
Chapter 777 Thirty-five times the combat power!

The white light came through the sky, and it just circled several times in the void, and it came leisurely.The most ridiculous thing is that the trajectory of the white light coming from the sky is just in front of the Mufu, which means that the white light just acts as the Mufu's protective shield at this moment.

In fact, Bai Guang happened to be Luo Tian who had just comprehended the true understanding of Tianhe and was forcibly sent out.Speaking of which, Luo Tian can be regarded as having mixed feelings.The Tianhe true solution he found was created by a strong man from outside the territory. This Tianhe true solution can indeed enhance combat effectiveness, and it can be regarded as a rare treasure in the fairy world. But what makes Luo Tian unhappy is that this Tianhe true solution is only [-]% The content and the remaining pages disappeared without a trace as the jade slips were broken.Next, just when Luo Tian was planning to continue to plunder, that strange power appeared again, and this time it actually sent Luo Tian out directly.

From when Luo Tian entered the space vortex to when Luo Tian was sent out, the time was not too long or short, but because Luo Tian used Time Acceleration and it was very difficult to comprehend the true solution of Tianhe, calculated carefully, it would take about a year.Of course, this is only the specific time calculated under time acceleration.

During this period of time, Luo Tian studied Tianhe's true solution almost thoroughly. This Tianhe's true solution originally focused on physical body cultivation, and took the path of physical body sanctification.Luo Tian's physical body is now comparable to a holy treasure, so the speed of comprehension is naturally much faster.

"I don't know how much the combat power has increased?"

In mid-air, the white light slowly dispersed, and an angry Luo Tianlai appeared, but seeing Luo Tian saw the huge oncoming attack, his face remained unchanged, neither sad nor happy, as if all this had nothing to do with him .

"The law of the five elements! It's still the original law of the five elements!"

Luo Tian was calm on the surface, but deep in his heart he was a little secretly happy. Now that he has undergone the tempering and suction of Tianhe's true solution, his physical body and cultivation base have been improved again. The reason is to advance to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Once both aspects are improved, Luo Tian's combat power will definitely increase!

And Luo Tian was originally the five-element holy body, and he had no fear of the five-element law. When he saw the five members of the five-element family in front of him, a gleam of fire flashed in the depths of his eyes.

This is a great opportunity!

If these five guys in front of him were slaughtered, devoured and refined in one go, I am afraid that they will all be promoted immediately!

In an instant, countless thoughts flickered in Luo Tian's mind, and they were calculated and verified one after another.

"Life and death conversion!"

When the attacks of the five opponents reached three feet in front of Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian suddenly moved. He took a step forward and walked slowly in the void. Luo Tian moved forward, slowly blocked the coming five-element power, and then seemed to push it back. In the end, Luo Tian opened his mouth and sprayed, and the life-and-death mirror intertwined with red and white light beams flew out very quickly, and immediately changed everything. Life and death, constantly changing between life and death, constantly changing, constantly obscuring, constantly blurring...

Bang bang bang!

The mirror of life and death is worthy of being a rare treasure between heaven and earth. Although it is only at the peak level of the holy treasure, its power is really powerful. This time it can withstand the opponent's five elements and the soul-stirring silver cord.

Of course, this is only a temporary resistance, and I'm afraid it can last half a cup of tea at most!

The next moment, Luo Tian's body trembled, and his whole body sank directly into the void, almost half of his body fell into the void, that is to say, Luo Tian's physical body was extremely strong, if it were someone else, his physical body would have collapsed and suffered serious injuries. up!

It can be seen that although Luo Tian tried his best to perform such a peerless blow with the help of the mirror of life and death, he still received a lot of backlash.

"Who is this person? He is so perverted!"

"It's just the state of Daluo Jinxian's early stage, and he can display such an incredible attack. The holy treasure in this person's hand must be extraordinary!"

"It's really bad luck! This ugly man in white may have a comprehensive combat power comparable to that group of perverts in the Black Prison State. It's really a headache!"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you see him, did you suffer backlash? Why don't we kill this man and woman in one go, so as to plunder their resources!"

Seeing this, the five members of the Five Elements family immediately chatted with each other through voice transmission, discussing a series of strategies on how to eliminate Luo Tian and the other two.

"Are you OK?"

With a bitter face, Luo Tian turned his head and looked at Mu Fu, "If you can't move, you can retreat later on your own. It shouldn't be difficult to do it with your means."

Mu Fu kept a cold face, and after a long while asked indifferently: "Then you want it?"


Luo Tian took out a fairy fruit obtained from the mysterious space vortex from the inner world with his backhand, took a bite hard, the juice splashed all over, and said vaguely: "Of course I will fight with these five bastards who sneaked up on me."

After eating the fairy fruit, the minor injuries in Luo Tian's body quickly recovered, and the celestial power also quickly recovered to its peak. Then Luo Tian hung the mirror of life and death above his head. .

"No reincarnation!"

Luo Tian snorted, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, pointed his arms towards the five members of the Five Elements family, and moved quickly. The sixteen rays of light immediately condensed into a dark channel of reincarnation. Countless real and false illusions come, and the six realms of heaven and earth seem to start to reverse.

"Five Elements Divine Art!"

Naturally, the five people headed by the boy in yellow couldn't be a coward and let the other party beat and insult them. Seeing Luo Tian make another attack, they gritted their teeth and used the Wuxing family's clan-suppressing divine channel technique again.

"a bunch of idiots."

Luo Tian lazily said, "I succeeded in such a simple trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain? Have you all been kicked by donkeys in the head?"

After finishing speaking, the aura on Luo Tian's body immediately rose steadily, and it kept skyrocketing.

"The power of the immortal king!"


The faces of the five people changed rapidly when they saw it. The five of them were born in the Five Elements Mountain. You must know that the Five Elements Mountain has a half-step fairy king sitting in the town. Naturally, the power of the fairy king will not be scarce, but this time the five people came out to carry out the family. Ranking experience, according to previous regulations, will not let you carry the power of the fairy king with you.

"Hey, I just realized it now, isn't it a bit late?"

Luo Tian smiled wretchedly, then waved his hand and punched, and the whole world trembled with the punch, as if all things in the world were going to be divided into yin and yang all of a sudden.

Yin Yang seal!

Naturally, the law of the five elements has to be divided into yin and yang, and now Luo Tian caught a weak flaw in it!

"Look at how much my combat power has increased!"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Tian immediately increased his combat power infinitely, reaching thirty times in an instant, and continued to increase...

"35 times combat power!"

Luo Tian thought to himself, as expected, he unleashed tens of thousands of attacks in an instant, and was about to kill the five people in front of him!

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