
Chapter 761 Tianshui County, grandparents

The entire Huo Luo State is not much smaller than a large state in the North and South Immortal Realms, but Huo Luo State is not under the jurisdiction of the North and South Immortal Realms, but at the same time it is an important detour connecting the North and South Immortal Realms, and its geographical location is very important.Moreover, in Huoluo State, there are no star regions, only four counties, and each county is as vast as several star regions.

Since Luo Tian entered Huo Luo State from the Southern Immortal Realm, he first passed through Tianshui County.

On this day, Luo Tian waved a gold-painted folding fan in his hand, and walked leisurely into a city in the southeast of Tianshui County, Xuanshui City. Waterstone' built.

"This Xuanshui stone is not only hard, far superior to fine steel, but it can also weaken magic attacks. Xuanshui City is really a big deal."

Luo Tian just glanced a few times before Shi Shiran walked towards the city gate.

There is an unwritten rule in Huoluo State, as long as immortals who enter Huoluo State, those who are above the Xuanxian level do not need to pay the customs duty. Now Luo Tian has restrained his breath to the limit level of Xuanxian, and he crossed Huoluo unimpeded all the way. state.

"There are so many people coming and going in Huoluo State, how much less immortal essence stones should be earned under such a strange rule?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, thinking to himself.

After entering Xuanshui City, Luo Tian was not in a hurry to find the inn, but instead started to wander around. According to his speculation, there must be branches of Wanshan Market, Taibai Building and Lou Wai Building here. There are so many immortals in Huoluo State, It's impossible for them not to do business here.

Sure enough, after half an hour, Luo Tian finally found the Wanshan Market.

Wanshan Bazaar has always been crowded with people, bustling and bustling.

Luo Tian just mixed in the crowd like this, looking around, he didn't have anything he needed right now, this time he came here just with the mentality of shopping for treasures, to change some small things.

Turning around, Luo Tian didn't have anything to look at, so he had to turn to another area.

In another area, almost all of them sell maps and classics, which are quite attractive to Luotian.

There are all kinds of maps and classics, including those made of fairy bamboo, polished with rare animal skins, and of course books written on plain yellow papyrus, which are very expensive in the fairy world. Of course, the most common ones are the classics on jade slips.

There are tens of thousands of classics, how could Luo Tian go through them one by one, all he needs to do is to scan them with his primordial spirit consciousness, these classics have special restrictions on them, he can only consult the catalog and brief introduction of the classics, and then go to If you want to use the primordial spirit to check forcibly, it will not work.

This irrelevant spiritual sense is powerful, if you forcibly use your primordial spiritual sense to spy on the subsequent content of these classics, those classics will automatically explode.

Therefore, if you like it, you can buy it at the expense of the immortal essence stone.

Luo Tian walked all the way, after shopping around, he finally picked out two or three maps about Huoluo State, and five or six maps about Northern Immortal Realm. This time, he is likely to enter Northern Immortal Realm all the way, after all , he promised the bandit Xianjun to go to the North Immortal Realm after the genius battle.

These classics don't seem to be extremely detailed, but the prices are ridiculously high. After all, it takes a lot of time and energy to make a map.These maps cost Luo Tian almost three or four second-order spirit veins of immortal essence stones.Fortunately, after the genius battle, the rewards were extremely generous, and he is now quite rich, and he will no longer live on it.

Of course, Luo Tian has also changed his appearance a little now, otherwise he would definitely be recognized with his ugly and distinctive appearance.After the Genius Battle, the top ten players in the six major battlefields of the Southern Immortal Realm became famous, and their portraits had already spread throughout the Southern Immortal Realm.With so many people coming and going in Huoluo State, it naturally spread quickly.

"Huh? What is this?"

After three turns and two turns, Luo Tian almost reached the end of this area. At the end, a white-haired old man sat cross-legged with his eyes closed. Some years.

"Ancient Immortal Mansion?"

Luo Tian amusedly picked up a book and read it, "Old man, are you willing to sell this good thing?"

"If you want to buy it, buy it. If you don't buy it, it's fine." The old man said in a vicious voice without raising his eyelids. Maybe he was a little emotional, and after speaking, the old man coughed violently.

"Grandpa, you are angry again!"

Soon, a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl came running quickly from afar carrying a pack of medicinal materials.

The old man changed his previous expression, and said with a smile all over his face, "It's all right, grandpa can still hold on with his old bones, and he still wants to see Hui'er get married beautifully!"

"Stop talking, I'll take your pulse first."

As the so-called long-term illness makes a doctor, this old man presumably has been seriously ill for a long time, even his little granddaughter is proficient in some medical skills, and he can feel the pulse in a decent way.


The two dark black swirls in Luo Tian's eyes slowly dissipated, and he said to himself, "It's strange that the wounds in his body contain two strange poisons of water and fire, and the poison is extremely strong. I'm afraid this old man won't last ten years."


The white-haired old man suddenly raised his head, his eyes were fierce, and he said in a deep voice, "Who are you?! You can see the cause of the old man's stubborn illness at a glance?"

"Of course I can see it." Luo Tian was not angry, seeing that although the old man's eyes were fierce, but he always seemed to fall on the girl next to him, he smiled faintly, "And I can also see that, Old man, your strength in your peak period should be invincible in the Xuanxian. The extremely severe wound on your body may have been left by the strong Jinxian. Originally, you had a chance to heal, but it is a pity that you did not want to expose the seeds contained in this poison. The target, has been forcibly suppressing the injury."

"Although the old man's cultivation base has weakened, his realm is still there. Young man, I'm afraid you are not as simple as you seem on the surface, but only the limit of Xuanxian?" The white-haired old man's complexion quickly recovered.

"This map is good, I bought it." After finishing speaking, Luo Tian directly took out five second-order spiritual veins and threw them to the white-haired old man, "But what I want to tell you is that your granddaughter has the same body as you. , was also invaded by water and fire poison, if you don't treat it in time, I'm afraid you will still be ahead of you."

After speaking, Luo Tian waved his robe sleeves, turned his head and left.

"Please stop!"

The white-haired old man seemed to have made up his mind, and stopped Luo Tian, ​​"This fellow Taoist, as long as you can heal my granddaughter, I am willing to give all of my wealth."


A white light and shadow flew back directly, Luo Tian grabbed the girl's wrist extremely quickly, tapped two fingers lightly, and then frowned tightly.

"The little girl has more than just water and fire poison on her body, but there was a more powerful poison in her body before. This water and fire poison was forcibly suppressed by you later using poison to fight poison?!"

Luo Tian saw through the injury in the little girl's body at once, and there was even a hint of anger in his tone, "You have hurt her!"

"I know."

The white-haired old man's eyes suddenly dimmed, "It's just that the old man was seriously injured, and he couldn't earn Lingshi to see a doctor for her. Even if he could take her to see a doctor, he was afraid that the enemy would come to him. Wouldn't he die tragically in the hands of the enemy?! Hui'er, it's grandpa who is bad, grandpa has harmed you!"

"What's the use of talking about it now, this little girl is destined for me. Let me meet her, so I have to take care of it no matter what." Luo Tian waved his hand quickly.

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