
Chapter 776 Who Surprised Lao Tzu?

Chi Chi Chi!

Several long golden rivers suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the entire void, flying and shuttling around half of the sky.These long rivers are not substantive rivers condensed by the principles of heaven and earth or the energy of heaven and earth. On the contrary, they seem to be the same true golden rivers. Come on, this method has reached a very high level, and it has nothing to do with cultivation.

Golden Origin Law!

Mufu raised her eyebrows. She has good eyesight. Naturally, she can see the law that the other party is cultivating at a glance, and the other party is very specific in the law of cultivation. He only practiced the law of the source of gold. Not too far, the power is extremely powerful!

Next, a scene that surprised Mufu even more happened!

Except for the boy in yellow, the auras of the other four people soared one after another, and then each of them launched an extremely fierce attack. Suddenly, the invisible origin laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth came together, faintly about to merge for one place.

"We can't let this trend continue to spread, or we might end up here today!"

What Mufu sacrificed was at least a half-way immortal treasure, the soul-destroying silver cable. Although the five opponents attacked together, they still couldn't do anything to Mufu in a short time, even the light on the soul-destroying silver cable couldn't break through. It's just that it can barely resist the silver light around the Dementor Silver Cable for the time being.

"What shall we do next?" The red-robed young man looked at the yellow-clothed boy anxiously, and the other three also turned their attention to the yellow-clothed boy when they heard the words. Obviously, among the five, the yellow-clothed boy The young man is the leader and backbone, so his natural strength may be the most outstanding!

The golden halberd in the yellow-clothed boy's hand was waved again and again, and several golden rivers were moved out of thin air, which played an excellent leading role for a while, breaking through a small gap in the silver light around the dementing silver rope. The small gap quickly healed as before, but it had already been refined a lot.

"Hmph! This seat still thinks what's so great about her!"

A look of joy appeared on the face of the boy in yellow, and he said with a faint smile, "I'm afraid this girl from Juling State has a lot of background. You must know that ordinary saints and strong men may go bankrupt and can't afford a half-level immortal treasure. Originally, I thought that the five of us would have to use the Five Elements God Art to suppress her, but now it seems that this woman drives a half-level immortal treasure, how long do you think she can last?"

"Haha, that's the truth!" The eyes of the other four people brightened, and they immediately understood that a half-level immortal treasure, let alone driven by the strength of the opponent's little saint, even a Taiyi Jinxian with an average net worth could not support Taiyi Jinxian. For a long time, you must know that the spirit veins required to drive a half-level immortal treasure are quite astonishing.

"Want to fight a war of attrition?"

Seeing that the five opponents did not have any further attack intentions, Mufu's mind was clear as a mirror. These five guys were obviously playing tricks of one trade-off, although he did not carry too much spiritual power with him this trip. However, if the five of them don't have real trump cards, can they last too long under a half-level immortal treasure?

The two sides are fighting, even if they are playing a war of attrition, it must be evenly matched, or one side has the method of absolute defense, otherwise even if you want to play a war of attrition, you will be defeated under a round of powerful attacks by the opponent. That is also useless.

And Mu Fu planned in this way in her heart, she just wanted to use the next round of powerful attacks to defeat the joint efforts of the five opponents, and then quickly defeat each of them, even if she couldn't kill the five opponents at that time, she could still leave calmly Easy to do.

Kill two birds with one stone!

As for the matter of killing two birds with one stone, with Mu Fu's heart and experience, he had already seen through the key points in the time of breathing, and just now set up a series of strategies for every step.

"The Ruthlessness of Dementor!"

"Dementor's question!"

"The Ruthless Finger!"

Mu Fu quickly tapped the center of her eyebrows, and even cruelly used a drop of primordial spirit blood, and then crazily burned the spiritual veins from the inner world, and successively performed three ultimate moves!

If these three ultimate moves were used alone, their power would be enormous, but now they are used one after another by Mu Fu in one breath, the power is even stronger, not to mention, with the powerful support of Soul-stirring Silver Cable.

After Mufu performed these three ultimate moves, her whole body was sent flying thousands of feet by an inexplicable force, and a quarter of the world inside her body collapsed immediately, and even her primordial spirit and consciousness were traumatized to a certain extent. When she used the three ultimate moves just now, the backlash and sequelae she suffered were not small!

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!


The next moment, the mountain shook and the ground shook, and the five-color light above the heads of the five people was suddenly broken by the silver light, and the five fell from the air while spraying blood.

"This little girl has seen through our intentions, quickly use the Five Elements Art, this little demon girl must be refined to death today!" The tactic suddenly changed and began to become more strange and vigorous.

"Jin Xing Shen Jue!"

"Wood Xingshen Jue!"

"Water Movement God Art!"

"Fire Movement God Art!"

"Earth Spirit Art!"

At that moment, the five people, headed by the boy in yellow, began to show a touch of pure to the extreme colorful light around their bodies and even their bodies.

"Next time, I will definitely not spare you!"

Mufu's figure retreated violently, and her right hand swiftly swiped fiercely at the void in front of her, a space portal appeared immediately, and Mufu's figure flashed and immediately swept in, directly carrying out space teleportation.

The symbol of the Golden Immortal is to tear apart the space to move, that is, the great supernatural power that shrinks the ground into an inch.At this moment, the mufu who has reached the little saint's fairyland can use it at will, and it is natural to be familiar with it. It only takes half a breath, and the space portal has been closed, and there is no longer any breath or trace.

Mufu's hand is quite beautiful.

"Stay here!"

At this time, I saw the boy in yellow screaming fiercely, and then the golden light on his body immediately communicated with the fine light on the other four people, and then gathered into blurred streaks of light that shot directly into the void, as if The Yuanli arrows with sharp handles are endless.

puff puff!

Not long after, a black-red light flashed, and after that, the mufu, who was spurting blood wildly, was shocked back from the void with a face full of horror.

"Back in time!"

The soul-destroying silver rope suspended above Mufu's head was exhausted because of too much consumption.

"Continue to use the Five Elements Art, this little girl may not be able to fully control that half-level immortal treasure, and kill her in one go!" The boy in yellow flew out majestically, with the golden-scaled divine halberd floating above his head. Spinning and falling, the mufu was about to be beheaded.

At this moment, an incredible scene happened!

"Which blind bastard dares to sneak up on me?! Tired of life?"

Following the trajectory of the Golden Scaled Divine Halberd's slashing direction, the space it passed along the way trembled slightly, and then a white light broke through the air.

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