
Chapter 739

"The guardian spirit beast doesn't have to be so cruel, does it?"

Luo Tian stared blankly at the almost milky white void above his head. It can be said that everything in the entire sky is that pure milky white.And on this milky white sky, a huge relief loomed faintly.

The shape of the relief was extremely vague at first, but finally a huge outline slowly emerged.

That is a white tiger!

"Western White Tiger!"

Chen Lin yelled out in shock. This scene was too shocking. The Western White Tiger was one of the four sacred beasts in the Megatron Immortal Realm in ancient times. It was born to be a sacred beast of Taoism. How could it appear? In the Tathagata Pure Land of Buddhism?

"The west is from the tiger to the camp, the quality of the hero, the voiceless, the beasts, the mountains and forests, come to stand on my right." Luo Tian murmured, this is a formula that appeared in his mind, it is The Taoist rhetoric describing the white tiger holy beast, "It is said that the four elephant holy beasts followed an earth-shattering figure a few epochs ago, and they were at least the powerhouses at the peak of the immortal king, and all the four elephant holy beasts were immortals. Why, how could it be possible to appear here and become the guardian spirit beast of the Buddhist sect?"

"I don't think so!" Chen Lin also said with a slightly dignified expression, "These four-element holy beasts themselves are extremely powerful, and they are all cultivated by immortals, and the four of them can even practice the four-element huntian true self formation together." Come on, just relying on the three-day arhat in the pure land of the Tathagata, even with the help of the power of the strange formation, I am afraid that these four sacred beasts will not be easily left behind, there must be secrets that are unknown!"

"It doesn't matter, if it comes, let it go." Luo Tian sighed lightly, "Fortunately, the Four Elephant Holy Beast looks like an afterimage, and has no intention of attacking actively, otherwise you and I may have to die heroically. "

"Huh? What about Ling Ruochen?" Chen Lin frowned and said suddenly.

"I don't know where he went for a long time? That guy must have other secrets that he hasn't confessed to us. Next time we meet him, beat him up hard, mother!" Luo Tian waved his fist fiercely, this You bastard, you actually used the two of you as free thugs.

"Go, I faintly feel an unusual aura coming from the distance, which makes me uneasy!" Chen Lin waved his hand, and countless blood-red clouds re-condensed around his body, and they shot out directly.

Luo Tian didn't say much at the moment, and followed Chen Lin directly.


Luo Tian and the other flew in the void for two or three days without encountering any living beings. When he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, Luo Tian's face suddenly changed slightly, and he said with a smile: "Ling Ruochen, you little pancake! ! I will see where you escape this time!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian suddenly accelerated, and his whole body moved away in the void, appearing thousands of miles away in an instant, and then punched out without hesitation.

"Ten times the combat power!"

In order not to arouse Ling Ruochen's vigilance, Luo Tian only displayed ten times the combat power, but even so, the power was extremely powerful.

"Fellow Daoist Han stop, Ling has something to say!"

"Say your uncle!"

Luo Tian ignored Ling Ruochen's words, and still blasted out fiercely, forcing Ling Ruochen to dodge around, the space around him was wrinkled by Luo Tian's bombardment, but it didn't break.

Luo Tian was secretly startled. With his current strength, not to mention ten times the combat power, even under normal circumstances, a full blow can tear through the void.But within this weird space, the space was only shaking, not broken.

"Xiao Yizi, wait for him to finish speaking!"

At this time, Chen Lin also arrived, and said quickly upon seeing this.

Ling Ruochen couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, Han Yi is really arrogant and crazy, not to mention ordinary people, I am afraid that whoever provokes him in the younger generation will be unlucky for eight lifetimes, but fortunately there is a rational Chen Lin beside him who is quite reasonable, otherwise today I am afraid I'm going to be beaten again.

"Xiao Linzi, aren't you? Did you let me let him go?" Luo Tian also had an incredible expression.

"Let him speak first, and if the reasons don't satisfy us, we'll beat him together!" Chen Lin laughed sinisterly.

"..." Hearing this, Ling Ruochen almost lost his celestial energy in his body, and fell directly from the sky.

These two guys are really the same breed!

"Okay, I'll say it!"

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.Ling Ruochen is obviously a guy who is extremely deep in the city and can bear it. He immediately smiled wryly, "Two friends, Ling didn't abandon his allies, but came to explore the way."

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old boy? Xiao Linzi, I think it's better to beat him up first." Luo Tian waved his hand and yelled.

"Wait! Wait!" Ling Ruochen looked miserable, full of helplessness. How could he be so complacent on weekdays? How can he say that he is also a strong man of the younger generation in Tianwangzhou, but after meeting Luo Tian, ​​Ling Ruochen always has a thousand eyes. The general strategy is also unable to display.

Because Luo Tian is the master who doesn't see the rabbit and doesn't cast the eagle, it is not easy for ordinary people to lie to him.

"Hey, my patience is limited, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise, I won't be polite." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he immediately took out a drop of Immortal King's Power and held it in his hand.

"Well, Ling Mou came here this time, in addition to seeking life and transformation pills, there is also the ancient god jade." Ling Ruochen pondered for a moment, and finally said.

"Ancient God Jade Bi?!"

Now, both Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked shocked.

The jade bi of the ancient gods was a few epochs ago. At that time, there was no division of ranks in the fairy world. There were only differences between gods and gods. The ancient gods are respected. Ordinary ancient gods, from the moment they are born, as long as they survive to adulthood, they are at least the current level of saint immortality.Therefore, in the fairy world several epochs ago, great supernatural powers emerged in endlessly, and all of them possessed earth-shattering means!

Rumor has it that several epochs ago, there was an epoch in which there were many immortals!

"Damn it, since there is the jade bi of the ancient god, why don't you hurry up and learn about it, what are you doing here?" Luo Tian rolled his eyes and asked indifferently.

"Originally, I planned to inform you after we found out the location, but I didn't expect to catch up with the holy beast transformation once every three eras." Ling Ruochen spread his hands and said, "This holy beast transformation will separate a The passage, there will be nine clones of the Western White Tiger in the passage, and only by defeating these nine clones can you enter the place where the ancient god Yubi is located."

With a faint smile on Luo Tian's face, he said, "So, are you waiting for the two of us to be your free thugs again?"

"That's not true." Ling Ruochen straightened his face, shook his head and said, "It's not difficult for the clones of the Nine Saint Beasts to pass by my means, but I'm afraid that after passing, there will be other strong people entering to compete for this ancient god jade Bi's quota!"

"There is still a quota limit?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Yes!" Ling Ruochen nodded and said, "This is the four-dimensional world of the four elephants and holy beasts, and we are in the Western White Tiger World. In each world, at most six people can enter the ancient god Yubi for enlightenment."

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