
Chapter 745

To be able to change the color of the three almost invincible powerhouses in the realm of Little Saints Black Devil, Little Saint Ziyuan and Little Ghost at the same time, it must be Luo Tian's earth-shattering means.

In fact, it is!

When Luo Tian was in the jade steps, when the ninth holy beast was cloned, he encountered a catastrophe of inner demons that ordinary people rarely encounter once in thousands of years. It was the killing of one of the three corpses by his evil thoughts. Almost one-third of the three corpses had been cut off, and all the evil thoughts had been cut off by just a little bit.This also led to the early arrival of Luotian's Da Luo Jinxian Heavenly Tribulation.

However, Luo Tian was already injured at the time, and it was the bandit Xianjun who suppressed Tian Jie back with incomparable tyranny.This was also the main reason why Luo Tian arrived so long later than Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen.

But now, with Luo Tian hitting with all his strength several times in succession, the Heavenly Tribulation on his body could no longer be suppressed.Especially in the face of powerhouses such as the Black Devil and Little Saint Immortal, Luo Tian can kill each other one-on-one. If the three join forces, Luo Tian will also avoid their edge.

After all, Little Sage Black Demon, Little Sage Ziyuan, and Little Sage Ghost are already tyrannical in their own cultivation realms. They have been trapped at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian for tens of thousands of years, and their accumulation and precipitation are very rich, only one hour away. With a small opportunity, the three of them can easily enter the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm, so that they can reverse the five elements and reverse the laws of heaven and earth, and can practice one or several other laws of heaven and earth.Not to mention the powerful holy treasures possessed by these three people, it is undoubtedly more difficult to deal with them.

Therefore, Luo Tian could only put his mind to one side, and wanted to use Da Luo Jinxian's catastrophe to bring disaster to the east, so that the three black devils and little saints could bear the power of the catastrophe, so as to find an opportunity to kill the three of them.

"This guy, uh, is really crazy!"

Ling Ruochen stared dumbfounded at Luo Tian in the air, and murmured.

Chen Lin was also a little stupid. He didn't expect Luo Tian to be so willing to take such risks. You must know that Da Luo Jinxian's catastrophe is an extremely important watershed in the fairy world. It is several times faster than the law of Daluo, if you can't get over it, you will only be destroyed physically and spiritually, and you will not even have the chance to reincarnate and rebuild!

In fact, if others can't survive the Daluo Jinxian's catastrophe, they will naturally die.But Luo Tian now has the channel of reincarnation, even if he fails, he can be reincarnated and rebuilt.But the price is really too high.

Luo Tian stood proudly in the void at this moment, with a calm face, and unscrupulously exposed all his aura, which soon triggered the arrival of Da Luo Jinxian's heavenly tribulation.

"Xiao Yizi, how sure are you?" Chen Lin asked calmly through voice transmission. The matter has come to this point, and he has no other choice but to hope that Luo Tian can survive the catastrophe of Da Luo Jinxian.

"Seventy to eighty percent."

Luo Tian calculated silently, and then gave a reasonable answer.

"You are so impulsive!" Chen Lin sighed, "Even if the three of us are not opponents of the Black Demon and Little Saint Immortal, at most we will fail. Why do you have to work so hard?"

"To cross the Heavenly Tribulation, you have to work hard." Luo Tian smiled lightly, "Don't worry, you and Ling Ruochen are ready, this time I cross the Heavenly Tribulation, it is a perfect opportunity to kill the little black demon saint, what do you think? There is still time for revenge!"

"You're too risky!" Ling Ruochen said speechlessly, "Do you think Da Luo Jinxian's catastrophe can be overcome so easily?"

"I have my measure."

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he flew directly towards the three Black Demon Little Saint Immortals. It seemed that he was determined to drag these three guys into the water.

At this moment!

As Luo Tian burst out with all his strength, a thunder vortex with a radius of more than a thousand miles suddenly appeared above the entire high sky. Among them, countless lightning snakes shot around, and there were also countless sky fire meteorites. Suddenly intertwined, like a huge net, completely covering the space under the sky.

"Now we have no other choice. We must kill this human being before the true power of the Heavenly Tribulation erupts. Otherwise, you and I will be seriously injured!"



After the three black demons and little saints finished speaking, they did not hesitate to use their supernatural powers. A group of dazzling lights flew out from the sky of each of them. They were a mountain with black flames and a snow-white handle. A ruler, and a cloak covered with purple runes!

At the critical moment, the three little saints of the black devil sacrificed their most powerful fairy treasures, all of which are holy treasures, and the power of the three holy treasures is absolutely powerful, but the breath will The extremely tough void here shook violently.

"Thirty times the combat power!"

"The power of the immortal king!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

"Void Assassination Technique!"

In a split second, Luo Tian shot out a ball of light that was extremely bright, and it was difficult for even the divine sense to penetrate into this ball of light, and then he displayed the strongest fighting power without hesitation!

Chi Chi Chi!

Luo Tian's whole body only flickered three times in the void before disappearing.

The next moment, Luo Tian appeared in the turbulent void with a solemn expression. Fortunately, he was in the strongest state at the moment, otherwise the turbulent void would be really troublesome. There is a trace of the law of fate, if you are lucky, you can subdue it, and your cultivation level will greatly improve.If you are unlucky and cannot subdue it, it will be a disaster.Generally speaking, the law of fate is supreme, but when encountering it, it is usually countered by it, thus sinking into the river of fate forever, losing oneself, and finally turning into dust.Even the powerful saints don't want to encounter the law of fate in the turbulence of the void, even if they avoid it, it will be a headache and troublesome thing.

"Bastard! That human has actually entered the turbulence of the void. Unless we go with him, we will be dragged by him until the catastrophe comes!"

"Is this guy really desperate?"

The three Black Demon Little Saint Immortals roared one after another.


Above the sky, in the huge vortex with a radius of thousands of miles, thousands of thunderbolts fell quickly, and countless electric snakes were waste in the void, and the whole world seemed to come to an end.


Finally, a figure invisible to the naked eye appeared above the heads of the three Black Demon and Little Saint Immortals, and then slammed into one of them.

"Finally willing to come out!"

The little ghost fairy laughed, "I've been waiting for a long time! Die, human beings!"

After finishing speaking, several milky white halos shot out from the long white ruler floating above the head of the little ghost ghost fairy, and shot down directly towards the blurred figure.

"This guy, even crossing the heavenly tribulation is unprecedented!"

In the distance, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes, because they, as outsiders, had already seen that Luo Tian's plot was not the little ghost fairy.

"Tian Yuan strikes!"

With a low shout, Qi Qi collided with bright sparks in the void as a purple light curtain suddenly rose.

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