
Chapter 758

In the fairy world, it is not carefree.

Luo Tian shook his head slightly, looked up calmly at the countless layers of clouds and mist that suddenly dispersed high in the sky, the layers of clouds and mist receded slowly like the tides in the sea, the momentum was still unparalleled, flashing An incomparably magnificent and magnificent scene.


A gust of strong and unstoppable wind swept past, and from the depths of the sea of ​​clouds and mist that separated high in the sky, six huge crystal jade discs suddenly floated, shining colorful rays one after another. Among the colored rays, there are countless ancient text is flying.

After a while, those ancient characters suddenly disappeared.

There are a thousand names engraved on each crystal jade disc, among which the top [-] names are at the top, and the fonts are much larger, and the fonts for the top ten names occupy the top row with glittering gold. It looks domineering and extraordinary.


Standing beside Luo Tian, ​​Ling Ruochen shook his fist fiercely, and shouted indignantly, "I'm only one place away from being on the top floor. I should have killed a few more golden fairies!"

"That's right, do you know No.10? I have fought against him, and he is extremely powerful, at least he has the strength to enter the top three." Luo Tian smiled lightly, a hint of deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

"Xuanjin Little Saint!" Ling Ruochen thought for a moment, "You actually fought against him? This guy is quite powerful, I'm afraid I'm not his opponent. This guy is very powerful, but he is extremely low-key in Tianwang State. I haven't seen him make a move, but only after a senior brother captured some space clips did I know that this person is extremely powerful."

Luo Tian shook his head lightly, "This person is indeed powerful, and his background is extremely mysterious. If you have the opportunity, you can find out his details."

"Naturally." Ling Ruochen clapped his fists.

Next, it is naturally the highlight of this genius battle, awarding rewards.

A majestic and inviolable aura came down from the sky, and it turned out to be a group of saints coming down!

Luo Tian's eyes were very sharp, and he saw Luo Yun standing in the front all at once. The old guy had his hands behind his back, and his pair of thieves looked around wildly.

"First battlefield!"

"Second Battlefield!"


"The Sixth Battlefield!"

Naturally, Luo Tian was also looking around at the geniuses from all walks of life in this talent battle. When it was his turn in the sixth battle, he couldn't help cheering up. He didn't know what rewards would be awarded to the top ten this time.

"top ten!"

Soon, the top ten players in the sixth battlefield all heard a low, cold voice.

With a move of his mind, Luo Tian jumped into the air directly behind the nine people in front.

"meet again."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in Luo Tian's mind, it was the little Xuanjin little saint who deliberately flew a little slower, looking at him with a half-smile.

"It's a coincidence."

Luo Tian looked up to the sky and gave a haha, then smiled faintly.

"If you have the opportunity, you need to learn more." The corners of Xuanjin Xiaosheng's mouth curled up slightly, outlining a cold arc.

"I can't ask for it."

Luo Tian's heart moved, but on the surface he replied calmly, "I'm afraid you are busy with business, so I can't bother you."

"Hehe." Xuanjin Xiaosheng didn't bother to say much afterwards, and flew towards the sky at an accelerated speed.

Luo Tian was still flying unhurriedly, but in his heart he had included this Xuanjin Little Saint Immortal in the list of dangerous people. For a moment just now, he clearly felt the murderous intent hidden by the other party.

Want to kill me?

Luo Tian sneered again and again in his heart, afraid that you don't have such a big appetite!

"I have seen all the saints and great figures!"

Soon, the top ten super geniuses on the sixth battlefield lined up, bowed deeply, and spoke in an extremely respectful manner.

In fact, Luo Tian and the others couldn't help but be disrespectful, because the aura of the group of saints in front of them was superimposed on one place, which was really too powerful. With their state of Daluo Jinxian, if they didn't resist with all their strength, they might immediately throw themselves into the ground with a big gift pay homage.

"good very good!"

"The ten of you are the strongest in the sixth battlefield. After today, your name will spread throughout the entire Southern Immortal Realm!"

"I hope you will win face for my Southern Immortal Realm in the battle between the two realms in 200 years from now!"


The ten people in Luotian quickly replied respectfully.

Next, there are naturally generous rewards. Generally speaking, the rewards of the ten people are not much different. Except for the top three who each rewarded a middle-level holy treasure, the remaining seven are among the first-level holy treasures. Besides, other rewards are almost the same.

Of course, each of the ten people was rewarded with an additional original token!

The original token is a symbol of being able to enter the original secret place!Generally, those who can enter the original secret place are the super geniuses of every big state in the Southern Immortal Realm, their status is second only to the state masters of each big state, and far higher than the domain masters!

That is to say, unless you are an immortal, no one dares to touch a single hair of the person holding the original token!

"Mother, this is a precious sword." Luo Tian carefully put away the original token.

"Also, this time, since the battle between the two worlds is not far away, each of you will be able to stay in the original secret place for 200 years, which is considered an additional favor. Of course, this depends on your willingness, How long you stay in the primordial secret realm is entirely up to you to decide."

In the end, after a group of saints told the news that made the ten people happy, they waved their hands lightly and sent the ten people back to their original place.

Move space!

Saint's sign!

Legend has it that after cultivating to the Holy Immortal, one can drive a plane at will with a wave of his hand, and his supernatural powers are astonishing!

"Boy Han, hehehe."

Luo Tian was concentrating on counting the slots for rewards, when old man Luo Yun's voice rang in his heart.

"Just say something, I'm busy."

"You kid plans to stay in the original secret place for 200 years?"

"Impossible!" Luo Tian replied without hesitation, "I still have to find my mother, I don't have time to waste there!"

"Damn it! That's the original secret place, where your cultivation speed is at least ten times faster, at least!"

"So what? Cultivating a hundred times faster is not as important as mother!"

"The old man is really going to be mad at you!" Luo Yun was furious, "I tell you, don't force the old man to make a move. I tell you, you have to practice in the original secret ground for at least 500 years, even if you miss a day!"

"700 years, let me do the math." Luo Tian was slightly taken aback, "Well, 700 years should be enough."

"The old man will give you 700 years, and after 700 years, obediently return to the original secret place!"

"Okay, stop talking, I know."


Next, Ling Ruochen and Chen Lin entered the ancient secret place.Huang Jin and Zheng Feng entered the ancient secret place.

But Luo Tian ran away without hesitation, the first thing he had to do now was to go back to the Lingyun Starfield!

Lingyun Starfield, he promised someone that he must go back!

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