
Chapter 769 Variables!

Dragon Mound!

It is indeed a strange land that exists in the legends. At least, when Luo Tian was in the Tianxuan plane, let alone seeing it, he had never even heard of the existence of the Dragon Tomb.Because dragons are originally considered high-level monsters in the Profound Sky Plane, all of them are extremely powerful. As long as they reach adulthood, even low-level dragons can become strong.This is closely related to the inheritance memory of high-level monsters. All monsters, as long as they are adults, are more or less able to accept the memory of race inheritance. The higher the level of monsters, the more complete the inheritance memory, even Some mutated high-level monsters can even operate the innovative divine channel technique by themselves in their inherited memory.

Inheritance is very important to Yaozu!It can be said that the continuation of the Yaozu depends on the inheritance of memory.Because high-level monsters are bound by the laws of heaven and earth, they are inferior to humans and demons in terms of reproduction. It is often extremely difficult for high-level monsters to reproduce. Once they die young, it will be a huge loss for the entire monster race!

Therefore, the protection of the monster race is extremely important for the reproduction of the race, and even belongs to the most supreme clause among the monster race.Of course, there are still some provisions that can make the Yaozu attach so much importance, such as how to deal with the high-level Yaozu after their lifespan is exhausted.

Every high-level monster clan is almost the same, saying the same, but the details are not so the same.The Dragon Clan, as one of the groups standing at the peak of the entire Monster Clan, whether they run out of lifespan or are seriously injured and dying, they will burn the few remaining lifespan in their lives, and lock the space coordinates of the Dragon Tomb instantly when they break the space, In the end, he returned to the Dragon Tomb, and if he died, he would also die in the Dragon Tomb.

Existences like the Dragon Tomb are extremely important among the Yaozu.If other ethnic groups dare to enter the dragon mound to steal precious materials such as dragon skin, dragon bones, dragon tendons, dragon pills, etc., they will be chased and killed by the entire monster clan.

"Damn, is this good luck or bad luck?"

Luo Tian was speechless right away, he really didn't expect that he had actually entered the Dragon Tomb, if the stubborn old fellows of the Yaozu knew about it, even with old Luo covering him, it would probably not work.

Entering the Dragon Tomb is naturally unlucky, but fortunately, this Dragon Tomb does not seem to be an authentic existence like the Demon God Island, but it seems to be a temporary Dragon Tomb.

Yes, this used to be an ancient battlefield!

Suddenly, Luo Tian's eyes lit up, his mind turned quickly, and he quickly figured out the reason. It must have been the dragon clan among the demon clan who participated in the ancient battlefield. They encountered some powerful enemies and almost all fell. Unable to return to the Demon God Island in the ancient battlefield, we can only temporarily open up such a temporary dragon mound in the ancient battlefield!

"The temporary Dragon Tomb is not something to mess with!"

Luo Tiandeng was a bit big-headed at the time, especially in the temporary Dragon Tomb in front of him, there were at least dozens of tall mountains, Luo Tian Tuntian's spiritual eyes were used, and he could see through the true origin of them in an instant. It is the body of the dragon after death.

"Except for one sky dragon, the rest are all ancestor dragons."

Soon, the robber Xianjun in the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space suddenly spoke again.

Luo Tian thought he was used to this old guy's elusiveness, so he didn't speak, but frowned even tighter, "Ancestor Dragon is already an extremely powerful existence among the monster clan, Tianlong, that is even more powerful among the dragon clan and even the monster clan cultivators." As the most invincible existence, he is only one step away from becoming the supreme existence of the dragon clan and even the entire fairy world - the dragon god. If I ransack this dragon tomb, the consequences will be quite dire!"

"Nonsense!" Even a lawless guy like the Bandit Xianjun couldn't help but roll his eyes wildly, "If you really dare to loot the Dragon Tomb in front of you, I can guarantee that those old antiques from the Yaozu will come out to serve you in person You! Hehe..."

"It doesn't mean that I didn't say it. It seems that the old antiques of the Yaozu are all existences of the same level as Tianlong. This is equivalent to the fairy king of the human race. I'm afraid you can't afford to offend you, senior?" Luo Tian said with a mournful face.

"Almost." The Robber Immortal was not arrogant this time, and said in a light and authentic tone, "At the peak of my seat, I can at most be equally as good as a demon clan at the level of Tianlong. If you come to two, I will have my tail between my legs." No matter how far you escape, how far is it. The Yaozu itself is extremely difficult to cultivate, and there are almost no races that are strong at the same level as the opponents of the Yaozu. God is fair!"

"Then I didn't come here for nothing?!" Luo Tian said regretfully, "This Dragon Tomb obviously has something to eat. I have hardly suffered a loss in my life. It seems that I am destined to suffer a loss this time. gone."

"Have you provoked someone recently?" Robber Xianjun said suddenly.

"No!" Luo Tian replied directly, "An honest and reliable little man like me who sees flowers blooms and everyone loves everyone, how could he offend for no reason...I'm stupid! Isn't it? That little girl has caught up ?!"

Finally, Luo Tian realized a more difficult situation. The woman in black who he had rewarded with three celestial thunders followed behind him without giving up, and seemed to be in love with him...

"Fix it yourself." The Bandit Immortal smiled, and immediately closed the entire Fourth Heaven Realm of the Black Lotus Space.

"This time, let's see where you go!"

Soon, a cold shout came from behind Luo Tian.

"Hmph, my little girl can still scare people, she is still far away from me." Luo Tian sneered, then his figure flashed, and he flew directly towards the depths of the Dragon Tomb, "I don't believe you really Dare to do something inside the Dragon Tomb!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian galloped towards the depths of the Dragon Tomb with great interest, and if he made a move in the Dragon Tomb, it is very likely that these important figures of the Dragon Clan who have been asleep for an unknown number of years, even if they have only a trace of yuan left God is not something Luo Tian and the woman in black can resist now.

"Dragon, Dragon Tomb!"

The woman in black chased directly into Longzhong, and she was stunned by everything in front of her.But after hesitating for a moment, the woman in black gritted her teeth and decided to continue chasing and killing Luo Tian!

Luo Tian in front quickly passed through the mountains transformed into giant dragons, but in the end, he was directly blocked by a barrier. Speaking of which, the barrier appeared suddenly, and Luo Tian's primordial spirit did not notice it at all. , and finally almost hit it directly.

"This is?"

Luo Tian looked around, but felt that his eyes were immediately filled with colorful lights, and then his soul and consciousness were confused all of a sudden, and he stared at the barrier in front of him in a daze.

"Hmph! Let's see where you escape this time!"

The woman in black saw Luo Tian stop from a distance, and her speed increased sharply. When she reached the range where she could make a move, she made a move without hesitation, rubbing and pulling between her palms, and a solid black long sword shot directly from between her palms. It shot out from the center and shot directly at Luo Tian.


Unexpectedly, when the black long sword was a few feet behind Luo Tian, ​​it was directly swept back by the colorful light on the barrier, and then, the woman in black felt an inexplicable force appear out of thin air, enveloping her whole body in it, Fly quickly towards the barrier!

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