
Chapter 741 Useless to me!

As a matter of fact, the space within the soaring aura was not forcibly opened up by acquired human beings for Taoist supernatural powers, but was absorbed and refined by the laws of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth spontaneously by the remaining trace of divine thoughts on the jade jade wall of the ancient god. come out.A few epochs ago, the strong men in the fairy world at that time really possessed all kinds of incredible supernatural powers, and they liked to open up their own caves for cultivation, and then set up all kinds of powerful prohibition circles, either to resist powerful enemies, or It's a corner of peace.Each has its own use, and this ancient god jade was also left behind at that time, and some ancient gods who had reached the end of their lifespan were still unable to break through to the realm of immortal monarchs, and thus fell in the changing era. They are often self-aware of their destiny, and when the deadline is approaching, they don't do unnecessary struggle and resistance. Instead, they put their lifelong cultivation insights into this ancient god's jade, and leave it to those who are destined later, which is also counted as one. Good fate, plant a good karma.

Time flows, under the law of fate, who can live forever, I am afraid that those who dare to say such words, the kind of immortal kings who only exist in rumors may be barely qualified!

Luo Tian's thoughts changed sharply. At the beginning, he didn't have no way of changing the words of the Immortal Robber, he just asked for some information about the Immortal King, but whenever the Immortal Robber talked about this topic, he immediately kept silent and kept his mouth shut. I won't say a word more.Although the Robber Xianjun already regarded Luo Tian as his most beloved closed disciple in his heart, he still wouldn't tell him the information about the Immortal King.

If you know too much, the possibility of falling may be even greater!

"All gone?"

Chen Lin also frowned when he heard the words. Logically speaking, with the strength of their three-person team, it is not impossible for them to be completely wiped out, but why bother to take the risk of offending the three of them and monopolize the ancient god Yubi?A good relationship is not necessarily bad.The second reason is that the good and bad luck in this ancient god's jade is unpredictable, seeing Ling Ruochen's dumbfounded expression, I'm afraid there is something tricky in it.

"Yes, all destroyed. The three of us entered the ancient god Yubi." Luo Tian nodded affirmatively again, and then quickly sent a voice transmission to Chen Lin, "Xiao Linzi, don't you forget Huang Jin and the little lunatic in the world inside me , with the power of the ancient god Yubi, I am afraid that the two of them will also be counted as quotas. But this time only six people can be entered. Although the two of them will not make a move, we are actually counted as five people. Don't implicate the big guys because of me!"

"Okay! Exterminate them all!" Chen Lin nodded without hesitation when he heard the words, Luo Tian was very loyal, so why not Chen Lin, there are certain things in life that must be done!

Ling Ruochen looked miserable, and said: "You two big brothers, are you right? I just glanced at it, and there are indeed a few ruthless people in this small world. Even if I don't use my trump card, I can't do anything to them! As long as you get the quota, why work so hard!"

"Ling Ruochen, do you know why you have never been able to dominate the younger generation in Tianwangzhou?" Luo Tian sneered, pointing at Ling Ruochen's nose and cursing, "Just because of your plan of being afraid of wolves and tigers Personality, although the temporary talent and aptitude is evil, but the courage and arrogance are not enough, and the style of acting is like a girl, how can you achieve great things! I really look down on you, even if you fall, you are afraid of a fart?! The big man behind you is not Will you make a move?!"

"I'm stupid! You look down on me!"

Ling Ruochen's eyes turned red, "Damn it, I'm going all out today, as long as you, Han Yi, tell me, I'll do it with you! These bastards are usually very arrogant, I've already disliked them! "

"That's right." Luo Tian chuckled, "Besides, with Lao Tzu around, at worst, I would use a few more drops of the power of the Immortal Monarch to kill them all."

Chen Lin opened his mouth wide, admiring Luo Tian in his heart, and just a few words forced out the blood in Ling Ruochen's bones. This guy is really a natural lobbyist.

"You two come here!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian opened his hand directly to form a mask, on which the magic circle could not move freely, and it turned out to be isolating all information from the outside world.

"Come on, come on, fifty drops of the power of the immortal king each, I don't believe that I can't overthrow them!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, "Also, with the toughness of your physical body, it's best to drive your primordial spirit and consciousness to urge you to fight!" Use the power of the fairy king, otherwise your physical body may not be able to withstand the backlash of the power of the fairy king many times, so we must fight quickly!"

Chen Lin: "..."

Ling Ruochen: "..."

Luo Tian was speechless, "What's the expression on you two guys? Are you so excited?"

"This, this is the power of the fairy king!" Ling Ruochen almost cried, "Are you the bastard's illegitimate child of the fairy king? Just give away a hundred drops of the fairy king's power like this?"

Chen Lin's face was also twitching, obviously, he was frightened by Luo Tian's big hand.

"No? Well, I don't need to give it to you, you have it anyway..." Luo Tian said impatiently with his neck straight.

"I want it! I want it!" Ling Ruochen took fifty drops of the power of the immortal from Luo Tian's hands incomparably quickly, and then probed into it with his divine sense, and couldn't help being even more horrified, "It turned out to be..."

"Xiao Linzi, this guy Ling Ruochen is not my own for the time being, so I gave him the power of the lowest-purity fairy king. What about you, how many times have we brothers been born and died, and brothers are not stingy with you. This is Sanbaidixian The power of the king, the one with the highest purity, you take it for safekeeping, and I have prepared the share for Huang Jin and the little lunatic."

Luo Tianyu said to Chen Lin earnestly.

Chen Lin's eyes blurred all of a sudden, and he sighed after a long time, "Xiao Yizi, the thing that I don't regret the most in my life is to befriend you as a brother! I don't thank you for your kindness, and I will repay you in the future!"

"You fucking still see me out, don't you? Give it back to me, Da En, what a fart, I just think you are pleasing to the eye, okay?"

Chen Lin smiled wryly and shook his head, pleasing to the eye, looking pleasing to the eye, his mother has never seen anyone who sent out three hundred drops of the power of the immortal king without panting is as ruthless as sending out 300 yuan of low-grade immortal essence stones.

"Brother Han, the preparations are complete, when are we going to kill them?"

Ling Ruochen was short-handed, but the confidence in his heart suddenly increased infinitely, and even Daoyou Han, who was originally called Luo Tian, ​​was changed to Brother Han.

"When does it begin?"

"You can start at any time, you just need to catch the right one and fight!"

"What are you waiting for!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he immediately removed the masks around the three of them, then took a step forward, and shouted loudly: "This team is asking for a battle, which team will come to teach you?"


Soon, a more aggressive group stood up. The leader was a young man wearing a black armor with black silk threads around his body, exuding an extremely strong devilish aura.

"It's the Little Black Demon Sage from Tianwang Prefecture, and a strong man from the Black Flame Demon Clan of the Demon Clan. He uses the Black Flame Profound Demon Dafa to destroy the vitality of the body. It's extremely powerful!" Ling Ruochen immediately sent a voice transmission when he saw the person coming. To Luo Tian and the two of them.


Suddenly, Luo Tian let out a cold snort, "Little Saint Black Demon, your silent methods are useless to me!"

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