
Chapter 759 The power of the barbarian god!

call out!

Like a light and shadow, Luo Tian quickly moved out of the void, and then went directly to the outer starry sky, immediately arousing the consumption teleportation array blackmailed from the old man Luo Yun.

Generally, the consumption teleportation array can carry not too many people, no more than five people at most, and the consumption teleportation array naturally cannot teleport too far away, it just randomly teleports to nearby planets with large teleportation arrays.

Luo Tian took a step forward, and the light mirror reflected in front of him slowly dissipated.

"Xiao Yizi!"

"Xiao Yizi, go slowly!"

"What is this guy doing so fast? He even gave up on the original secret place!"

At this time, several rays of light from the distant void came hand in hand, directly standing in the void, staring at each other, it was Chen Lin and the others.


An orange-yellow second-order planet, the entire planet is shrouded in dark clouds all day long, and it looks a bit depressed.This second-order planet looks very ordinary, but it is actually a very powerful planet, which should not be underestimated.

In the central city of the second-order planet, there is a large teleportation array.Around the large teleportation array, there are dozens of small teleportation arrays for all the nearby immortals to teleport back and forth.

At this time, on the huge city wall, among the colorful light curtains, countless prohibition circles flowed slowly.

Two stone soldiers standing upright looked at the distant sky vigilantly, meticulous.


A strange roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and then everyone on the entire planet noticed the strange fluctuation.

"There are outsiders entering the planet, and they are not taking the normal route!"

In the central city, a middle-aged man with a full beard was drinking alcohol. Suddenly, his expression changed slightly. After a while, the whole person swayed slightly and disappeared in place.

On the second-order planet, the strongest person on it is nothing more than Xuanxian.

The outsider who entered suddenly was naturally Luo Tian.

With his hands behind his back, Luo Tian walked in the void, and after a while, he landed on the sky above the central city. The primordial spirit and consciousness only needed to sweep a few times, and he completely inspected the second-order planet in front of him.

"Five Xuanxian powerhouses, two of them are Xuanxian's limit, the strength is not bad."

Luo Tian was talking to himself for a while, and the whole person walked down from the void step by step.

"Seniors stay put, according to the rules, seniors cannot directly enter the central city!"

Soon, a bearded middle-aged man shouted with sweat dripping down his face.

Luo Tian had restrained his breath a long time ago, but the coercion of his own strength is there. The middle-aged man must be able to deduce that Luo Tian is at least an invincible powerhouse of Xuanxian.

Xuan Xian is invincible!

As long as there is no Golden Immortal to make a move, among ordinary Xuanxian levels, they will be invincible.The general Xuanxian Wudi is either an erratic hermit, or a guest official of a first-order planetary figure.

And as long as Xuanxian is invincible, he can level the second-order planet in front of him alone!

This is the difference in strength!

"Go back."

Luo Tian said softly, and then took out a token with his backhand, the token of the original secret place, the original token!

"Ah! This is it!"

The middle-aged man knelt down on one knee and said tremblingly, "I don't know if it was the patrol envoy who came here, but I hope you will forgive me! Forgive me!"

Those who possessed the original token were inspector-level dignitaries in the Southern Immortal Realm, and they were on the same level as those saint immortals, or even a little bit higher in status.

"Quickly open the big teleportation array, I'm going to Jinzhou."

Luo Tian ordered flatly.

"As ordered!"

The middle-aged man was sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water, his whole body was soaked, my God, when he thought that he almost offended an inspector just now, the middle-aged man felt like he was closed from hell Walked around.

Next, the entire central city was temporarily under martial law, and Luo Tian was welcomed in.

Almost at the same time, the entire central city knew that a shocking big man had arrived.

"Hurry up and activate the teleportation array." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he stepped on the teleportation array, and then threw out three second-order spiritual veins directly from a sleeve of his robe, "Let's take this as the cost of teleportation."

Once the large teleportation array is activated, it can carry thousands of people, but the consumption is extremely high, and at least several third-order spiritual veins are required.Luo Tian sold three second-order spirit veins, and the cost was already far exceeded.

The teleportation array was activated quickly, and Luo Tian's figure disappeared immediately.

The middle-aged man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief.



