
Chapter 736

Bang bang bang!

What Little Sage Lihuo practiced was the law of fire, one of the five fundamental laws of primordial power between heaven and earth. His attack was extremely powerful. The power is small, but what is certain is that this law of origin force is not much weaker than the top ten laws of the great way. After all, since the last era, the five laws of origin force have lost their dominant position. The law of Yuanli is almost dominant.

"There are two tricks!"

Luo Tian punched out, directly repulsed the long river of flames that was attacking by Little Sage Lihuo, grabbed the flames with a backhand, and the next moment, he directly scooped up the front of the long river of flames, and then directly pulled back .

"Playing with fire? Forgot to tell you, I will too!"

After all, Luo Tian has gathered the origins of the five elements now, and has truly become the holy body of the five elements, otherwise his physical toughness would not have grown so rapidly.This five-element holy body is condensed from the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. It is one of the famous holy bodies in the distant era. any substance.

However, since the last era, due to changes in the laws of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth to a certain extent, the Five Elements Holy Body has gradually declined, becoming a mediocre existence in the Holy Body.

However, it is undeniable that when Luo Tian was in the Tianxuan plane of the lower realm, he was the first to rely on the Nine Flames Xuangong to stand out and shock the entire world of cultivating immortals. Guiyuan, but for the manipulation of flames, Luo Tianna is a real skill, not just a show.

Luo Tian stood in the void indifferently, with one arm hanging in the air, dragging the flame attack from Lihuo Little Saint Immortal.

If you look carefully, you can see that Luo Tian's palm is wrapped with a layer of transparent flame like a glove, which constantly absorbs and eats away the original attack of Little Saint Lihuo.

"Subduing Demon Ganghuo!"

The whole body of the little saint Lihuo was covered by layers of colorful flames, and she could see Luo Tian's support at once, but she was both surprised and delighted, "It doesn't take much effort to find a place after breaking through the iron shoes, I have worked hard to find it." The Subduing Demon Ganghuo actually appeared on your body, then I can't spare you even more!"

"Don't be afraid of death, just let the horse come here."

The old god Luotian stood on the ground, constantly circulating the power of swallowing the sky, decomposing and swallowing the extremely pure fire source power cultivated by Lihuo Little Saint Immortal, and then swallowing it into his body. After all, Luotian's current five-element holy body, It's just a small achievement, now that he encounters such a pure law of fire energy, how can this guy Luo Tian let it go so easily?

"Want to refine my Law of Origin Force?" Little Sage Lihuo is not an idiot either, so he couldn't see it at first, but after a while he would naturally see Luo Tian's purpose, but he was naturally not afraid. If it wasn't for a strong person who also practiced this kind of law and supernatural power, if he forcibly refined it, he would definitely die from fire and poison attack!


The raging fire directly burned most of the sky, and the temperature contained in the roiling heat wave melted even the stones as hard as fine steel.In the end, not only the air burned one after another, but also the energy of the heavens and the earth burned up, messing up the laws of the heavens and the earth in the heat wave.

But Luo Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the sea of ​​flames, was as indestructible as a king kong. The endless flames and heat waves around him couldn't get within three feet of his body at all.

"The sea of ​​fire burns the sky!"

Little Saint Lihuo finally couldn't bear it anymore. I have to say that one-on-one fighting with the enemy is the most inferior way of fighting. At the beginning, Little Saint Lihuo thought that it would not take much He could burn the other party into soot for a long time, but the development of the matter gradually exceeded his cognition.


Suddenly, Luo Tian twisted his neck, and looked at Lihuo Little Saint Immortal with a smile on his face, "Thank you very much."

Then, Little Saint Lihuo's complexion changed slightly, a mark of flame appeared on his forehead, and then a ball of light burst out, which quickly condensed into a round shield, directly blocking in front of him.

Chi Chi Chi!

Immediately, a layer of blue smoke rose from the round shield, curling up into the air.

"Five elements holy body!"

Little Saint Lihuo has the physique of the Lihuo Holy Physique, and now he finally realizes that the opponent also has the physique of the Holy Physique, and it is also the nearly lost Five Elements Physique.

"Okay, the warm-up is over, now let's start robbing the Arhat relics? Are you willing to hand it over or hand it over?" Luo Tian smiled and winked at Lihuo Little Saint Immortal with joy.


Little Saint Lihuo didn't know that he was tricked by someone even now when he arrived, it was really hopeless, he opened his mouth and sprayed, a blaze shot straight into the sky, and then quickly fell towards Luotian .

Luo Tian looked up and quickly saw that the fairy treasure in the flames was a square jade tablet with ancient patterns and characters engraved on it. There were nine fierce one-legged birds on it.

Golden Crow!

The peerless beast in charge of the true fire of the sun, the Golden Crow!

Saint Grade Immortal Treasure!

Luo Tian took a deep breath, and cursed secretly, "Fucking forced me to waste my spiritual veins again!"


Luo Tian's palm slapped the air all over the place and trembled, countless waves of fire exploded like dreamy fireworks.


The sixteen Buddha pillars that were originally collected by Luo Tian shot out directly, surrounded the square jade tablet, and kept striking it violently.

"Life and death evolution!"

Afterwards, Luo Tian directly played out a formula, and the law of life and death on the mirror of life and death kept switching, and finally pierced through the void like two life-seeking ropes, and went directly to the hiding place of the Little Saint Lihuo.


Then, Luo Tian disappeared in the void.

"What kind of magical power is this?!"

Ling Ruochen was stunned at the side. When Luo Tian was fighting with him, he didn't display this magical power of disappearing in an instant, otherwise it would be even more difficult for him to deal with.

"You don't know?" Chen Lin asked with a chuckle.

"Of course I don't know, he didn't use it when he fought me." Ling Ruochen said resentfully.

"It seems that Xiao Yizi didn't intend to kill you. Good luck!" Chen Lin smiled like a good man.

"..." Ling Ruochen was speechless, what kind of words are these!


The next moment, there was an earth-shattering loud noise in the void where Little Saint Lihuo was, and after a while, all the flames and waves that could be seen all over the sky suddenly disappeared.

"Damn, the only way to make money is to rob Little Saint Immortal!"

Luo Tian came out of the void safe and sound, and said happily, "Xiao Linzi catch it, there are more than ten Arhat relics on this little Saint Lihuo!"

Ling Ruochen was speechless.

It seems that the barbarian Han Yi was rumored to kill people without blinking an eye and lawless, he was a peerless murderer, and he scoffed at it. Now, he finally realized that this guy is much more cruel than the rumors...

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