
Chapter 780 Ugly ghost, it's you!

"Why did Miss Mu come here?"

Luo Tian asked with a face full of pain, his eyes blinked and his eyebrows raised and raised, although his eyes did not look at Mufu, but the peripheral vision in the corner of his eyes was always locked on Mufu, he is now afraid of Mufu's cloudy weather The uncertain little girl gave him a surprise attack.

Women are fiercer than tigers!

Luo Tian wailed in his heart, fortunately his nine wives from the Tianxuan plane were not here, otherwise he would definitely have a huge head. A saint in a certain era once said that only women and villains are difficult to raise, which shows the cruelty of women !

Of course, women have always been very lethal to Luo Tian, ​​especially Luo Tian's own women, who can't resist at all.But it can be generalized to all women.

In the final analysis, it was the male chauvinism in Luo Tian's heart that caused the trouble.

Luo Tian is rarely willing to take action against women. Looking at Luo Tian's previous actions, he rarely took the initiative to kill women.

"Since I'm looking for you, I must have something to discuss." Mufu said lightly with a cold expression, but she couldn't help laughing out loud in her heart. Ever since she met the ugly man in white in front of her, she has been always Stunned, suppressed everywhere, almost completely led by the other party, always at a disadvantage, this time seeing the other party's panicked look, for some reason, the resentment in my heart has subconsciously decreased a lot.

Maybe it was because of Luo Tian's domineering aura and little glory that he showed when he blocked her before.

"Miss Mu, you might as well speak up." Luo Tian thought for a moment, without showing any expression on his face, hundreds of thoughts turned in his mind in an instant.

"Join us."

Who knew that Mufu's next words almost caused Luo Tian to fall from the sky in the dark, even if he tried his best to break his head, he would never have thought that Mufu, who was chasing and killing him like killing his father and enemy before, would There was the idea of ​​joining forces, the news was so shocking that Luo Tian was momentarily stunned.


Luo Tian finally asked with some doubts.

"Continue to fight if you don't understand, that's not bad." Mufu raised her arms and gently brushed away the long hair blocking her forehead, her posture was extremely coquettish.

"Ah!" Luo Tian yelled suddenly, "Understood, I understand!"

Mu Fu glanced at the bluffing Luo Tian with some amusement, and suddenly regretted it in her heart. It was quite a troublesome thing to cooperate with this guy who didn't play cards according to common sense.

"Isn't it just a marriage? Hey, it's a pity that I am so handsome and handsome, Sai Songyu's honest and reliable little man..."

"Go to hell!"

Next, Mufu started chasing and killing Luo Tian with a fierce and murderous look on her face, she couldn't help but feel a little headache, this guy really is not worry-free.


After half a day.

A white light galloped in mid-air from a distance, only hovered slightly, and then landed on the ground, and then the sole of his foot stepped on it lightly and then rotated, and the ground under his feet immediately trembled.

If someone could see the scenery underground through the ground at this moment, they would be dumbfounded. A rhizome with a radius of several tens of feet growing underground had been completely shattered, and countless juices had seeped into the soil, but it was completely broken. died.

"Still wrong."

Luo Tian shook his head with a wry smile on his face, and his body moved towards the distance.

"You really don't need help?"

Mufu sat on a ray of sunlight and asked lightly.

In the past few days, Luo Tian and Mu Fu have formally joined forces, but Luo Tian still continues to search for the Purple Mansion Linglong Grass. The Purple Mansion Linglong Grass obviously leaves aura fluctuations in several places, but every time Luo Tian looks for it, he will be depressed It was discovered that the Linglong Grass of the Zifu was even more powerful than the Three Caves of the Rabbit by several points, not to mention the specific location, and even the shadow of the other party was not found.Of all this, Luo Tian naturally wouldn't tell Mufu the truth. Mufu herself is not very clear about friends and foes. Tell her now. Who knows what she has in mind. And destruction, the consequences are unimaginable.

"not needed for now."

Luo Tian replied without turning his head, and at the same time murmured in his heart, but judging from the aura traced all the way, the aura of the Linglong Grass in the Purple Mansion seemed to be extending in the direction of the Tiandu Shenluo that Mu Fu just mentioned.

"Miss Mu, can you tell me about the treasure of Tiandu Shengong?"

"The Tiandu Shengong is owned by an immortal master who is proficient in refining immortal treasures. This immortal is the number one master craftsman in the immortal world who is known as the Tiandu immortal. And the place where this immortal gentleman lives is Tian Duxian Mansion is a holy place, so the immortal treasures handed down there are all labeled with the word Tiandu!" Mu Fu said slowly, and paused, "This Tiandu Shengong is a combination of offense and defense. Although the Saint Grade Immortal Treasure is only at the middle level of the Saint Grade, its defense is extremely strong, and it also has the attack of the Primordial Spirit, and an ordinary Golden Immortal may injure the Primordial Spirit and seriously injure him."

"So powerful?" Luo Tian's face immediately changed. Damn, the primordial spirit attack is really annoying. Even if he cultivated the immortal primordial spirit, it seems that he can't easily receive the primordial spirit attack of Tiandu Shenluo.

Mufu nodded, silently admitting it.

"How about going there for a walk?" Luo Tian pondered for a moment, then suddenly pointed to the distance.

Mu Fuxiu frowned slightly, nodded again, and didn't say much.

A quarter of an hour later, Luo Tian and Mu Fu flew through the air for hundreds of thousands of miles before coming to a stop.

In front of it stands a tall boulder castle, which turns out to be a human kingdom.

"The native race of Trial Star!" Luo Tian whispered.

"That's right." Mufu said after looking away from the distance, "In the twelfth floor of the Trial Star, there are many native races with strong golden immortals, and here the age is judged based on the appearance, like you The two of us are like this, at best we can be regarded as young people.”

"So that's how it is." Luo Tian touched his face, and then randomly pinched a formula. His appearance immediately changed from youth to middle-aged, and he was shaking a gold-painted folding fan in his hand, which was quite elegant.

Seeing this, Mufu shook her head again and again, and then turned around, but turned into a more ordinary-looking double-ten woman.

Next, Luo Tian and Mu Fu swaggered down from not far from the city and walked towards the gate of the city.

What surprised the two of them was that there were no guards at the city gate, which was really unbelievable.And when the two stepped into the city, no one in the whole city paid any attention to them, instead they rushed towards the depths of the city in a hurry.

"What's the situation?" Luo Tian asked Mu Fu via sound transmission.

"I don't know." Mufu's answer was quite concise, without any confusion.

At this time, two handsome young men from afar came rushing straight over, directly supporting Luo Tian from left to right, and shouted ecstatically: "I found it, I found it at last, ugly ghost, it's you! Come with us!" Walk!"

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