Lingyun Starfield.

Ling Yunzong.

Since it is known as Lingyun, Lingyun Sect is naturally built on high mountains, the entire sect is almost in the air, countless clouds and mists wind around, and there are even fairy birds and animals playing in the clouds and mists, and exotic flowers and plants are even more so. Countless.


A valuable antique vase was thrown from a beautiful embroidered building in Lingyunzong, making a crisp sound.

"Get out of here! No one of you can persuade me!"

A somewhat angry scolding sound came from the embroidered building.

"Junior Sister! Don't do this, otherwise it will be very difficult for everyone." A young man with a somewhat helpless face shouted from a distance, "Anyway, this time, the young master of the Tianying Starfield has come to propose in person. He is a big Luo Jinxian, it's not so easy to be rejected!"

"Tell him to go!"


The young man sighed, and then slowly backed away.

In the embroidered building, the charming girl in a fiery red dress is anyone but Tang Yan.

"Dead man! Isn't the genius war over already? Why don't you come? If you don't come, you'll have to make your child call you daddy... Come back quickly, I really can't hold on anymore... The child's The name is still waiting for you to pick up..."

at the same time.

Outside Lingyunzong, a figure in white clothes seemed to be slowly approaching Lingyunzong.

"Who is coming?"

Several guards appeared out of nowhere and shouted loudly.

"I request to see the Sect Master of Lingyun Sect." The figure in white smiled faintly, indescribably elegant and indescribably chic.

"I'm sorry, the suzerain is receiving guests at the moment."

"Don't give me a face?" The figure in white was Luo Tian, ​​and he raised his eyebrows, "Then tell him to come out to meet me."

"Hahahaha, are you crazy? What is my status as the suzerain of the Lingyun Sect, and I came out to welcome you? Don't be joking!"

"Where did the lunatic come from, leave quickly, so as not to suffer a terrible meal."

"I'm here to marry Tang Yan, tell your suzerain to come out and welcome me!"

Luo Tian repeated it again, but this time his voice suddenly amplified, directly piercing through the restraining circle and spreading throughout the Lingyun Sect.

"Hahahaha, let me see which guy is blind and dares to compete with me for a woman?"

A wild laugh sounded like thunder, and then a beam of light and shadow shot out from the depths of Ling Yunzong like a wheel, and its aura turned out to be a strong Daluo Jinxian.

"Nephew, don't do anything!"

Two voices came from the depths of Lingyun Sect at the same time, one after the other, and they reached the gate of the sect while speaking.

"he came!"

Tang Yan's face was suddenly filled with joy, and he rushed out of the embroidery building and shot towards the gate of Lingyunzong.

"Dare to compete with me for a woman, for the sake of Ling Yunzong's patriarch today, I will spare your life, get out!"

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he slapped the big Luo Jinxian powerhouse directly, sneering in his mouth, "It's just a waste Jinxian who has just piled up resources, dare to be rampant? Court death!"

"Han Yi came as promised, where is Yanyan?"

"Sir, I'm here!"

Tang Yan turned into a red streamer and flew directly towards it.


The lord of Lingyun Sect gave a low growl with a sullen complexion, and was about to stop Tang Yan with his hand.

"Mirror of life and death!"

Luo Tian immediately cast the mirror of life and death, and the red and white beams swept out directly, cutting off the magical powers of Ling Yunzong's suzerain, and directly attracted Tang Yan.

"Yanyan, this is the reward I got in the genius battle, a first-level holy-grade fairy clothes, as a small gift for you." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he took out a colorful fairy clothes and threw it away. To Tang Yan.

"Thank you, Mr. Tang." Tang Yan smiled with hazy eyes.

"Leave the rest to me." Luo Tian patted Tang Yan on the shoulder, and then took a step forward, "Tang Yan has already made a private decision with me for life, who dares to take her away today?"

"Your Excellency is too domineering!"

The master of Lingyun Sect shouted with an ugly expression, "Although your excellency is powerful, don't forget that this is Lingyun Sect!"

"With this, let's see who dares to refuse!"

Luo Tian turned over and took out the original token, and threw it in front of him, "You Ling Yunzong, just try it?"

End of this volume.

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