
Chapter 782 Back soil hydrangea!

There were two reasons why Luo Tian was shocked. One was that the daughter of the city lord of the capital had grown so 'strong';

That step is weird!

Luo Tian's eyelids twitched, and the three-color disc in the black lotus magic weapon was eager to try again. The three-color disc had an abnormality in the battlefield of the genius battle. According to Luo Tian's opinion, this three-color disc is also a Shameless baby, every time there is something related to or beneficial to it, it has to struggle like a life, it is really speechless.The result is that until now Luo Tian has not understood what the black lotus magic weapon and the three-color disc are, and what is their origin.


At the moment when countless thoughts were spinning in Luo Tian's mind, the daughter of the city lord of the capital had already started to walk around in the sky that day. While walking the head that was several sizes larger than ordinary people, she looked down. Hulala's trembling dissipated, making people's hearts a little hairy.

"You should be able to succeed with this married son-in-law."

The fragrant wind blows against the face, Mufu's figure flashed, and then appeared beside Luo Tian, ​​and said with the corner of her mouth lightly, there was no lack of banter in her words.

"Don't be sarcastic on purpose." Luo Tian said very speechlessly, "Although I don't like you very much, but if I marry you as a wife, I would rather have someone like you than something beyond the scope of human beings."

"Bah! A dog can't spit out ivory!" Mu Fu gave Luo Tian a hard look, blushing and spat, "Grandma doesn't like ugly ghosts like you, so stop wishful thinking!"

"Just to make an analogy, what are you excited about?" Luo Tian rolled Mu Fu's eyes, "I have nine ladies in my family, all of them are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful..."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Seeing this, Mufu quickly said contemptuously in a tone that she couldn't explain clearly, "Just like you, except for being a little stronger, there are no other advantages, and there are women who are willing to marry you? Really absurd!"

"Believe it if you love it, forget it if you don't believe it." Luo Tian looked at the long steps at the feet of the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu City, which was as tall as a hill, without moving, and said casually.

Mufu covered her mouth and snickered: "Isn't it? Han Yi, a peerless beauty, really fell in love with the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu City? Do you want to marry back and become the tenth wife?"

Luo Tian didn't say a word, because he had already quietly used his Tuntian spiritual eyes to see the true face of the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu City.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Luo Tian felt relieved, and said to himself, "There is nothing wrong with the facial features, but the body is a bit fatter, which is acceptable."

Mu Fu immediately collapsed, "You really want to marry her as your tenth wife?"

"It can be considered." Luo Tian nodded, "If this woman loses all her body fat, she will be a curvaceous and charming beauty, why not?"

"You are crazy!"

"I want you to manage."

The two exchanged a few words tit for tat, and the daughter of the city lord of the capital city spoke up in the sky that day.

"Thanks to everyone's love, little girl, thank you very much. The little girl has been entrusted with the dream of the gods since she was a child, and she has already set her future husband. When the fate comes, she can achieve a beautiful marriage, but she can only invite relatives once every 3000 years. If there is any neglect Here, please forgive me.”

Although the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu City looks like a hill, her voice is as beautiful as a yellow warbler coming out of an empty valley and a secluded spring.

"Ecstasy!" Luo Tian howled quite intoxicated with a coquettish expression.

Mufu immediately turned around with a splitting headache and mixed emotions, thinking that this person's taste is really bad, and the other party can make him so intoxicated by just his voice, it's really... disgraceful.

And the two Xuanxians who held Luo Tian up all the way were even more straightforward. They all turned around and retched silently, then turned around and praised: "Friends of Daoist really have good taste!"

"That's natural."

Luo Tian smiled and said proudly.

"This time, we are still in a group of three, and one of them must be ugly. Please be prepared." At this time, a middle-aged civil servant came up from the side, glanced at it for a moment, and then said majesticly, "It doesn't meet the rules. Please quit, otherwise you will be punished severely!"

"Cultivation is not bad. Daluo Jinxian is in the middle stage, and the aura on his body is unknown. It seems that he is protected by treasures."

With just one glance, Luo Tian saw through the details of this middle-aged civil servant.

But when the middle-aged civil servant finished speaking, he bowed to the daughter of the city lord of Tiandu City who was like a mountain of meat, "Miss, you can start."

The meaty mountain-like daughter of the city lord of Tiandu City nodded, and then opened her mouth to spray out a colorful rainbow light, which poured down directly, and landed on the long steps below her.


There was a fierce long cry, and then the long steps trembled like living things in the void, and finally broke apart one after another, but no gravel fell.


Suddenly, a red light cluster emerged from the depths of the broken long steps. The red light cluster shone erratically, spun endlessly, and shot straight into the sky in the void.

After a while, a red light descended from the sky and fell directly into the crowd.

Luo Tian frowned and glanced around, and found that everyone's expressions remained unchanged, thinking that the red light was undoubtedly a means of recruiting relatives.

"Hurry up, fellow daoist, get ready to make a move!"

The two Xuanxians next to him shouted anxiously.

"What kind of move? Isn't this recruiting relatives? You can also make a move to kill someone?" Luo Tian asked in confusion with a silly expression.

"Kill a fart!"

The two Xuanxians were immediately shocked by Luo Tian's shocking thoughts.

"It's to snatch that hydrangea!"

"Hydrangea? Hydrangea!"

Luo Tian suddenly came to his senses, the red light on the long steps was actually a hydrangea?And this hydrangea is the baby that makes the three-color disc restless? !

"No more snooping."

Suddenly, the voice of the Robber Xianjun rang in Luo Tian's mind, with a hint of exhaustion, "That is Houtu Hydrangea, it is the Empress Houtu of the Wu Clan hundreds of epochs ago who incarnated the Six Paths and achieved Hunyuan Daluo Tiandao. It is the treasure left by the current Immortal King Realm!"

"Thick soil empress!"

Luo Tian's pupils constricted violently all of a sudden, this is a supreme figure.

"There is a hint of the Immortal King's Dao in this Houtu Hydrangea. If you succeed, your strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. It is not difficult to even step into the Taiyi Golden Immortal in one fell swoop."

"Then it's even more important to get it!"

Hearing this, Luo Tian clenched his hands tightly. He didn't expect to meet such a great opportunity in the trial star, but he must not miss it!

"This deity is temporarily unable to make a move, this time you have to rely on your own strength, but I am afraid it will take you a lot of time to refine this Houtu hydrangea, and you may even be in danger of your life. This deity has calculated it for a long time, and was even killed by heaven. The backlash has not calculated the final cause and effect, it all depends on your kid's luck."

After finishing speaking, Immortal Robber remained silent.

Back soil hydrangea.

You must be mine!

Luo Tian fixedly stared at the red light cluster in the sky.

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