
Chapter 783 Changes

Houtu hydrangea!

Luo Tian has read all kinds of ancient books and jade slips in the fairy world, although he doesn't know much about the Houtu Hydrangea, this is only the first time he has heard of it.But he did know that hundreds of epochs ago, there was a powerful person who had proved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo before Empress Houtu.

Lady Nuwa!

Empress Nuwa is a person who achieved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo when the chaos first opened. The Taoism is amazing, and she has achieved the throne of the Immortal King by creating people and mending the sky. There is only one hydrangea magic weapon in her hand, which is called It is Nuwa hydrangea, this hydrangea only needs to be hit once, every time it is hit, almost no one can hide except the saints of the same level, under the immortal king, only one touch, the light ones will disappear completely, and the heavy ones will be wiped out in ashes.I'm afraid that even the great Xianjun can't hold Nuwa's hydrangea ball three or two times, which is extremely against the sky.

And Empress Empress Tu and Empress Nuwa are people of the same level, and their magic weapons are similar, so the power should not be much different.What puzzled Luo Tian was, since the hydrangea had already appeared, why didn't the city lord of the capital keep it for himself to refine it that day, but instead used it as a hydrangea for recruiting relatives?

"Fellow Daoist, get ready, let's start! Remember, don't fight at the beginning, because powerful opponents will take the most shots at that time!"

The two Xuanxian kept jumping around beside Luo Tian, ​​looking quite nervous.

Luo Tian nodded, but he didn't bother to talk much. Now he was hooked by the back soil hydrangea in the air, so he didn't have any other half-distracted thoughts.

Mu Fuxiu frowned slightly, and asked indifferently, "Han Yi, don't you really want to grab the hydrangea?"

"Well, it's true." Luo Tian said seriously.

Mu Fu was speechless at once, but she jokingly said, "You two are quite a match."

"If this fat girl loses weight, she will be no worse than you." Luo Tian looked at it carefully for a long time, and came to a conclusion that he thought was reasonable.

"You!" Mufu became angry immediately. She, Miss Mu, was used to living the days of being surrounded by stars, and it was quite interesting that Luo Tian, ​​a guy who didn't understand style, came here by chance. .

"its mine!"

"Who dares to rob me!"

"Get out of the way, the hydrangea is mine!"

"Bah! Those who can live in it, get the hell out!"


What Luo Tian couldn't understand was that there were tens of thousands of people around, rushing towards the hydrangea with great fanaticism, all of them exerted [-]% of their strength, as if they were desperate.

"Two fellow daoists, why are these people so crazy about hydrangeas?" Luo Tian asked with a bitter face.

"Then you don't need to ask!" One of the Xuanxian said with a slightly anxious expression, "Although it is said that the princess of the capital city is fat today, it is said that she is as gentle as water, and the Lord of the capital city sent a message that day, if anyone can get the princess The princess's favor, the rewards are definitely a lot! That day, the city lord of the capital city is extremely rich, and a little reward is equivalent to saving 10 or even a million years of struggle. Why do you think they are so desperate?"

"So that's it." Luo Tian rubbed his hands together, with a salivating expression that made Mu Fu angry, "I'm afraid it's more than that?"

"Of course!" The Xuanxian looked at Luotian and said in surprise, "I never thought that fellow Taoist is quite smart. If he can become the eldest princess' fiancé-in-law, he will not only get countless rewards, but also be able to hide in Tiandu City by himself." Choose ten treasures from the treasury, choose at will!"

Dog day!

Luo Tian came to his senses all of a sudden, and randomly selected ten treasures. Wouldn't that mean that he could get the Purple Mansion Linglong Grass? You must know that even though the Purple Mansion Linglong Grass is precious, it is not the only one in the world, but there are some Yes, the city lord of Tiandu City has been a toubob on the twelfth floor for an unknown number of years, and there must be Zifu Linglong grass in the treasury, and there may even be another rare treasure that Luo Tian was looking for on this trip. Five golden mirages.

These five golden mirages can be regarded as a kind of precious and rare elixir in the fairy world. This thing was conceived in the mysterious sky, and after growing, it fell into the ground. Every night when the moon is full, it absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon. I don't know how many years it took to conceive one song, and when it grows to three songs, it can move freely and has its own consciousness. If it grows to five songs, I am afraid that ordinary golden immortals will encounter it. They had no choice but to get these five golden mirages, so they could only look at the sky and sigh.

"Then we have to keep an eye on it!"

Luo Tian frantically looked at the red light ball that countless strong men were vying for in the sky, and the celestial power in his body circulated rapidly.


Soon, the battle in the void became intense. In the end, more than a dozen powerhouses with the cultivation base of Little Saint Immortals rushed to the front, and one of the powerhouses with countless sky-blue ice mist around him unknowingly cast What kind of powerful supernatural power, it moved to the back soil hydrangea in an instant, laughed, and the big hand transformed out of thin air, and directly grabbed the back soil hydrangea.

"Hahaha, it belongs to me... ah!"

Unexpectedly, extreme joy begets sorrow, that little holy immortal strong man flew upside down after laughing unceasingly, the sky blue icy mist around him was directly shaken away, and his whole body was dying.


Luo Tian's eyes were sharp, and he was always paying attention to the Houtu hydrangea. He naturally saw everything that happened just now. It turned out that the moment the little holy fairy was almost about to succeed, strands of blood shot out of the Houtu hydrangea. The thread-like red light directly and easily shattered the opponent's capture, shredded the opponent's defense, and severely injured him.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, so fast that people had no time to react.

Bang bang bang!

Then, naturally there was another burst of dizzying screams and wailing, and the dozen or so little saints ended in failure one after another, all of them were blown away, life and death were uncertain.

"The strongest guys have all failed, and it's our turn to take action!"

The two Xuanxian beside Luo Tian shouted with extremely fiery eyes.

At this moment, Luo Tian pushed his primordial consciousness into the depths of the black lotus magic weapon with all his strength, and began to try to communicate with the three-color discs. It couldn't be suppressed steadily, and later, for some reason, the three-color disc suddenly became quiet, and it even started to cooperate with Luo Tian's soul, and shot towards the back soil hydrangea that couldn't stop flying. .

Puff puff!

Luo Tian used the three-color disc to cover the back soil hydrangea, and then a huge force suddenly emerged from the back soil hydrangea. This force came extremely fast and was extremely heavy. The primordial spirit and consciousness are stuck!

"Not good!"

Luo Tian's complexion remained unchanged, and his heart was overwhelmed. He didn't expect that the Houtu hydrangea would be so powerful without anyone controlling it.It stands to reason that such immortal treasures that have gone through hundreds of epochs cannot survive to this day even if they have spiritual consciousness. Generally, the immortal treasures of immortal kings are equivalent to the immortal king, and the immortal king's shattered catastrophe in each era Among them, none of them may survive.What's more, the Houtu hydrangea is the body of the fairy treasure, and the chance of surviving is much lower than that of the human race and other races.

What's more, even if there is an extremely powerful half-step fairy king, it is quite rare to live for more than ten epochs.

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