
Chapter 742 Furious Chen Lin!

It turned out that the opponent's team of three demons was not a good opponent, especially the little black demon saint, who was proficient in one of the several incomparable skills of the demons, the Black Flame Profound Demon Dafa. This kind of technique is really powerful and extremely powerful. Yin damage, specifically damages the vitality of the human body, but does not cause much damage to the primordial spirit.

As we all know, even a fairy is formed by the essence, energy and spirit. If the vital energy is damaged, the soul can only escape. The power of the magic channel technique cast is also greatly reduced!

The Black Flame Mysterious Magic Dafa secretly operated by the Black Demon Little Sage has the effect of stealing the sky and changing the sun, and it can silently turn the opponent into dry bones and disperse them into clouds, which is extremely vicious.But if the power is not strong, how can it be that the demons are not unique skills?

Before doing it differently, if the three of Luo Tian were attacked by the black magic little saint, even if they were not afraid, they would still be extremely headaches, but this time, the black magic little saint really kicked the iron plate!

But don't forget, Luo Tian, ​​like all the powerhouses here, has passed the nine levels of the holy beast avatar, but Luo Tian is different from others in that in the ninth level, Luo Tian also encountered The phantom body.

But the difference is!

Others just defeated their own body, but Luo Tian spent countless lifespans and displayed thirty times the combat power to kill the duplicate body, and then the robber fairy finally came to help, and Luo Tian was able to rely on such a great advantage. Chance to cut off one of the three corpses in the body.

Cut three corpses!

That is something that can only be achieved by the Holy Immortal, but all creatures, no matter what race they are, will have three corpses in their bodies, which are upper, middle and lower. In layman's terms, these three corpses are good thoughts, evil thoughts and their own .Only by beheading these three corpses can one have the opportunity to pursue the supreme realm of immortality.

And Luo Tian, ​​on the jade steps, took over his own evil thoughts.Thus, before becoming a saint, he could kill three corpses!

Of course, this time Luo Tian was playing a dangerous move in chess, and he hadn't completely cut off the evil thoughts. It still needs some eras and insights before he can completely cut off the evil thoughts and take this complete step.

Coincidentally, the Black Flame Mysterious Demon Dafa displayed by this little black devil fairy can only receive miraculous effects through the various evil thoughts in the opponent's body.Not to mention immortals, even immortal monarchs may have evil thoughts, otherwise there would not be so many disputes in the immortal world.

"It doesn't work for me! It doesn't work for me!..."

Next, Luo Tian's cold hum in his life actually sent out countless echoes in the void, and then the sound waves that spread throughout the void were like sharp knives, cutting continuously in the void.

Hei Mo Xiaoshengxian and others are extremely strong, so naturally they will not be hurt by Luo Tian's sonic attack. They saw the protective light floating around them, and eliminated the sonic attack invisible.

"Sure enough!"

Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin quickly recovered from their momentary absence, and then shouted in unison, a trace of fear flashed in the depths of their eyes, if Luo Tian hadn't woke them up this time, they might still Really need some minor injuries.

"Quick fight!"

Then, Luo Tian stomped heavily in the void with his big feet, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and shot out, his figure became illusory and uncertain, and he wanted to use the void assassination technique.

"A bit of a doorway!"

At this time, the black demon little saint laughed loudly, and then he opened his mouth to spray, and a black light shot out, turning into a dark and smooth stone mirror. This stone mirror has eight corners in total, and each corner has One spar of different colors, a beam of light shot out from the eight spars, converged in one place, and immediately turned into a layer of black light circle, directly covering the heads of the three little black demon saints, black light I couldn't swallow.

"Eight Desolation Mirror!"

Ling Ruochen sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao with a slightly changed face, "Brother Han, this Eight Desolation Mirror is one of the treasures of the Black Flame Demon Clan, and it is also considered to be a very powerful one among the holy treasures. Sixty percent of the attack! Neither the body nor the primordial spirit can escape!"

Rebound [-]% of the attack!

Luo Tian's complexion changed immediately, and he was secretly glad that he didn't use all his strength to use the void assassination technique, otherwise, even if he could break the defense of the opponent's fairy treasure, he would be injured by the shock.Although he possesses the energy of swallowing the sky to repair his body, the Eight Desolation Mirror still rebounds his soul, so if he hits with all his strength, his soul will be injured! "

"Damn it! Is there no solution to the Eight Desolation Mirror?" Chen Lin gritted his teeth and shouted. Facing the Eight Desolation Mirror was like facing a curled up hedgehog, making it impossible to attack.In this case, the opponent is simply invincible.

"The only way to temporarily restrain the Eight Desolation Mirror is to use comprehension of principles and immortal treasures of the same level. Other than that, there is no other suitable method!" They were all illuminated, and countless light clusters scattered out, and in the light clusters were sitting countless powerful gods and demons of different shapes!


Chen Lin didn't give in too much, stretched out his hand a little between his eyebrows, and a blood-red square token flew out from between his eyebrows, but seeing the token appear, it quickly spun and grew, and finally became like a hill before stopping After coming down, countless blood-red rays of light radiated from the entire token-like hill, but there was no trace of bloody smell or smell in it, which turned out to be an extremely orthodox law of killing.

"Demons, all die!"

Chen Lin's eyes became red, as bright as two jumping red flames.

"Mirror of life and death!"

"Shocking Sword!"

Luo Tian shot without hesitation, the mirror of life and death on top of his head was like a red and white aurora, intertwined in the void, and hit the Eight Desolation Mirror of the Black Demon Little Saint Immortal first.But Jinghong Dao shrunk to the size of an embroidery needle, pierced the void suddenly, and shot it out quietly.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are also a demon! Look at my reincarnation channel!"

The black devil little saint was struggling to resist the four holy treasures by himself, so he immediately shouted, "Hurry up, both of you! Otherwise, we will be eliminated!"

"What's the hurry? It's coming soon."

"Hehe, the three clowns don't get so angry, do they?"

The two strong men who had been standing behind the little black magic fairy suddenly walked out of the boundless darkness, their aura soared, and they were not weaker than the little black magic fairy!

Boom boom boom!

At this time, Luo Tian had already controlled the sixteen Buddha pillars to smash down, and directly tore the black light on the Eight Desolation Mirror into pieces, and finally saw the faces of the other two strong men.

A burly man in a white battle armor, and a handsome young man in a purple robe.

"Little Sacred Immortal Ziyuan! It's you, die!"

Just as Luo Tian was about to make a move, he heard Chen Lin shout loudly, and then suddenly looked back.

Chen Lin's long hair rose without wind and fluttered high. His whole body was like a killing god, and he had already used a drop of the power of a fairy!

Chen Lin, berserk!

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