
Chapter 768 Dragon Tomb

"Another poor fellow."

Luo Tian flew fast in the air, slowly opened his palm, and the high-grade pill appeared in his palm, his face moved slightly, and his primordial spirit and consciousness immediately penetrated into it, and he began to explore carefully.

Naturally, Luo Tian couldn't chase and kill that guy for more than ten thousand miles just because of an ordinary top-grade elixir, which would be too much.The reason why he acted brazenly was because Luo Tian discovered that there was an unusual aura in that high-grade elixir. He had never seen this aura before, but he had felt something similar to it in Qingli Xiaoxianjie on the Profound Sky Plane. breath.

Ice coffin woman!

At the beginning, Luo Tian and Dongfang Long entered the ice and snow world by mistake, and attracted a peerless figure from the fairy world. Although the peerless figure was only a ray of plane clone at the beginning, but now that he thinks about it carefully and calculates it carefully, Luo Tian still thinks that the current self is far from being an opponent of one of his plane clones!

holy fairy!

At least it is also a high-level saint!

Moreover, according to the tone revealed by that peerless great man, it is obvious that he is a member of the Three Great Sacred Lands of the last era, Snow Wind City.The Immortal Realm can be called a holy place, at least there have been three great figures in it, otherwise, how dare it be called a holy place!

After pondering for a while, Luo Tian still had no idea why the woman in the ice coffin appeared in the Profound Sky Plane?Why is there another big man who is at least the level of a saint guarding him?

All of these are mysteries, and they cannot be sorted out quickly.

Luo Tian's long and narrow eyes gradually narrowed. The muddy water in the Immortal Realm far surpasses the Tianxuan Plane, and is even inextricably linked with the thousands of planes in the Lower Realm. chance.

Luo Tian never thought that a person was born with great luck and good fortune, and his natural cultivation path was extremely open and never experienced hardships. Even if there are such peerless monsters, they will definitely not last long.Cultivation is to go against the sky, which strong person has not experienced many hardships and setbacks?

The so-called luck, the so-called favor of fate, is nothing more than hard work.

But now, the high-grade elixir in Luo Tian's hand contains a trace of the aura similar to that of the ice coffin woman, which is difficult and obscure. From this, Luo Tian boldly speculates in his heart that the sixth layer of the trial star must be Possess something related to this top-grade elixir.

After hesitating for a moment, Luo Tian finally made up his mind. During the flight, he used all his celestial energy and primordial consciousness, and firmly grasped the high-grade elixir in front of him, and the elixir turned into a pile of powder from his fingertips. drift.

Opening his mouth and swallowing, Luo Tian swallowed all the ample spiritual energy emerging from the elixir, and then raised his right fingertips slowly.


A soft sound rang in Luo Tian's ear, and then, an incomplete picture appeared in Luo Tian's mind immediately. The picture was extremely messy and magnificent, but for some reason it was a fragmented scene.

After a while, Luo Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes shot out.

"The ancient battlefield, the ancient battlefield!..."

Luo Tian muttered to himself for a while, and then his face turned bitter again, "Isn't it? This girl is really persistent. It seems that the three evil spirits really drove her crazy..."


Luo Tian's body turned into a streamer, and according to the fragments he finally extracted from the elixir, he searched forward.

"According to the incomplete image, I am afraid that a part of the ancient battlefield is located in this layer of space!" Luo Tian thought slowly, and then waved his hands quickly, "Eternal retrospect! Destroy time and space!"

Suddenly, countless vortices of spiritual energy condensed in front of Luo Tian, ​​and finally, these vortexes of spiritual energy gathered in one place, condensed into an illusory lightsaber, and shot towards a certain direction.

"Although I can only calculate the approximate position, it is already very good."

Luo Tian stepped forward and followed directly.

"Damn! What is he going to do?"

A moment later, a stream of black smoke galloped from afar, with a face full of panic.

It was the woman in black.

These days, the woman in black didn't care about her cultivation at all, and followed Luo Tian all the way, but she didn't expect Luo Tian to be slippery than a loach. Every time he was about to catch up, he immediately changed direction and let the woman in black Almost want to go crazy.

"Consume, let's see who can consume more than whom!"

The woman in black yelled bitterly, stomped her feet, and followed from behind again.

It seemed that, from the very beginning of this battle, the angry woman in black fell into a disadvantage.


As Luo Tian continued to move forward, gradually, an endless wasteland began to appear in front of him. Unexpectedly, after the wasteland, he passed through a small sea area, and the speed of the aura lightsaber in front of him finally slowed down.

"Isn't it?"

Luo Tian couldn't help crying in his heart. I even used the void assassination technique to hide my breath and escape. Although the woman in black behind was thrown away at first, she finally caught up.

As the wind raced, the aura lightsaber in front of him became more and more wobbly, and eventually even started to tremble in all directions, as if there was an obstacle in finding the direction.


After about a meal, the aura lightsaber exploded all of a sudden.

Luo Tian glanced around with an uncertain expression, and after a few breaths, he broke into the mountains in front of him.

Above the sky, Luo Tian could see the scene below at a glance. The endless mountains seemed to be an incomplete formation, presenting various magnificent and strange shapes.

clap clap!

Finally, Luo Tian bumped into the air ban, and immediately fell from the sky, and then quickly used body skills to sink into a cave in front of him.

Inside the cave, unexpectedly, it is not going up, but going down. The bottom is covered with countless deep pits and cracks, which keep spreading towards the distance.

Luo Tian hesitated for a moment, then jumped down and entered the crack.

As soon as he entered the crack, gusts of howling wind swept in, hitting Luo Tian's protective light, causing waves of flames to ripple.

Not long after, Luo Tian seemed to have reached the bottom of the crack, but he didn't expect that there was a hole in the bottom!

The melancholy colorful light, the dazzling sunlight, the green wood and stone landscape.

The strange thing is that there is not a monster here, not even a beast.

"This breath, yes!"

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and suddenly seemed to remember something, stretched out his hands, and made the Wan Dao Seal.

"It's just an illusion, you still want to confuse me! Break!"

The illusion is broken, not dissipated, but fleeting, and then it will be restored to its original state again.

Luo Tian took this opportunity to shoot into it all at once, and then his face was full of astonishment.

"This is... Dragon Tomb!"

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