
Chapter 762 Trial Star

Next, without further ado, Luo Tian straight to the point asked the white-haired old man about the situation of the grandpa and grandson. The hard-working grandpa and grandson can be regarded as ancestors' virtues, which means that they met Luo Tian, ​​otherwise Not so lucky to be someone else.

"These medicines can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause!"

Soon, Luo Tian compared the potency of these medicines with the toxins in the body of the grandfather and grandson, and came to an authoritative conclusion.

"That's right, but my lord doesn't know that those high-quality elixir medicines are really expensive, and my grandpa and grandson can't afford it at all!" The white-haired old man said bitterly.

"It's not just that I can't afford it." Luo Tian sighed softly in his heart, and then took out a jade pendant, and the primordial spirit penetrated directly into it.

In the end, Luo Tian followed the grandpa and grandson to the residence. Unexpectedly, the residence of the grandpa and grandson was not too bad. The single courtyard house, one front and the other reverse, was quite large.

Luo Tian frowned indistinctly.

The white-haired old man quickly explained, "My lord, this is the last asset left by the old man, and it is left for Huier as a dowry!"

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in such an unsatisfactory mansion, so you can rest assured." Luo Tian shook his head lightly. The reason why he didn't take his grandfather and grandson to buy the elixir was because he, Hei Lian In the first sky domain of space, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, and the second is that he is waiting for someone.

Of course, Luo Tian was not without the detoxification elixir, but he didn't dare to take it rashly for the grandpa and grandson.

In a flash, a few days passed.

In the past few days, Luo Tian has not been idle, and directly researched the poison on the grandfather and grandson, only then was he shocked to find that the white-haired old man was poisoned by water and fire, which was obviously close to the number of water and fire poison. This kind is extremely poisonous, and there are even several kinds of Luo Tian, ​​let alone seen, I have never even heard of.

"Boy Han, why are you calling me here in such a hurry?"

On this day, a space portal in the mid-air of the courtyard slowly opened, and then an old guy with bone bones and fairy style walked out of it.

It was Luo Yun.

"I found a good seedling, but it's a bit troublesome." Luo Tian spread his hands and smiled wryly, "I had to invite you here all the time, the kid can't make the decision."

"Uh, it's not unusual for your kid to call him a good seedling!" Luo Yun's old eyes lit up, and he suddenly became radiant.

"Come with me."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian led Luo Yun to the hall, "Old man, I invited a master, I think Hui'er's illness can be cured."

"you are?"

The white-haired old man has become more familiar with Luo Tian these days, and even told him his name, his surname is Feng and his name is Yuanqing.The little girl's name is Feng Hui.

"You are not from Fire Luo State!"

How did Luo Yun know that when he saw Feng Yuanqing, he immediately said with certainty.

"Of course I'm not from Huoluo State." Feng Yuanqing was slightly taken aback, and then said with a wry smile, this little brother Han Yi is really a big shot, he invited anyone at random, and he almost fell to his knees just because of the oppression of his breath alone.

"Are you from Xuanhuangzhou?" Luo Yun looked at Feng Yuanqing again, and then smiled lightly.

"You, how do you know?" Feng Yuanqing's complexion changed, this secret was related to his background, even his son and daughter-in-law didn't know about it.

"This old man knows more than that." Luo Yun sighed, and paused for a moment, "I also know that you are from the Luo family in Xuanhuang Prefecture, the most brilliant and outstanding ace team—the Longya team!"

"Who are you?!" Feng Yuanqing's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and then he stepped back two steps with a ruddy complexion like a flash of light, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's!

"Hey, all of this is the Luo family's fault, a big mistake made by those bastards of the Luo family!" Luo Yun gritted his teeth and said every word, and then he pointed to the floating tree on the wall in the center of the hall. A pair of landscape paintings, "This is what made the old man guess it."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yun grabbed it with his hand, and the landscape painting flew upside down, and it turned into a sword-shaped token in the air and landed in his hand.


Seeing this situation, Feng Yuanqing rushed towards Luo Yun like a mad tiger, his appearance was extremely hideous and terrifying!

"Not bad, it's quite bloody, as expected of the one who stepped out of Longya's team."

Luo Yun chuckled, and Lao Huai waved his sleeves in relief. Feng Yuanqing was directly wrapped in layers of halos, and then suspended in the air without moving.

"Old Luo, don't go too far!"

Luo Tian raised his brows when he saw this, "I didn't call you here to settle old scores. If you want to settle it, you will settle it after you heal him!"

"Who said it's time to settle old scores?" Luo Yun teased, "No matter how stupid I am, Luo Yun, I can't attack the Longya team that I personally brought out."

After finishing speaking, the aura around Feng Yuanqing poured directly into his body, and after a while, Feng Yuanqing spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

"You are, my lord?!"

Feng Yuanqing yelled frantically, regardless of his injuries, he knelt down and bowed down, tears streaming down his face, "My lord, this subordinate has a responsibility, please punish me!"

"Get up." Luo Yun also flicked in the air, and Feng Yuanqing stood up directly.


"What is it called the master!" Luo Yun laughed loudly, "It was the old man who gave the order himself, which led to the annihilation of the Longya team. The old man also has an unshirkable responsibility!"

"It turned out to be a family." Luo Tian watched coldly from the side, "But old man Luo, your level of commanding your subordinates is really too average."

"Brother, don't talk to the Lord like this!" Feng Yuanqing hurriedly shouted, frowning.

Luo Tian shrugged, "I've always talked to old man Luo like this, and I can't change it."

"I'm to blame for this." Luo Yun said with a wry smile, and then looked at Feng Yuanqing, "Most of the poison on your body has been cured, only a small part is too severe, and it must be neutralized with two top-level immortal medicines to completely eradicate it."

"Thank you lord, this subordinate can see the lord in person in this life, and die without regrets! It doesn't matter if this poison is cured or not!"

Another zealot!

Luo Tian rolled his eyes.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

At this time, Feng Hui ran in from the outside, and said with joy on her face, "Just now I helped the aunt next door do some sewing, and earned several immortal essence stones!"

"Old man Luo, this is the good seedling." Luo Tian pouted.

"The body of the sword embryo!"

Luo Yun glanced at it, and then said in shock, "It turned out to be the body of a sword embryo that is rarely seen in millions of years! Boy Luo, I will give you a great credit this time!"

"It's a pity that this little girl has several strange poisons in her body, which are more serious than old man Feng Yuanqing."

"Don't be afraid, with you here, none of this is a problem." Luo Yun waved his hand.

"What does it have to do with me!" Luo Tian was stunned for a moment.


After half a day.

Luo Tian walked out of the courtyard with a gloomy face, and kept chanting, "Damn old man Luo, this old man is not a cultivator, and he used me as a gunman! I... sent me to test the stars, what are you doing?" Why don't I go, I'm so unlucky..."

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