of Shocking Hong in his hand, the reincarnation passage of sixteen Buddha pillars emerged from his body, and he rushed towards the fire immediately.

Boom boom boom!

Lihuo Little Saint Immortal was obviously also extremely powerful, snorted coldly, and fought Luo Tian at the same place.

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