
Chapter 738 Protecting the Sect Spirit Beast

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

In front of Luo Tian and the three of them, the void filled with vivid, crystal-clear stars and brilliance suddenly collapsed. As Luo Tian and the three of them threw out the Arhat relics and detonated them, several vortexes suddenly appeared in the countless gorgeous stars. , could not stop spreading towards all directions.

"So strong!"

"It's so powerful!"


Rao Luotian and the three had already prepared for it, and had propped up enough protective light to protect themselves. The amazing destructive power displayed by the explosion of the Arhat relic still shocked the three of them. The air wave approached Luo Tian and the three of them all of a sudden, oppressing them like mountains, forcing the three of them to fly upside down for more than a hundred miles, only then did they feel that the unstoppable pressure was relieved by half.


Luo Tian and the three looked at each other, and then involuntarily felt a sense of astonishment in their hearts. The distance was so far, and the aftermath of the Arhat relic's explosion was unbearable for the three of them. If the distance was too close, the consequences would be unimaginable...


Ling Ruochen swallowed a mouthful of saliva against the fierce eyes of Luo Tian and Chen Lin who were about to kill, and said with a wry smile: "Don't look at me like that, I don't know that this Arhat relic is so powerful. Look at myself, I'm not ashamed!"

"Hey, who knows if your kid thinks that our two brothers are much more handsome than you, and you covet it in your heart, and do this act of killing the enemy by one thousand and self-defeating one thousand and two!" Luo Tian laughed strangely, no He blinked at Ling Ruochen and said.

Chen Lin: "..."

"Don't be so shameless, okay?" Ling Ruochen almost didn't faint when he heard the words, he rolled his eyes wildly and said, "If you say you are jealous of Chen Lin's Junyi, you can take it seriously, Young Master Han, your appearance really has nothing to do with the word handsome! "

"Okay, okay, it's important!" Chen Lin saw Luo Tian's eyebrows frowned, as if he was going to argue with Ling Ruochen to the end, so he had to interrupt the conversation between the two, and turned to the main topic.

"This time, I'm afraid we have to go faster!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he said hastily, "This group of hateful baldheads of the Buddhist sect, you two, take a quick look, the prohibition circle that was broken by the Arhat relic is slowly recovering, it seems that if the three of us don't The second hand, I am afraid that within a few hours, these prohibition circles will be able to return to their peak again!"

"Shoot quickly!"

Ling Ruochen is also an extremely decisive person, so he shouted loudly immediately, and then threw three Arhat relics from the air again. These three Arhat relics in the form of finished characters landed quite concentrated this time, and the distance between them was not more than Baili fell all of a sudden, and directly displayed an explosion power unimaginable by ordinary people, blasting those restraining magic circles to pieces.

"If this is all possible, wouldn't the consumable fairy treasure on my body also work? Anyway, they are forcibly destroying the prohibition circle from the outside!" Chen Lin rolled his eyes, but he was thinking about it.

"It's not that simple." Ling Ruochen shook his head with a wry smile, "You Daoist Chen underestimated these prohibition circles too much. If you don't need the destructive power of Arhat relics, using consumable fairy treasures with other law attributes is not bragging. I can do it by myself. Break through here!"

"It's really not quite right." Luo Tian's primordial consciousness is not only powerful, but also not afraid of damage, because with the three-color disc as the backing, it can be supplemented endlessly, and he secretly spent a part of his primordial consciousness to penetrate into those forbidden magic circles. In the process, it was discovered that, as Ling Ruochen said, only the self-detonation of treasures with the Buddhist aura can forcibly break through the prohibition circle here.

In this way, if the sixteen Buddhist pillars on Luo Tian's body exploded by themselves, they could also break through some of the forbidden magic circles, but Luo Tian was not stupid enough to use these treasures to explode himself.

"It's me!"

Soon, the more than [-] Arhat relics in Ling Ruochen's hands were completely consumed. Chen Lin immediately made a move, threw the Arhat relics out, and continued to bombard the prohibition circle.

Luo Tian looked on coldly, and found that Ling Ruochen really had no secrets, and actually consumed all the Arhat relics in his hands. It seems that what Ling Ruochen said before was not half false.

Ling Ruochen snatched the Arhat's relic, really for the life and transformation pill in it?

Of course Luo Tian didn't think so simply!

Who is Ling Ruochen?The peerless evildoer of Tianwangzhou, who is famous and powerful in the younger generation, has the shadows of two immortal kings behind him. Even if the power of the immortal kings is not much, some supreme elixir will not be scarce.Especially with Ling Ruochen's aptitude and talent, it's not easy for those two immortals to find some supreme elixir, so why did he take the risk himself and ran to the battlefield of the genius battle?Just for the rewards of the genius battle?Maybe others came here for those rewards, but Ling Ruochen, a peerless evildoer, would be tempted by those rewards?

With just one thought, Luo Tian calculated clearly. Regarding Ling Ruochen's various causal fates, starting from the first time he saw him, and based on the clues, Luo Tian finally came to a complete conclusion.

Ling Ruochen, don't have any plans!

After Chen Lin exhausted all the Arhat relics in his hands, the starlight void in front of the three of Luo Tian began to tremble faintly, like silk fluttering in the wind, and waves of impact came from the depths!

"Nine times out of ten, the prohibition circle will be completely broken!"

Luo Tian said in a low voice, reminding Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen. As for Chen Lin, he is a good brother and Ling Ruochen is a temporary ally. why come.

You can't be a free thug coolie in vain.Luo Tian thought of this, and then directly took out half of the more than twenty Arhat relics in his hand, raised his hands together, and fell directly into the depths of the starlight void in front of him.

Next, a series of explosion sounds came from the depths of the starlight void, and the starlight in front of me was like bursting fireworks. Countless brilliant starlight diffused in all directions, turning into circles of charming colorful halos and ripples.

Ling Ruochen patted his hand, and a holy light quickly cut through the void and crashed into the depths of the starlight void.

After a while.

"The prohibition circle is still fully opened, and there is a gap, let's go!"

After Ling Ruochen finished speaking, he shot out without hesitation, and the holy light all over his body suddenly exploded.

"Follow him!"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and then Luo Tian said to Chen Lin via voice transmission, and finally added, "Keep an eye on Ling Ruochen!"

Chen Lin and Luo Tian cooperated countless times, and the two naturally had a tacit understanding. They nodded immediately, and the blood was floating all over their bodies, like a silkworm cocoon enveloping the whole person.

Among the three, Luo Tian was the most relaxed. Sixteen illusory rays of light appeared faintly around his body, and then disappeared suddenly on the surface of his body. miles away.


Sure enough, Luo Tian followed Ling Ruochen thoroughly into the depths of the starlight void, and came to a world in the blink of an eye.

Ling Ruochen is gone!

Suddenly, Luo Tian seemed to be aware of something and raised his head to look at the sky, his complexion changed.

"It's the guardian spirit beast of the Buddhist sect!"

Chen Lin also rushed over at this moment, and said with a somewhat ugly expression.

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