
Chapter 747 Baptism of the flesh

"This seat is completely convinced!"

Ling Ruochen stared blankly at Luo Tian who had disappeared into the depths of the sky as a ray of light, and couldn't help but muttered, with his strength comparable to that of the Little Saint Immortal, he could naturally feel that the thousand-mile vortex in the depths of the sky contains The third round of Da Luo Jinxian Tribulation is really powerful, and it is not even inferior to the Heavenly Tribulation of Taiyi Jinxian peak promoted to Saint Immortal that he has seen with his own eyes.

"I've been convinced of Xiao Yizi for a long time." Chen Lin sighed softly, "This guy has never played cards according to common sense. It must be a headache to be an enemy with him."

"I understand." Ling Ruochen rubbed the center of his brows, looking helpless, "So I have long planned not to fight against this pervert, it is too scary! This guy is simply a combination of a lunatic and a devil! "

Ling Ruochen is not a fool, so he can naturally hear the warning from Chen Lin's words, and he has also seen Luo Tian's madness, thinking that this kind of lunatic and devil with extremely resolute mind is undoubtedly the most difficult kind of person to deal with in the fairy world .If it is not a last resort, no one wants to fight against this kind of person.

"I hope he can be promoted to the Golden Immortal successfully." Chen Lin was running the primordial consciousness at this moment, and he was shocked to find that he couldn't invade the huge vortex in the sky at all. The initial primordial consciousness entered there After being in the huge vortex in the depths of the sky, it was quickly wiped out, and even his follow-up primordial spirit and consciousness had to be forcibly dragged into it.

"God Killing Order!"

Chen Lin let out a low cry in his heart, and then, an extremely primitive blood-red token spun endlessly from the world inside his body. With every rotation of the blood-colored token, the breath in Chen Lin's body increased several times.

"Damn, this is also a pervert that is not inferior to me!" Ling Ruochen on the side saw it and rolled his eyes again. With his current strength, he hardly needs to calculate and calculate, just by Chen Lin's breath. This guy exerts all his strength, and he has to pay a huge price if he wants to beat the opponent!

"Cut off cause and effect!"

Chen Lin suddenly produced several formulas in his hands, which were mysterious and incomparable. After a few breaths, the formula was completed, and then Chen Lin raised his palm, like a blade facing the void in front of him, slanting fiercely. cut.

Ka Ka Ka!

Immediately, countless sparks of lightning burst out of the void, and suddenly turned into a lake of lightning, flickering and beating non-stop.

Chen Lin retreated hundreds of feet in the void, and just now he stopped, his face became extremely pale.

"But at the outermost periphery, the power of this catastrophe is already so amazing. The pressure that Xiao Yizi is in the core area is at least dozens or even hundreds of times that of mine! I'm afraid it will be difficult to support it with the power of a fairy king." !"


In fact, Luo Tian was already in a state of desperation at this time.He naturally wouldn't worry about the three powerhouses of the Black Demon Little Saint Immortal. These three unlucky guys have been dragged into the catastrophe by him, and they have become grasshoppers on a line closely related to him. It is impossible to get out of the Heavenly Tribulation area and attack Chen Lin.But in this way, the power of the catastrophe that he has to bear will also increase by at least three times!

Luo Tian's original Heavenly Tribulation was comparable to the Saint Immortal's Tribulation, but now it has tripled. What kind of concept is this!

"I'm afraid that this attack will really require the Bandit Immortal Monarch to take action, but if I can completely resist it, once I break through the Golden Immortal, my strength will increase tremendously!"

Above Luo Tian's head floated the Mirror of Life and Death. The Mirror of Life and Death was running at full capacity, and countless red and white beams intertwined and shot up into the sky. The law of life and death almost reversed all the laws of heaven and earth in the void.

However, the law of life and death has no effect on the law of heaven and earth under the catastrophe!

"Reincarnation Channel!"

Luo Tian saw that the law field of the mirror of life and death could not do anything to the power of heavenly calamity. He gritted his teeth and finally summoned the reincarnation channel composed of sixteen Buddhist pillars. The sixteen Buddhist pillars are enough to control the small reincarnation. Reduced the power of Heavenly Tribulation by a few points.

