
Chapter 767 Male and female disaster stars!


In the sky, a white light and shadow loomed, flying brazenly high in the sky.

Except for Luo Tian, ​​I am afraid that few people in the entire sixth floor of the trial star dare to continue to fly in such a luxury. Flying at high altitude, it is easy to expose the target and become a living moving target.

Da Luo Jinxian, who was able to enter the sixth floor of the trial star, usually said nothing more, said less, and all of them were not weak.Once you fall into the trap, the consequences will be dire.No one wants to make wedding clothes for others.

But Luo Tian had to do this.

"Damn woman!"

Luo Tian's complexion was a little ugly. He never thought that with his current strength, the woman in black would even plant a trace of tracking primordial spirit on her body. If he hadn't fully utilized the primordial spirit consciousness, it might not be easy to detect.

"Even if this woman's primordial spirit is not as good as mine, it's not much worse!"

While flying, Luo Tian was thinking secretly. Now, he has entered the sixth floor space for less than half an hour. Presumably the woman in black is also rushing towards him. Naturally, a big battle will be inevitable. Let the other party suffer such a big loss in his hands.

In the sixth layer of space, Luo Tian kept flying all the way, and he saw very few local monsters. On the contrary, there were many strong outsiders, each of whom occupied the mountain to practice, and no one disturbed anyone.

At this time, Luo Tian had already erased the imprint of the primordial spirit left by the woman in black, presumably the other party had noticed it, and then he suddenly changed his direction, and began to circle around, towards those strong men who were working on their own. area fly.

"Who is coming? Please stay!"

Soon, when Luo Tian swaggered past a certain area, a strong man couldn't sit still, and directly sent a warning with his spiritual sense.

"This is your place? Noisy! Get out!"

Luo Tian yelled violently, and counterattacked back with the attack technique of Yuanshen.

"So ignorant of the rules! Courting death!"

Those who can enter the trial star are all strong and have some background, otherwise, ordinary people can't afford the high fee.

Luo Tian's eyes turned cold, and then turned into a streamer and directly broke into the opponent's residence, fighting with the opponent.

After a while of mountain shaking and ground shaking, countless gravels fell from the sky like raindrops.

"The strength is not bad."

Luo Tian rubbed his fists, and flew directly from the opponent's residence to the distance.

In the same place, a strong golden fairy wearing Taoist robes sat on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face, with a dejected face, and shouted: "It's too bullying! It's too bullying! How lawless and lawless it is in this trial star!" , who is this person, I want to write a letter to join him!"

After a while, the strong Jinxian managed to get up from the ground resentfully, and after taking some elixir, his injuries almost recovered.Luo Tian was just having fun with his hands, and he didn't use heavy hands, otherwise he wouldn't be so comfortable.


In the sky, a black cloud drifted over.

"Who is coming? Please stay!"

This strong golden immortal roared angrily again, and came whenever he wanted to, taking his territory for nothing!

"Who? How dare you trespass on my residence..."


This time, the other party just let out a cold snort, and then made a bold move, and immediately cast the magic channel technique.

After a while, a stream of black smoke flew far away.

The strong golden fairy who was wounded on top of his face said with tears all over his face: "I've never seen anything like this! It's okay for the man to be arrogant, and even the woman in black afterward is also a evil star. If you meet him so hard, I want you Join them!"


With the arrival of Luo Tian and the woman in black, the originally peaceful sixth floor of Trial Star began to become wild.

Usually, Luo Tian left after a fight in front of him, and after a while, the black-clothed woman who followed him swept away again, and made all of these Jinxian strongmen who were not weak, but they were not the two of them. Human opponents are really annoying!

male and female evil star!

Soon, such a title spread on the sixth floor of Trial Star, referring to Luo Tian and the woman in black!

When everyone was in danger, Luo Tian was also intensively searching for the space coordinates leading to the seventh floor. He was seen flying past high in the sky, and his primordial spirit and consciousness could not stop sweeping over it arbitrarily, which provoked quite a few people. The strong dared not speak out.Because these strong men knew that anyone who dared to yell and curse would definitely be beaten up, but the opponent was too powerful to be provoked.

"I said, fellow daoist, I admit that I am no match for you, why do you have to chase after me so hard!"

A streak of green air flew wildly in front of him, and then landed on the ground all of a sudden, using the escape technique and heading towards the ground, the speed of the articulation with both hands was extremely fast.

"Hand over the elixir."

Naturally, Luo Tian was chasing after him. At the beginning, he didn't even realize that there was an elixir in this sixth space, and he discovered it by chance later.

"That elixir was collected by me with great difficulty! Can you be reasonable?" the strong Jinxian said with a bitter face.

"I saw it first."

"It's all right... that's all right, you can take the elixir, and you have chased me for hundreds of thousands of miles for such a top-grade elixir, what are you going to do?" Finally, the strong golden fairy finally gave in.

Luo Tian took the elixir from the flying shot, inspected it carefully with his primordial spirit and consciousness, and put it away after finding that there was nothing wrong with it.

Just as he was about to continue on the road, Luo Tian's complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body immediately accelerated in the void, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Huh! Finally sent away this evil star!"

The strong Jinxian escaped from the ground and returned to the ground, lay panting on the ground, and said with a mournful face, "This man is a complete lunatic, chasing me so far just for a high-grade elixir, he spent more than a hundred thousand miles There are enough spirit veins to buy several!"

"come here!"

After the cup of tea was over, a black cloud of smoke came flying from afar, but it was a woman in black with a sullen complexion.

"This seat doesn't have any elixir!"

The strong Jinxian shouted with grief and indignation.

"A lot of nonsense!"

The woman in black opened her hand in the air, and without hesitation, she slammed the golden fairy into the ground, creating a deep pit in the shape of a human.

"I ask you, have you seen this person? If you say one more nonsense, I will kill you!"

The woman in black pointed her bare hand towards the void, and a light and shadow image completely condensed by the energy of heaven and earth appeared immediately.

"I've seen it before!" The golden fairy said excitedly with tears all over his face, "It was this guy just now who snatched an elixir from me!"

"Where did he go?"

"Over there!" The Golden Immortal quickly pointed to the southwest direction, and then said cautiously, "Aren't you two in the same group?"


At this moment, the face of the woman in black who had been flying several kilometers away suddenly changed with her back facing the former, and then waved lightly behind her, immediately moving several mountain peaks in the void, directly smashing down towards the former!

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