
Chapter 746 Infinite Madness!

"You actually want to kill me?!"

Little Saint Ziyuan let out a roar, and then looked at the Ziyuan cloak that he regarded as his life with great distress. At this moment, the runes and dao patterns on Ziyuan's cloak had already collapsed a lot, and some precious materials appeared on the surface of the cloak. A gap the size of a fingernail.

Ziyuan's cloak, a half-level fairy treasure, was destroyed by the opponent in just one encounter!

In fact, Luo Tian didn't feel well either. With his full blow, the Jinghong Knife in his hand was almost completely shattered. Fortunately, the Jinghong Knife was born with the supernatural power of automatic recovery, and he was comparable to the physical body of the late stage of a high-grade immortal weapon. The wound was also extremely serious, from the chest down, all the chances were shattered, but fortunately, the Heaven-swallowing Yuan Power gushed out from the Sky-swallowing Pagoda in the inner world, and with just a few breaths, the physical body was restored to its original state.

"So strong!"

Luo Tian was also extremely shocked. Others may not know it, but Luo Tian knew in his heart that even if he came with all his strength from the Taiyi Jinxian himself, if he was hit hard, he would end up seriously injured, but Ziyuan Xiaosheng only It was the natal magic weapon that had a hole, and he only suffered some minor injuries. This kind of result made it difficult for Luo Tian to accept, because he had used the power of a fairy.

In fact, the black demon little saint had already used the power of the fairy king when Luo Tian disappeared into the turbulent space, but the power of the fairy king of the demon clan can bless the talisman.Unlike the human race and the demon race, only the flesh and blood can use the power of the fairy king.

This is also one of the reasons why the demon race is only inferior to the human race and has become the second largest group in the fairy world.

Every ethnic group has its proud cards!

The Little Saint Ziyuan blessed his natal magic weapon, the Ziyuan cloak, with the power of a fairy king. Otherwise, if Luo Tian's attack was successful, the defense of his Ziyuan cloak would be broken in an instant, and then his body would also be destroyed. At least [-]% of the cultivation must be destroyed!

"It's too late to do it again!"

At this time, Luo Tian stared solemnly at the countless sky thunders and flying electric snakes falling from the sky. What was strange was that the speed of the sky thunders and electric snakes seemed to be falling extremely fast, but they actually fell at a slower speed. Not too fast, after Luo Tian took advantage of this opportunity to complete the sneak attack, the thunder and electric snake could only reach more than a hundred feet above Luo Tian's head that day.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Luo Tian was secretly vigilant, the speed of this catastrophe was so slow, but he felt that the power contained in the thunder and electric snake that day was getting stronger and stronger!

"Thousand Army Seal!"

At this moment, after Luo Tian's calculations, the scope of his catastrophe has been successfully diverted by him, and the three black demons and little saints have also been implicated. Jie is not the only one who attacked!

Countless square big seals appeared in the void, quickly shuttling between the sky thunder and the electric snake, like a sharp weapon slanting forward with a sword, with infinite arrogance and arrogance!


After a soft sound, the light sound spread out very quickly, spreading rapidly, like a tsunami, quickly sweeping across the area with a radius of more than a thousand miles.


Luo Tian was still fine, but his body was shaking, and then he was as stable as before.The three black demons and little saints were extremely miserable, but they didn't have the shocking magical protection of Qianjun Yin, so they had to sacrifice their talismans to contend with the thunder and lightning snakes falling from the sky. Slightly injured, the magic weapon of his life whose power was temporarily broken, Little Saint Ziyuan opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of lavender blood.

"Han Yi, I will never die with you!"

"Come on, I'm waiting for you!" Luo Tian snorted coldly and looked up into the depths of the sky silently.

Soon, the second wave of catastrophe arrived.

This time, there were no sky thunders and lightning snakes. Instead, countless sky fires and sky stones mixed together and fell down quickly. Wherever they passed, the void was cut piece by piece, and could no longer remain intact.

"Han Yi, even if the three of us were injured in a fight, we won't let you survive the catastrophe!"

Ziyuan Xiaosheng laughed angrily, and moved towards Luo Tian first.Behind him, the black devil little saint and the ghost little saint thought for a moment, quickly weighed the pros and cons, and then followed Ziyuan little saint and charged over.

"Xiao Yizi! Get out of the way!"

"Stupid Han Yi, get out of there quickly, you are no match for the three of them!"

Seeing this, Chen Lin and Ling Ruochen hurriedly shouted through voice transmission. Naturally, the two of them were under Luo Tian's deliberate control and were not in the Heavenly Tribulation area. But it was several times more terrifying than the three of the Black Demon Little Saint Immortal joining in!

"Don't worry, do you think Lao Tzu is the kind of person who dies in vain? What these three guys have done is a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!"

After Luo Tian finished the sound transmission, he used a drop of the power of the Immortal Monarch again, took a deep breath, and shouted with sharp eyes like a knife, "Thirty times the combat power! Qiankun Seal! Qiankun is easy to turn!"

In an instant, Luo Tian almost turned the entire void upside down, and the trio of dead soldiers who were rushing towards him were directly switched positions, and were the first to be exposed to the endless sky fire and stone falling from the sky, becoming To send the trio to death!


At this moment, Luo Tian opened his mouth and sprayed out a blood arrow, which directly transformed into a vast dragon, and then quickly entwined itself from the bottom to the top, directly wrapping around the bodies of the trio of black demon little saints.This time, Luo Tian finally used the most powerful supernatural power of the void beast that he had never used before - space cage fixation technique!

Luo Tian's comprehension of this type of attack was not perfect, and he could only force it by relying on blood essence, but once it was used, it immediately received a miraculous effect!

Boom boom boom!

Those almost endless sky fire and sky stones were the first to wash over the bodies of the death trio, the black devil little saint, and kept hitting the natal fairy treasures above the heads of the three.On the other hand, Luo Tian's impact was not that great, and it was still in a completely acceptable range.

"I hate it!"

"Shameless human!"

"It's almost the same. The last catastrophe is an unconscious avatar of Tian Xing Xianjun. For others, it is the most critical and important thing, but you are lucky, you have the deity, a little unconscious of Tian Xing The avatar is just a matter of half breathing." The Robber Xianjun said lazily.

"Let me try this Da Luo Jinxian's strongest Heavenly Tribulation first, how powerful it is!" Luo Tian said calmly with a flash of cold light in his eyes.

call out!

This second round of catastrophe was slow but extremely fast, and soon the three black demon little saints resumed their actions, and were about to fight Luo Tian with fury, but they were shocked to find that Luo Tian had flickered It rushed towards the deepest part of the sky.

"Fuck! Is this human being crazy?"

"How dare you attack the third round of the strongest catastrophe with your physical body!"

"Did you find out? This guy's third round of Heavenly Tribulation is so powerful, it's almost the same as the Holy Immortal Tribulation. What kind of monster is this guy? Can Xianjun be reincarnated?!"

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