Oh oh oh!

The next moment, countless thunder and light snakes suddenly shone down from the vortex. These thunder and light snakes directly transformed into countless powerful races from the ancient times. These are obviously the epitome of the strong, but each of them has amazing supernatural powers.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

Luo Tian turned around and punched, and directly punched Wan Dao Seal into the mirror of life and death and the channel of reincarnation. The two immortal treasures were immediately covered with the power of the law of swallowing the sky, and the power of the law of swallowing the sky swallowed all the laws of the heavens. The law of robbery is also within the law of all kinds, and it is difficult to escape control.


Countless miniatures of ancient strong men were immediately melted by the power of the law of swallowing the sky, refined into the power of swallowing the sky, and replenished into Luo Tian's internal body world.

Luo Tian stretched his body, feeling that his whole body was full of strength, even stronger than his heyday by three points.


Luo Tian's method of using battle to support battle has received miraculous effects, but it didn't take long for him to find that the world-swallowing power in his body had almost reached saturation at the current stage, and he could no longer swallow more law power, otherwise, Definitely going to be blown to death.

Afterwards, Luo Tian naturally did not waste the power of laws obtained for nothing, and directly condensed them into a large net of laws, directly warming the fragmented Jinghong knife, and the Jinghong knife immediately transformed into a kind of power that is hard to see with the naked eye. The speed recovered.


It didn't take long, when the Jinghong knife recovered to half the extent, a sharp brilliance flashed in Luo Tian's pupils, and then took a deep breath, the bones all over his body couldn't help making dense light noises, and finally used the fairy After the power of the king, once again displayed thirty times the combat power!

"Thousand Army Seal! Break it for me!"

Luo Tian let out a wild roar, and then he swung upwards with a mighty force, enveloping the miniatures of countless powerful men, and began to kill them!

Bang bang bang!

After a series of explosions, Luo Tian finally detonated all the miniatures of these strong men.

But not only did the aura in the huge vortex with a radius of thousands of miles not weaken in the slightest, it became even more tyrannical.

Stone soldiers and stone generals!

Fire Soldiers Fire Generals!

Thousands of troops and horses came out of the huge vortex at once, even the lowest stone soldiers and fire soldiers possessed the aura not weaker than the strong ones in the early stage of Jinxian.

"This is a great opportunity to temper your physical body, don't use brute force to destroy it!"

"What?!" Luo Tian almost cried out of fear, "Aren't you joking, old man? Let me fight with my body? How is this different from committing suicide?"

"Believe it or not, I am too lazy to talk about it."

"... "

Luo Tian looked helplessly at the thousands of troops coming out of the vortex, couldn't help but gritted his teeth, and directly dispelled the mirror of life and death and the small reincarnation channel, biting the bullet and rushing towards the thousands of troops arrogantly with the precious light of his body.

Before the physical body got close, the protective light around Luo Tian's body was completely cut off by [-] to [-]%.There are thousands of troops and horses, and they are so fierce just by their breath!

"Damn it, let's fight!"

Luo Tian used all his strength to run the five-element holy body, and the power of the five elements around him lingered endlessly, turning into a colorful cocoon and colliding with thousands of troops and horses.

"It hurts!"

At this moment, Luo Tian was completely relying on the support of thirty times the combat power and the power of the immortal king. Facing thousands of troops alone, Luo Tian began to fight endlessly.

Soon, Luo Tian's left arm broke directly, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist, but the Tianshen Yuan force in his body immediately replenished, and Luo Tian's lost arm immediately recovered.Afterwards, Luo Tian's two legs were severely cracked again, and then his lower body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, Tian Tun Yuan Li replenished Gu Lai again.

Among them, the repeated pain was the most unbearable for Luo Tian. That kind of pain was simply beyond the normal range. Every time Luo Tian was like a little rebirth.

Ten days and ten nights!

This tragic battle lasted for ten days and ten nights!

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