
Chapter 748 Promoted to Golden Immortal, Smashed with One Punch!

Ten days and ten nights of life and death trials!

It made Luo Tian grow a lot in an instant. His physical body was damaged and repaired countless times. At this moment, the strength of his physical body has reached another level, and he has directly entered the level of a semi-saint immortal treasure.However, the suffering that Luo Tian endured was dozens of times more than the harvest.In terms of the Robber Immortal's idea of ​​standing and talking without back pain, this is called bitterness before sweetness. Without tempering, there will never be room for growth.


Luo Tian couldn't help panting heavily, and his whole body fell directly from the air, his body was constantly repairing and reorganizing during the fall.

As soon as his big foot stepped on the void, Luo Tiansheng stopped his body. He didn't have any joyful thoughts in his heart, but was full of bitterness, because the spiritual veins in his body were really running out. If this continues, he will fight ten or eight times. I'm afraid that my spiritual veins will be exhausted!

"This deity is really strange." After this wave of catastrophe, the Robber Immortal spoke.

"Senior, what's so strange?" Luo Tian said with a mournful face, as if his parents had died.

"How can a stingy guy like you cultivate to where he is today?" The Robber Xianjun sighed softly, "Hey, I can't give up on myself. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to survive the tribulation of the three corpses. For the strong, it seems unlikely."

Hearing the words, Luo Tian didn't faint, and said speechlessly: "Please, I'm not even a golden fairy now, the fairy king is really illusory and out of reach for me!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, this third wave of catastrophe is probably the unconscious avatar of Tian Xing Xianjun, if you really can't bear it, just talk to this deity, and this deity will protect you through it safely."

"Don't worry, I won't hold on to it."

After a while.

As soon as Luo Tian took a breath, the huge vortex with a radius of thousands of miles above his head suddenly became boiling, like a large pot of boiling water, tumbling and agitating, and even made wild roaring sounds, and then, The thousand-mile vortex suddenly turned black and red, extremely terrifying and gloomy.

"It's coming." The Robber Xianjun teased.

Luo Tian didn't say much this time, but stared nervously at the huge black-red vortex. He could feel the overwhelming coercion from the breath in it. The repressed is hard to drive freely.


Luo Tian was extremely shocked. This is still just an unconscious avatar of Tian Xing Xianjun, just one of his hundreds of millions of avatars, and it is so powerful. Completely exterminate.

Feeling the toughness of the half-saint fairy treasure's physical body, Luo Tian still felt unsafe, so he sacrificed the mirror of life and death and the channel of reincarnation directly, and the oppressive feeling in his heart finally eased a little or two.

Chi Chi Chi!


In the huge black-red vortex, it slowly separated towards the two sides. After the separation, a figure about the size of an ordinary human slowly walked out of the center of the black-red vortex.

Ka Ka Ka!

As soon as this figure emerged from the black-red vortex, the hundreds of miles of void below his soles were instantly annihilated, completely annihilated, and could not even re-condense in the void.

This is the power of an unconscious avatar of Xianjun!

Just relying on the breath alone, the void is completely unbearable!

Luo Tian only felt that the rebellious thoughts in his heart could not be born, so he was directly pressed into the void. The mirror of life and death above his head and the reincarnation channel around his body trembled under the pressure of the aura of the immortal king's avatar, and then he was reborn. Withdrawing back into Luo Tian's body, no matter how Luo Tian called, there was no response.

Finally, when the avatar of Xianjun fully emerged from the black and red vortex.

Luo Tian finally couldn't bear to use a drop of the power of the fairy, and once again displayed thirty times the fighting power!

This kind of aura is really too terrifying. With Luo Tian's current strength, he almost knelt down in the void just now!

"Worship the sky and the earth and worship your parents. I want my father to worship you, but I can't do it!"

Luo Tian roared with a flushed face, and finally straightened his body.Stick to the bottom line in my heart.What he has done in his life, even if he is not a bad person, he is definitely not a good person. He is doing things according to his preferences. Of course, he still has the unyielding belief in his heart, otherwise he would definitely not be able to make it to where he is today!

"Get out of here!"

Luo Tian yelled wildly, and finally gathered up enough courage to shoot towards the precipitous clone descending from the void.

Luo Tian had said these three words countless times in his life, but this time, to say it to this immortal monarch clone, it was extremely daring!Luo Tian seldom did anything he was not sure of in his life, but this time, he went completely crazy!

So what about Xianjun?

In mid-air, a sneer appeared on the corner of the Taoist avatar's mouth, and the cold smile quickly swept across Luo Tian's body, spreading to every cell in Luo Tian's body.That is the consciousness of Xianjun, the infinite fear brought about by Xianjun's coercion!

Xianjun is the emperor of immortals!It is luxurious and respectable in itself!


In mid-air, Xianjun's avatar could not help but let out a cold snort, and then looked over with his hands behind his back. Under that gaze, it seemed that all of Luo Tian's attack trajectories and attack methods were in his calculations, and they directly collapsed into pieces. nothingness.

Luo Tian couldn't help feeling a little weak all over, isn't this too perverted?How can I fight if I have already figured out my next move before I make a move?


My own law of swallowing the sky is to create the Tao out of thin air, and it is a new way of life in the world. Not to mention the immortal king, even the immortal king cannot calculate any past, present and future of the law of swallowing the sky. This is the only one in Luotian today. Rely on it!

"Swallowing the sky seal!"

Luo Tian came to his senses all of a sudden, and then started from the Qiankun Seal, and continued to display them sequentially.

Sure enough, the fairy avatar frowned slightly.

Even so, Luo Tian simply couldn't get within ten feet of the immortal monarch's avatar.

"Okay, your kid's background and accumulation are too deep. If you don't have this deity, you will definitely not be able to survive the catastrophe of Daluo Jinxian. Let this deity do it for you." Robber Xianjun said slowly.

"hold on!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he made a movement.

"You kid is too crazy?!"

The Robber Xianjun couldn't help crying out.


"I just said that this guy can't survive the Great Luo Jinxian's catastrophe!"

Below the void, the three black demons and little saints couldn't help being suppressed by the coercion of the fairy king's avatar, but they didn't resist. Naturally, they suffered very little damage, but they began to gloat.

"The more evildoer you are, the greater the backlash you will suffer when crossing the Daluo Golden Immortal Tribulation!"

"Hahaha, the three of us will be able to easily enter the Ancient God Jade Bi to comprehend enlightenment when this kid falls!"

next moment.

Laws all over Luo Tian's body were on fire, and [-]% of the world inside his body was directly burned. He was actually burning the power of laws!

"Break it for me!"

Luo Tian endured the burning pain of the primordial spirit, and in a blur, he directly punched the fairy avatar. This punch was as powerful as a rainbow, like the first and last moments of the opening or destruction of the era.


Xianjun's avatar took a hard blow, but there was no abnormality.

After a while, the immortal monarch's avatar suddenly became illusory, and finally dissipated slowly.

"Finally, promoted to Golden Immortal..."

Luo Tian's consciousness began to become blurred, and his soul was severely injured and fell from the sky.

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