
Chapter 766 Let's not finish!

"I think it might be a misunderstanding."

Even if Luo Tian had been prepared in his heart, he was completely taken aback. The appearance of the woman in black was a bit too weird. She must have cast some kind of powerful secret technique, otherwise it would be impossible to hide it from her eyes and ears, even if she could hide it. It is impossible to hide from one's own spiritual consciousness in such a short period of time even if one has passed one's own eyes and ears.

So, Luo Tian once again pretended to be pitiful with a wry smile on his face.

The long black hair of the woman in black fluttered high, and her tight black dress outlined an extremely perfect curve, which made people's blood rush.

However, Luo Tian, ​​who pretended not to look at it for nothing, looked at it for nothing, looked at the woman in black from top to bottom.

"Have you seen enough?"

The indifferent voice of the woman in black sounded softly. Although the tone was cold, it was quite comfortable to hear.

"Yeah." Luo Tian nodded quickly when he heard the words, with a simple and honest look, "I've never seen such a beautiful person before."

"Then you can die."

The woman in black suddenly smiled, her unmodified face looked extremely attractive to all sentient beings. Naturally, she could not believe that Luo Tian was so stupid. Such a stupid would not be able to cultivate to Da Luo Jinxian, let alone appear on the trial star.

The powerhouses who appeared on the Trial Star are all those who have experienced great storms, and all of them have rich experience.I don't know how many times a fool like Luo Tian pretended to have died.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to snatch my immortal essence stone?!"

Luo Tian immediately put on a vigilant and shocked expression, fully interpreting the complex expression of righteousness and being bullied by a powerful enemy, "Tell you, you want my immortal stone, you are dreaming! Even if you force me I can't even be your husband!"


Luo Tian's shameless behavior fell on the ears of the black-clothed woman, and the coldness on the black-clothed woman's face became even more intense. The whole person slowly approached Luo Tian in the void, and two exceptionally fair white hands were in the air. Slowly intersecting in the void, several icy black light thorns suddenly formed in the palm of the hand.

"Everyone is trying out star gangsters, why bother to fight and kill all day long?"

Luo Tian spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders involuntarily, and said helplessly, "Besides, meeting is fate, and you understand the situation in front of you. It is quite difficult for you to enter the sixth floor alone. .”

"Slightly injured at most." The woman in black kept on stepping, and said indifferently, "So, it doesn't make any difference whether I kill you or not."

"Since you think so, then I really have no choice but to slip away by myself."

After finishing speaking, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, his whole figure suddenly became blurred, and the technique of void assassination was immediately displayed, knocking away the prohibition circle that the woman in black had secretly arranged earlier in the horizontal direction There was a gap, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared.

"Want to go?"

The black-clothed woman sneered even worse, pushing her hands against the void in front of her, "The Thousand Mountain Demon Explodes!"


Following the shot of the woman in black, three extremely dark light thorns suddenly shot out from her hands. The light thorns faltered and fell in a certain direction in an instant, and then they collided with each other and exploded!


A miserable cry sounded from the center of the explosion, and Luo Tian's figure suddenly appeared.

Luo Tian didn't expect that the woman in black in front of him would be so difficult to deal with, and her mind was so high that she could guess his purpose in an instant.

This woman is definitely not easy to deal with!

But what makes Luo Tian flustered at this moment is that he has been exposed in front of many abyssal dragons...

"Fuck! You prodigal bitch, you're completely cheating me!!!"

Luo Tian screamed angrily, and slammed his fist fiercely, knocking an abyssal dragon flying that rushed up. The bones all over his body exploded continuously, and the power of his body continued to increase.

"Abyss Demon Dragon, you'd better not provoke me, otherwise the end will be very miserable!"

Luo Tian's stature in the void suddenly swelled, but not to the point of exaggeration, step by step through the void, the entire void even trembled, at the same time, as Luo Tian stepped step by step Suddenly, a huge black phantom appeared behind him.

Void beast!

The huge deep eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky, the phantom of the void beast slowly appeared, and the aura on Luo Tian's body was soaring, frightening those ferocious abyss dragons so that they dare not approach Luo Tian easily!

"This is, a Void Beast?!" The woman in black was originally watching coldly, but this time her expression changed, and she stared at Luo Tian without blinking her beautiful eyes.


"The seal of the universe! The universe is easy to turn!"

At this time, Luo Tian, ​​who had his back to the woman in black, had a cold smile on his face, "I hurt Lao Tzu once, if you want to go like this, there is no way!"


The Qiankun seal that Luo Tian cast this time turned out not to be the mustard seed of Na Xumi from big to young, but the mustard seed of Na Xumi!

Even though those abyssal dragons were strong, they were also disrupted by Luo Tian's move. Hundreds of abyssal dragons couldn't stabilize their bodies and rolled down in all directions.

Afterwards, Luo Tian strolled in front of a raised stone like a leisurely stroll, and crashed directly into it.

The sixth floor channel!

Seeing this, the woman in black's complexion changed slightly, and she flashed her figure immediately. She came directly to the protruding boulder, and followed Luo Tian into the sixth floor space, but suddenly her appearance changed drastically, and she retreated violently. Stepping out, he scooped it up in the void with one hand, and a black shield suddenly appeared in the void.

Boom boom boom!

The three black beads exploded with a bang, and the air waves generated by the aftermath of the explosion sent several abyssal dragons flying hundreds of feet away.

"Heavenly Fiend and Dark Thunder!"

The woman in black bit her red lips, and shouted in a low voice bitterly, clenched her plain hands tightly, "What a cunning guy, we can't stop!"

After finishing speaking, the woman in black waved her sleeves, and several gusts of wind suddenly formed, whistling towards the protruding boulder.

This time, there was no follow-up method left by Luo Tian.

"Who is this person? Why have you never seen him before?"

Yurong, the woman in black, moved, and then opened her mouth to spit out a bloody arrow, three thunderbolts from the evil spirit, even though she has great supernatural powers, she couldn't bear it at such a close distance.Caught off guard, he still suffered a little injury.

Then, the woman in black followed Luo Tian into the sixth floor.

Trial star sixth floor space.

Luo Tian laughed straight, "Little girl, even if you are so scheming, you still have to drink my footwashing water! Three heavenly evil thunders! Hehehe..."

The three Heavenly Fiends and Thunderbolts were so close, it was extremely difficult for Luo Tian to bear it, let alone the woman in black.

At the same time, the figure of a woman in black appeared tens of thousands of miles away from Luotian.

"Want to leave? But it's not that simple!"

The woman in black smiled faintly and charmed all beings, but she planted a trace of invisible primordial spirit seeds on the other party.

An invisible war seems to have begun.

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