
Chapter 775

The five elites of the Five Elements family were naturally taken aback when they heard the words. The icy black woman in front of them actually said that she came out of the Tianlong Tomb. Their first reaction was not only shock but also deep doubts. As we all know, in the In the orthodox rules of the Yaozu, not to mention the tombs of the dragon clan, even the tombs of ordinary dragon clan powerhouses should have a special sense of fluctuations in the power of heaven and earth, that is to say, this is a small dragon clan tomb, although It's not a holy place to enter the Demon God Island, but with the demon clan's protective personality, there is definitely a special connection with the dragon clan that is unknown to others, but it's just that the cultivation level of these people in front of them is not high enough to notice it at all.

"Five elements attribute?!"

At this time, Mufu was looking at the five people in front of him coldly, secretly surprised in her heart. With her qualifications as the backing of the God of Enlightenment, her cultivation base has grown very rapidly, not to mention, and she has a half-level immortal treasure. Yinsuo didn't mention it either, but the countless secrets about the fairy world told by Wenqing Xianjun were not comparable to those Taiyi Jinxians.Moreover, Mufu possesses a half-level Tao-level fairy treasure, but any fairy treasure with a little bit of Tao-level treasure has its own spirituality and self-awareness, and it has planted the imprint of the primordial spirit on the Tao-level fairy treasure. The fairy treasure and the winner can also enhance each other's warmth and nourishment, and the benefits are endless. Therefore, Luo Tian may not be able to kill her completely even if Mufu has a half-level fairy treasure on her body. I realized that unless the robber Xianjun takes action, there is no other way.

And Mufu knows that the Five Elements attribute is spread very widely on the surface, and there are many immortals who practice the five elements attribute law in the fairy world, but those who really cultivate the Five Elements attribute to the peak, are only able to do it by some ancient mysterious families arrive.As we all know, when the Five Elements attribute has been cultivated to great success, the power of the law is comparable to the top [-] laws of the Three Thousand Ways, and when it is cultivated to the peak, it can even be compared to the top ten laws.

The law of the five elements is, after all, one of the true original laws of the universe. Except for the law of fate, the law of less than one hand can slightly suppress the law of the five elements. Once the laws of the five elements are unified, I am afraid that only the law of fate can suppress it.

Mufu really didn't have a good impression of the five little saints who practiced the law of the five elements in front of her. In addition, she let Luo Tian escape from her hands again and again, and she really didn't feel much better. Naturally, her words were a little rash.

"Hmph, if you dare to treat the five members of this seat with such an attitude, let's stay today." Among the five elites from the Five Elements family, the only woman said with a sneer, her thin lips moved slightly , "Looking at the aura fluctuations on your body, you should be from the giant spirit state, hehe, our name Chizhou doesn't have a good impression of you."

"Why don't you guys dare to say that to people in the Black Prison State?" Mu Fu sneered, "It's just a bunch of nasty things that bully the weak and fear the hard."

Seeing that the situation could not be reversed, Mufu naturally had no good temper and spoke very harshly.

"Leave it, this seat just lacks a maidservant who brings tea and water." A young man in a dark red robe said with a smile on his face. Behind him was a huge sword four or five feet bigger than his body, and there were streams of strong fire-attribute elements from the giant sword. It seemed that this young man was practicing the law of the fire-attribute Dao.

"I think you don't lack a maid who brings tea and water, but a maid who spreads quilts and warms the bed?" A young man in a light green satin brocade suit smiled lightly. She is extremely fair, but with beards growing on her face, she looks extremely uncoordinated.

"Hey, don't be jealous, leave it to me!" The red-robed youth smiled, took a step forward confidently, walked slowly, and said as he walked, "Girl, do you like to be taken down by me after you resist, or Obediently capture him?"

For the first time, Mufu had a smile on his face. If Luo Tian was here, he must know that this is the omen of Mufu's mother-in-law who is going to kill someone.

"My aunt chose to kill you, how about it?"

After Mufu finished speaking, the Taoism that had been brewing in her heart for a long time was finally completed. She gently pointed her jade finger at the young man in red, and opened her mouth slightly, with a cold and ruthless killing intent, "Ruthless finger!"

After finishing speaking, everyone felt that the sky and the earth changed color in the void they were in. The dark clouds gathered in the entire void, and from the depths of the boundless dark clouds, a finger with a length of hundreds of feet poured down. At the place, countless spaces were crushed, causing a series of ravines and cracks.

"This seems to be one of the unique magical powers of the Giant Spirit State Wenqing Xianjun?"

While the complexion of the red-robed youth changed slightly, the mouth of the yellow-clothed youth who was always on the ground behind him slightly raised his lips, "Cao Zhi, don't waste your time, do your best, or you will really capsize in the gutter."

At the same time, the red-robed boy seemed to have made up his mind, and he pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the giant sword behind him shot out in the air, rising in the wind in the void, and transformed into a flaming giant sword hundreds of meters high.

"Fire god refines the sky!"

The red-robed boy opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of blood essence. The blood fell on the flaming giant sword, and the flames on the flaming giant sword immediately emitted more flames, which continued to spread in all directions. The flames even changed into various forms, as if there were countless forms of monsters contained in them, which increased their power by tens of thousands! "

"Five Elements Mountain!"

Seeing this, Mufu's complexion changed slightly, and a ray of inexplicable resentment appeared in the depths of her eyes, "I didn't expect these guys to come from the Five Elements Mountain. It can't be any better!"

"Soul-destroying silver rope!"

Mu Fu sneered, and then directly cast out the soul-stirring silver cable that she hadn't even fully refined, and threw it at the red-robed boy, it was as fast as lightning and as fast as a meteor!


The huge flaming giant sword was colliding with the ruthless finger at this time. After all, the immortal treasure is more advantageous than the divine channel technique. After a stalemate for a while, the ruthless finger was completely broken by the flaming giant sword. Of course, the red-robed boy seemed to be He didn't take much advantage, and his complexion became even paler. At this moment, his complexion suddenly changed drastically.

"It's a half-level fairy treasure, everyone, hurry up, or we're all going to die here today!" The boy in yellow, who had been standing still all this time, suddenly changed his expression wildly and then disappeared. In place.

The next moment, the boy in yellow was holding a huge golden halberd in his hand, and he was wearing a shiny golden battle armor all over his body, descending from the sky like a golden war god.

"Golden Scale Divine Halberd, break it for me!"

Mufu watched with cold eyes, and naturally saw that the other party's golden halberd was not of low rank, but a high-rank holy treasure. If it was blessed with additional divine power laws, it might be even more powerful by three points.

Whoosh whoosh!

As soon as the boy in yellow made his move, the other three quickly followed, driving the immortal treasures in their hands together to bombard the soul-stirring silver cable falling from the top of their heads.

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