
Chapter 763 The Gravity Domain of 5 Lines of Attributes!

in the hall.

Luo Yun hugged little Feng Hui with one hand, teasing her again and again, feeling quite refreshed.Beside him, Feng Yuanqing stood upright, his face twitching, always hesitating to speak, looking really uncomfortable.

"Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say!" Luo Yun scolded with a smile.

"My lord, the Trial Star is the rarest holy place for cultivation in Huoluo State, even if Brother Han Yi can enter it. But isn't it very difficult to go to the depths of the Trial Star to find those immortal medicines?" point?"

"What's the big deal?" The more Luo Tian looked at Feng Hui, the more he fell in love with him, and he couldn't control his hands to pick out good things in different ways. "Come on, Hui'er, let's see Grandpa Yun give you something interesting..."

Feng Yuanqing glanced at it, his eyes almost popped out, "Holy, holy treasure!"

"My lord, Hui'er is still young, don't give her such a precious fairy treasure, it will cause trouble." Feng Yuanqing rubbed his hands, thinking, you can just give it to me.Hui'er was only nine years old and used the Holy Grade Immortal Treasure, which was really a waste...

"It's none of your business." Luo Yun waved his hand, "Which of the things that the old man sent out, who dares to snatch or covet? I'm tired of him!"

Feng Yuanqing swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and finally looked away, looking at his nose, nose, nose, and heart, and said, "My lord, I heard that there is a Taiyi Jinxian in the trial star, and the governor of Huoluo State is a A half-step immortal, it is extremely dangerous for brother Han Yi to go here."

"Don't worry, that kid just needs training, he won't die." Luo Yun began to make funny faces to tease Feng Hui, "I can't handle even a mere trial star, I am quite disappointed in him."

"My lord, then, after all, little brother Han Yi is only a Xuanxian cultivator..." Feng Yuanqing sighed. With his Xuanxian invincible realm, he naturally felt that Luo Tian was hiding his cultivation, but he thought Luo Tian was at best An invincible and powerful Xuanxian, because he did not emit any breath of Da Luo's law.

"Xuanxian?" Luo Yun laughed, "Your eyesight is still too bad, Han Yi boy has long been able to kill Daluo Jinxian in the Xuanxian realm. Now that he is promoted to Daluo Jinxian, the little saint who is trampled to death can live Scaring you to death, the old man tells you, don’t be unconvinced. At the beginning, the dragon tooth team of my Luo family was already extremely strong, but against the boy Han, I am afraid that the possibility of annihilation of the entire army is [-]% to [-]%. This boy But he will pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

"What!" Feng Yuanqing was really choked and speechless. He never thought that Han Yi, who looked like a good old man, would have such a strong record!

"Did you stay?" Luo Yun chuckled, "Let me tell you, this kid is the owner of the original token. Old Huo Luo didn't dare to really do anything to him."

"..." Feng Yuanqing was really convinced now, and murmured, "I didn't expect little brother Han Yi to have such a glorious past, I really can't see it, I can't see it!"

Luo Yun smiled this time and didn't say much, but he said something in his heart, boy Han, don't embarrass the old man!


"This fellow Daoist, please stay!"

At the entrance of the Trial Star, several soldiers in armor directly blocked Luo Tian's way, "Only the Da Luo Jinxian strong can enter the Trial Star! The rest are not allowed to enter!"

"Oh, which one of your eyes sees that this seat is not a Da Luo Jinxian?" Luo Tian was depressed, and when he heard this, he raised his eyelids, and immediately let out a breath of a Da Luo Jinxian.

"Senior, please come here first and pay enough immortal essence stones!"

That group of soldiers must have encountered Luo Tian many times who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger. Seeing this, they stretched out their arms and led the way forward without changing their expressions.

"It's so expensive! It's a profiteer who cheats people!"

After Luo Tian paid the fee, he couldn't stop cursing inwardly, entering the trial star once, he actually needs to pay three second-order spirit veins, mother, why don't you just grab it!

But black is black, and the trial Xing Luotian still wants to go in. He doesn't want to fight because of three second-order spiritual veins, that's too boring.


Next, Luo Tianli directly entered the teleportation array leading to the trial star, and immediately activated the teleportation array.

"Hey, this master really has character, he doesn't even want the trial manual of the trial star!"

"These are all strong men who are extremely confident in their own strength. I believe that after a little bit of suffering, they will know how to adapt."



As soon as Luo Tian entered the trial star, he felt as if two giant mountains were falling under his feet. It was very difficult for the whole person to keep flying in the air, and it took a lot of immortal energy.

"Damn it! Another Xuanhuang secret realm!"

Luo Tian couldn't help cursing in his heart, everything here reminded him of the Xuanhuang Mystery Realm on the Profound Sky Plane.

clap clap!

Soon, Luo Tian landed on both feet, and looked into the distance with his hands behind his back.

This trial star is so huge that it is said that it can be compared to some small star fields. No one knows how it was formed.There are also native creatures among them, but in this environment, all of these creatures are extremely powerful.

"I heard from Old Man Luo that there are [-] floors in this Trial Star, and it's only the first floor now. And the elixir to be obtained this time is at least available on the eighth or ninth floor. It's a pain."

Luo Tian secretly thought in his heart, but he had no idea.

"God damn old man Luo, no matter what you say, you have to tell me how to enter the next floor!"

After a while, a wolf howl sounded on the first floor of Trial Star, and spread far away.

"Another crazy Golden Immortal came in!"

At the same time, on the other side of the first floor of the trial star, there happened to be an immortal who directly withdrew his consciousness, his face was slightly pale, and beside him, there were four other strong golden immortals with different postures.

"It's okay to be crazy, as long as it doesn't conflict with our plan this time."

A young man in white with a crown-like face but extremely thin lips smiled slightly. There was a mole in the center of his forehead, adding a bit of coquettishness.

"If possible, why don't I kill that guy to avoid trouble."

A tall young man twisted his two fingers slightly, and clusters of flames were wrapped around his fingers, dancing slowly.

"Okay, don't make extra troubles. This opportunity is rare, so don't make more troubles." The only woman among the five frowned slightly. The halo of ice, even the voice is cold and ruthless.

"Okay, now that everything is ready, let's go."

The young man who had been spinning a golden flute in his hand smiled slightly, and then took the lead to break through the air, and his speed was surprisingly fast.


"Why did you just pass through the metal domain, and then came the fire attribute domain! This gravity domain also has the five elements attribute, which is unbearable!"

Luo Tian yelled, while avoiding the sudden changes in the surrounding area, jumping up and down.

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