
Chapter 744 Don't Die!

Therefore, even if Chen Lin reincarnated and rebuilt, it was only to avenge Xiaoyu. He couldn't bear Xiaoyu dying for him like this, but he couldn't do anything.But at that time, the situation was really stronger than others. Since Chen Lin had just broken through to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, even though he was carrying a lot of treasures and had many consumable fairy treasures, it was far from possible to include Ziyuan Xiaosheng. The four Little Saint Immortal opponents.

Even with Chen Lin's current cultivation base, there is only a [-]% chance of winning against Ziyuan Little Saint Immortal.At most only [-]%!

But when he thought of Xiaoyu, Chen Lin's eyes were filled with mist. Such a good woman was killed by Little Sage Ziyuan, and her soul flew away, leaving only a wisp of her fragrant soul!Only a ray of fragrance remains!

Chen Lin is going to kill someone!He must kill Little Sage Zi Yuan, otherwise, he will never forgive himself!He has endured the humiliation until now, and has lived on for tens of thousands of years after his reincarnation, just for today, to kill Little Sage Ziyuan!

"Xiao Linzi, don't be impulsive!"

Luo Tian waved his hand forcefully to draw a gap, directly dividing the void into two halves, and then his figure flashed and stopped in front of Chen Lin.

"Xiao Yizi, don't stop me!" Chen Lin had obviously lost most of his sanity, and when he saw Luo Tian blocking him, he turned red-eyed, "Get out of the way! No matter what happens today, I will Kill that bastard, that bastard!"

"If you want to kill him, why not?" Luo Tian smiled lightly, but said in a very sincere tone, "If you want to kill him, why don't you call your brothers together?"

"Count me in!" Ling Ruochen laughed loudly, "Damn it, my master and the old man once said that when you are young, you have to do some things. You are so loyal, I also have it!"

"Okay, you kid finally has the advantage that I can look up to!" Luo Tian said with a chuckle.

"Damn!" Ling Ruochen rolled his eyes straight away, "The three of them are the Black Demon Little Sage, the Ziyuan Little Sage, and the Phantom Little Sage! All three of them have extremely high levels of cultivation, and they can only be promoted to the Little Sage. It's been 10 years, once I have the opportunity, I'm afraid I can break through to the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm at any time! My cultivation is unfathomable, I can only hold one of them at most, and leave the remaining two to you!"

"No need!" Luo Tian immediately made a decision, with a firm expression on his face, "Leave both the Black Devil Little Sage and Ghost Little Sage to me, Ling Ruochen, you just need to cooperate with Xiao Linzi to destroy that Ziyuan Little Sage! "

"No need! Today I will kill that little Sage Ziyuan with my own hands!" Chen Lin said with red eyes.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you kill him yourself." Luo Tian shrugged, then blinked at Ling Ruochen.

Ling Ruochen's expression remained unchanged, and he sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao, "Understood!"


"Tsk tsk tsk, the ability is not great, but the tone is not small!"

The handsome young man in a purple robe is the Little Sage Ziyuan. At this moment, he folded his hands in his cuffs and said with a contemptuous smile, "This seat has been in the Heavenly King State for hundreds of thousands of years, not to mention two mysterious beings." Even if the real Taiyi Golden Immortal came here in person, the fairy and a little saint would not dare to speak such big words!"

"Hehehehe, Little Sage Ziyuan, do you dare to fight me one-on-one?" Chen Lin smiled instead of anger, the blood light all over his body shot straight into the sky, thick and lingering, judging by his breath alone, he was no better than Ziyuan at all. Little Saint is weak!

Little Sage Ziyuan was a little moved when he heard the words, and was about to speak.

"Hmph! The three weaklings of the human race are also qualified to fight one-on-one with my demon royal family?" The little ghost fairy in white armor sneered, "Are you three here daydreaming? This is an opportunity to fight for entry into the ancient god Yubi, not a life-and-death arena!"


The black devil little saint also sneered and said, "Cunning human beings, if you want to win in this way, you are too underestimating our holy race!"

"Forget it, don't talk too much with these idiots, or we will be assimilated!" Ling Ruochen said with a headache.

"It makes sense!" Luo Tian laughed loudly, and the next moment, the whole person disappeared from the void, so fast that people couldn't react at all.

"Void Assassination Technique!"

"The highest assassination method of the human race has appeared again?!"

"Hei Mo, hurry up and drive the Eight Desolation Mirror!"

"Damn it, the power of my Eight Desolation Mirror has been temporarily dissipated just now, and it will take a day and a night to recover!"


"Xiao Yizi, give me the little fairy Ziyuan!"

Chen Lin suddenly let out a clear howl, the sound of howling was vast and sad, and went straight to the sky.

"I'll leave it to you!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian's voice sounded directly in the void.

The black devil little saint's face couldn't help but change greatly, because Luo Tian's voice sounded from beside him, if so, there is only one result that can explain...

The other party approached to such an extent that he didn't even notice it? !

The Black Demon Little Saint Immortal's forehead was covered with fine cold sweat, and at the same time, he shrank forcefully on the spot and immediately rolled away.


I saw a streak of gray light cut across the void, and the little black devil groaned, and flew upside down from the void, and the void immediately sprinkled pieces of lavender blood rain.

"The devil is indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned!"

Luo Tian's complexion moved slightly, just now he had unseen [-] times the combat power, plus the superposition of the combat power of the Void Assassination Technique, the power is quite terrifying, if it is an ordinary little saint, I am afraid that it will kill him in one blow. He vomited blood and was seriously injured, but the black devil little saint was only slightly injured in his haste.

"Whoever plays with fire will eventually set himself on fire!"

At this time, Luo Tian shouted loudly above his head, and then the little ghost fairy shot out a dazzling white light all at once.

"Ghost Bone Demon!"

What followed was that where the white light passed, countless pale skeletons grew in the void. These skeletons grew up slowly like seedlings, and finally merged into a pair of complete skeletons of different shapes. , and then fell towards Luo Tian with a gloomy aura.

An army of thousands of bones!

"Thousand Army Seal!"

Luo Tian stood firm and fearless, let out a low drink, and pushed his big hand towards the army of bones, countless brilliant square seals appeared out of thin air, and soon collided with the army of bones, making a loud noise that shook the sky.

Qianjunyin, the more enemies there are, the greater the power will be.However, Luo Tian was limited by his realm, so he couldn't use the Qianjun Seal to exert its great power. However, even so, Luo Tian's one move destroyed [-]% of the skeleton army of the Ghost Little Saint Immortal.

"Hehehe, if you want to kill me, you are still far away!"

Suddenly, a ray of blood slanted down in the void, but it was Chen Lin who was repulsed by Little Saint Ziyuan.

"This Ziyuan little saint is actually so strong!"

Ling Ruochen was also quite embarrassed when he was shaken back from the void, and he couldn't help being taken aback.He didn't expect that Ziyuan Xiaoshengxian could instantly repel the two of them with his own strength in the face of the joint attack of himself and Chen Lin.

"Xiao Yizi, I'm afraid we are going to lose, these three devils are hiding their strength!" Chen Lin said solemnly through voice transmission.

"Losing? Xiao Linzi, I don't think so!"

A strange smile appeared on Luo Tian's face.

"You are crazy!"

"Human, you don't want to die!"


Soon, the Black Demon Sage, Ziyuan Sage, and Phantom Sage turned pale with shock.

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