
Chapter 779

"Hahaha, I can't leave, let's stay..."

In the end, a golden light group that was even more dazzling than the sun rose up in the void, and suddenly exploded, then quickly gathered and condensed, and carved out a huge golden rune in the void, look carefully Go, the huge golden rune is completely composed of countless small runes. It looks so golden that it dazzles people's eyes, and people can't look directly at it for a while.

Chi Chi Chi!

"Mysterious gold celestial talisman, the way to reach the sky! Change!"

In the end, the yellow-clothed boy gave a strange laugh, and then his body turned into flying ash, and a wisp of primordial spirit directly disappeared into the void.

Luo Tian and Mu Fu didn't even have time to make a move to stop them, the other party fled right in front of their eyes.

It doesn't matter if they escaped, but the other party left behind a mysterious golden celestial talisman against others, which gave birth to an irresistible force, and the two of them were about to be sucked into it and sent to the No. 12 floor of the trial star.

At the critical moment, Luo Tian and Mu Fu put aside their grievances and joined forces to use their magical powers to cross the void and avoid disaster.

But the power of this mysterious golden celestial talisman is really too strong, even the half-level fairy treasure in Mufu's hand can't do anything about it. Breaking out of the coverage of the Xuanjin Heaven Talisman, he was abruptly pulled out of the void.

Oh oh oh!

Gusts of wind howled, the golden light covered the clouds and covered the sun, sweeping down from the sky, binding Luo Tian and Mu Fu tightly in the blink of an eye.

"Is it the law of the golden origin?!"

Mu Fu's pupils shrank, and her eyebrows frowned immediately, thinking that she had no countermeasures in mind.

"Practice for me!"

With a low growl in Luo Tian's heart, he immediately opened the inner world, and began to crazily and unscrupulously devour the layers of golden light falling on his body, like a long whale absorbing water, plundering the incomparably pure golden law in front of him.

The mufu next to her was immediately shocked by Luo Tian's boldness, and was speechless for a long time.

In fact, Mufu didn't know that Luo Tian was originally the five-element holy body, and was born immune to the five-element law. It would undoubtedly be very difficult to use the five-element law to hurt Luo Tian.And Luo Tian is not only immune to the Five Elements Law, but can further absorb any Five Elements Law between heaven and earth to enhance the power of the Five Elements Holy Body.This is the peculiarity of the Five Elements Eucharist.

There are hundreds of thousands of holy bodies and divine bodies in the fairy world, all of which have their own unique mysteries, otherwise they would not be called holy bodies and divine bodies.

For a moment, the golden light in the sky suddenly shrank, and then the light from top to bottom like an awl-shaped golden mask gradually dimmed. Gradually, the awl-shaped golden mask slowly closed.

In the end, the golden mask exploded into a faint golden light and disappeared without a trace.


"This is the No.12 floor of Trial Star?"

A few days later, Luo Tian sat cross-legged in the sky, sitting firmly among the clouds, the colorful lights fluttering leisurely in the seven orifices, after the cup of tea, the colorful lights disappeared without a trace on his face, Luo Tian suddenly got up, and his figure landed in a blink of an eye In the middle of the sky, his eyes were shining brightly, and he kept looking around.

Daluo Jinxian's mid-term cultivation base!

The physical body has also reached the intermediate level of the Holy Grade Immortal Treasure!

Luo Tian at this moment can really be called double happiness, both his cultivation base and his physical body have been improved rapidly, such a qualitative leap is enough to raise Luo Tian's overall strength to a higher level.The current Luotian, even if he doesn't use the power of the immortal king, and doesn't display 35 times the combat power, relying on his own combat power alone, he is the No. Over Luotian!

The original purpose of Luo Tianjin's entry into the Trial Star was to steal the celestial medicine and grass to heal Feng Yuanqing and Feng Hui, the hard-fated grandson. Old man Yun took action himself, the grandfather and grandson must have no fear of their lives, and even drove him out to steal the immortal medicine and grass.After careful calculation, he was the lucky star of Feng Yuanqing's grandfather and grandson.

"The Linglong Grass of the Purple Mansion that the old man Luo Yun repeatedly explained has appeared on the No. 12 floor several times. I'm afraid I have to look for it carefully this time."

After a while, Luo Tian was already standing tall and tall on the top of a prickly pear plant hundreds of feet high, with his hands behind his back, after pondering for a while, Luo Tian stomped his feet lightly, and the power of several giant mountains suddenly emerged from his feet, Crazy rush towards the ground.

"What a pity! What a pity!"

Soon, Luo Tian shook his head, then flashed his figure and flew towards the distance.


In a moment, the hundreds of feet high fairy ball Luo Tian was standing on suddenly shook, and finally shattered into mud, which fluttered down from midair one after another, turning into a burst of dark green rain.Afterwards, the prickly pear ball sank deep into the roots of an unknown depth, like a quicksand pit.

While flying in the void, Luo Tian thought to himself, the Zifu Linglong Grass is the essence of the world's trees, and he likes to live in flowers, plants, bamboos and trees, so that he can continuously absorb energy, and thus get real evolution, and can turn into Humanoid.You must know that the Zifu Linglong Grass is a high-level fairy grass. If it absorbs enough energy and the essence of the sun and the moon, it can change into a human form. In the end, if it survives the nine-day thunder and punishment, it can directly take off the body of the fairy grass. Evolving into a real human is really a kind of miraculous fairy grass.

For this kind of fairy grass, Luo Tian also has a bit of a headache. This Zifu Linglong grass is really a rare treasure between heaven and earth. It is said that it is a kind of fairy grass that came from the Zifu area of ​​the Hunyuan domain and has survived for countless years. Before, she was born with a lot of wisdom and was good at avoiding disasters and catastrophes, so the word Linglong was included in her name.

Soon, half a day passed. In this short half day, Luo Tian took action to destroy hundreds of plants with the aura of the purple mansion exquisite grass, but there was still no harvest, and a lot of effort was wasted.

"Damn it, old man Luo has done a lot of harm for no reason!"

Luo Tian floated resentfully on the crown of a towering ancient tree, looking into the distance, the primordial spirit quickly spread, and continued to pursue and calculate the trajectory of the purple mansion's exquisite grass, refracting the future from the way of heaven.

After a long while, Luo Tian frowned slightly, and his complexion changed drastically.

In the distance, bursts of clear and high-pitched gongs sounded, which seemed extraordinarily loud in the void.

"Who is this person? The fairy treasure in his hand is so powerful?"

When Luo Tian was muttering to himself, a pair of sky-swallowing spiritual eyes had already seen through the void, passing through countless time and space rivers and worlds.

"Stop prying, it's Tiandu Shinra, the strongest treasure on the 12th floor of Trial Star!"

Luo Tian turned around slowly with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Are you chasing after me to settle old accounts?"

"From the current situation, Miss Ben is not so leisurely!"

The person who came was dressed in a black dress, as cold as ice, who else was it not Miss Mufumu?

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