
Chapter 778

35 times combat power!

You must know that Luo Tian could display [-] times the combat power before, which is enough to shock the world in the fairy world. Even if the immortals personally taught them all, there are not many people who can display [-] times the combat power at Luo Tian's age. Doubling the combat power to face the enemy, after all, this almost means that in the same realm, it is almost invincible!

Now, due to a chance meeting, Luo Tian even accidentally learned the unique unique knowledge created by a strong man from outside the territory - Tianhe True Explanation.The combat power increased again all of a sudden, from [-] times the combat power to five times, of course, this was also within Luo Tian's estimation.

"If Tianhe's true solution is obtained by me as a complete exercise method, I am afraid that it will be able to increase to at least fifty times the combat power!"

When Luo Tian was thinking this way, the 35 times combat power in his hand had already been used.

The air continued to explode, and the laws of heaven and earth contained in the void were quickly compressed and thrown into chaos.Layers of clouds gathered like a rainbow twisted and formed high in the sky, and kept falling towards the lower cover, making a dull impact sound.

"how is this possible?!"

After Luo Tian shot with all his strength, the red-robed young man was the first to bear the brunt. The flaming giant sword suspended in front of him was knocked down by Luo Tian's fists, and there were bursts of wailing sounds. The flames on it were soon scattered. , and then absorbed most of it.

"how so!"

The red-robed young man quickly made a formula with both hands, the speed of the formula was extremely fast, and he kept making the last desperate struggle.

For a moment, the newly bursting flames from the huge flaming sword were scattered again by Luo Tian a few times, and then Luo Tian stepped on the giant sword that had lost its flame wrapping, and the giant sword kept buzzing. .

"Get out of here!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and stomped on his feet again and again, the huge sword that resisted to no avail had to fall powerlessly from the air.

"If you dare to kill me, I promise to destroy your nine clans!"

Seeing this, the red-robed young man flew behind him with a terrified expression, and was about to run away.

"Do you think there is an immortal king behind you?" Luo Tian smiled disdainfully, and then he flashed his figure and directly used the void assassination technique, and in an instant he was in front of the red-robed youth. He slapped the red-robed youth with his palm He flew a few somersaults, and then grabbed again, attracting the red-robed youth from the air.


The red-robed youth suddenly felt a huge inexplicable power of law covering his whole body. No matter how he activated the secret method, it was difficult to break free from this power of law. Later, even his body began to shatter, and the fairy in his body began to shatter. The Da Luo law of Yuanli and comprehension kept losing.This feeling of imminent death made the red-robed youth look pale and lifeless.

The ruthlessness in Luo Tian's pupils flashed away, and then he squeezed his hands hard, and the whole body of the red-robed youth began to shatter, and was finally forcibly swallowed by Luo Tian's forcible refinement into the law of the origin of fire.

"court death!"

The young man in red robe was killed by Luo Tian, ​​and the young man in green immediately shouted with resentment on his face, he saw a light green halo continuously emanating from his body, and then a long green whip shot out from it, directly binding him Live in Luotian.

Naturally, it was impossible for Luo Tian not to sense the attack of the young man in green, but he still fearlessly let the other party bind his body, then shook his shoulders fiercely, and the green long whip wrapped around his body immediately made a light clicking sound and began to shatter. Cracked and spread rapidly.

"Come here for me!"


In the void, with Luo Tian's low shout, a crystal-like jade palm quickly reached out, followed the trajectory of the green long whip and grabbed it, and then Luo Tian pulled hard backwards with both hands!


The green-clothed boy shot toward Luo Tian involuntarily.

"How can your physical body be so strong!"

The young man in green yelled, his complexion changed drastically, and he bit the tip of his tongue, and when he opened his mouth, he sprayed out a mist of blood.

"It's useless!"

Luo Tian sneered and waved his arms again and again. With just a few strokes, he forcibly suppressed the magic channel method that the opponent wanted to use, and he couldn't use it at all.


Without hesitation, Luo Tian punched the young man in green on the chest, directly piercing through a terrifying big hole, and then stretched out his hand to slap him, Luo Tian directly killed him!

"too strong!"

Two of the five members of the Five Elements family were killed by Luo Tian in the blink of an eye. Not only were the other three furious, even Mu Fu was taken aback. She didn't even think she could win against that ugly man in white clothes. This guy actually increased his combat power by more than ten times in an instant, which is really amazing!

"Not one can escape today!"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, and then rushed towards the remaining three people. Not long after, Luo Tian beheaded the two of them again, leaving only the boy in yellow who seemed to have the highest cultivation level remaining.

Puff puff!

The boy in yellow was slippery enough. He had to move thousands of times in the void before avoiding Luo Tian's ultimate move. Even so, he was also seriously injured. He was extremely angry in his heart. It is really unexpected that after practicing, you can meet a group of perverted evildoers who are comparable to those in the Black Prison State.But it was too late to regret at this moment, he just wanted to escape from here, tell the news of this place to the clan, and wait for the clan's strong men to come and kill this man and woman.

However, under Luo Tian's all-out attack, can he escape?

Soon, Luo Tian pointed out with both hands one after another, sweeping the void in front of him into a clear sky, making it impossible for the boy in yellow to avoid it!

"Since you are too deceitful, don't blame me!"

The boy in yellow is clearly at the end of the road. His original unrestrained and indifferent demeanor is gone, and the yellow robe on his body is also in a mess. God knows that the yellow robe on his body is a low-level holy treasure. It didn't play any substantive role at all.

"Hurry up and kill him!"


The woman in black, Mufu, shouted anxiously.

Before he finished speaking, the yellow-clothed boy gave a ferocious smile, and then actually burned Xianyuanli, Daluo Law and Shouyuanlai, and the light on his body was as dazzling as the sun.

"Mysterious Gold Heaven Talisman!"

The boy in yellow laughed like a maniac, "I leave a trace of energy to burn everything in my body, which is to drive this black gold celestial talisman. This is the original way of my seat. I will send you two into the trial The twelfth floor of the star, let's see if you can survive under the hands of Old Monster Ji, hahahahaha..."

"Damn it!"

Luo Tian's complexion changed immediately, this bastard, it's fine if he dies, but he insists on dragging himself into the water, it's really stinky and shameless to the extreme!

"The Ruthlessness of Dementor!"

Mufu waved her hand, and a swipe of silver light covered it, but at this moment, she was undoubtedly one step too late.

"Come on!"

Luo Tian immediately moved to Mufu's side, "You and I work together to get out of here quickly, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, that old monster Ji is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, if you and I are teleported there, More bad luck than good luck!"

"I can't go anymore, I can't even go, hahahaha..." The boy in yellow laughed wildly. As his laughter became weaker and weaker, a golden rune completely carved by the law of the origin of gold slowly emerged from the void. emerge.

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