
Chapter 784

According to Luo Tian's speculation and calculation, even if the Houtu hydrangea survived to this day, it would at most retain one part in a million of its spiritual knowledge and power.

But the facts are often unexpected. What Luo Tian never thought of was that even if the power of Houtu Hydrangea is only one millionth of a millionth, as a former fairy-level figure, it is absolutely not something that Luo Tian, ​​a big Luo Jinxian, can compete with. !

However, the arrow had to be shot, not to mention that Luo Tian had already made the shot brazenly, and there was absolutely no possibility of taking it back.

Boom boom boom!

The palpitating sound of bells and drums seemed to be hanging in front of Luo Tian's body, ringing unceasingly, the sound that came out of it shocked the mind, and stirred up the world in Luo Tian's body. Suppressed everywhere in Luo Tian's inner world.

Just this time, Luo Tian was already injured, and the speed was so fast that he had no time to react!

"Swallowing the sky tower, the way of swallowing the sky, suppress it with all your strength!"

Since Houtu Hydrangea attacked Luo Tian's internal body, there was no clue on the surface, and with the large number of people around, Luo Tian didn't dare to use the power of the immortal king and 35 times the combat power in a blatant manner. It's really hard for Luo Tian, ​​so he can only rely on his own strong strength to fight head-to-head and suppress with force.

Fortunately, the Law of Swallowing Sky came from Luo Tian out of thin air. No matter how powerful the Houtu Hydrangea was, there was no way to break the Law of Swallowing Heaven for a while, so the scene had to be deadlocked like this.


Luo Tian roared, but he uttered it at the three-color disc, "If you continue to take advantage of it, everyone will die together!"

At this moment, the world within Luo Tian's body has already begun to shatter, the earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, the waves are surging, and countless places have begun to crumble.Rao Yiluotian's physical body, which is comparable to the holy treasure, can't bear it. You must know that the inner world is the origin of the immortal. Once the inner world collapses, Luo Tian's power will be greatly reduced, and he wants to practice from scratch , that is extremely difficult!

As soon as Luo Tian yelled these words, the three-color disc suddenly flew out from the black lotus magic weapon, and immediately released a misty clear light that penetrated into Luo Tian's body and world, and resisted the attack of the Houtu Hydrangea.

In this way, the world in Luo Tian's body suddenly stabilized.I don't know what kind of treasure that three-color disc is, but it seems to be able to restrain the Houtu Hydrangea!

Sisi Si!

Just as Luo Tian was cooperating with the three-color disc to drive out the power produced by Houtu Hydrangea, countless lavender rays of light suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's internal body world, as if a light curtain densely covered the entire body. skyrim.The wandering lavender light was like a sharp sword, easily piercing through the void, if it wasn't for the Sky-Swallowing Law to resist it, the world in Luo Tian's body might explode all of a sudden.

Luo Tian's complexion suddenly changed.

At the same time, the countless lavender rays were suddenly absorbed by the three-color disc, and rushed towards the second floor, and were constantly absorbed by refining, constantly replenishing the second-level space of the three-color disc .

This lavender light can actually repair the second space of the three-color disc!

Luo Tian was immediately overwhelmed by this great surprise. This moment was a direct transition from hell to heaven, but Luo Tian's tense heart did not let go. He knew that this was the most critical moment. If he is not careful, Luo Tian may really die and disappear between the heavens and the earth. Even if a hundred immortals join forces, they will not be able to revive him.Because in a sense, if Luo Tian fell now, it would be equivalent to being killed by a great figure of a fairy, and it would be extremely difficult to revive him.

Being exterminated by the immortal king is almost equivalent to cutting off almost [-]% of the vitality. If you want to be resurrected, I am afraid that you really need the immortal king to take action.

Fairy King!

Luo Tian is about to cry right now, there have been countless eras where no Immortal King has appeared!

"I don't want to die! I won't die!"

Next, Luo Tian roared crazily, a dazzling light appeared all over his body immediately, and then he fought 35 times more!

"Time speeds up! Practice for me!"

Connecting with the third heaven domain of the Black Lotus Space, the time flow around Luo Tian's body immediately accelerated hundreds of times, and the refining speed of the three-color disc also got a corresponding increase, which is unparalleled!

Bang bang bang!

Since Luo Tian exerted 35 times the combat power and time acceleration, his physical body will not be mentioned for the time being, but the world in his body is obviously unable to support the sudden surge of overwhelming pressure, and it explodes loudly, even space and laws are in the air. Can't stop exploding.

Luo Tian's only harvest and benefit is that the speed at which the three-color disc absorbs the lavender light is getting faster and faster. In just a few short breaths, Luo Tian has absorbed almost [-]% of the lavender light!

"Continue practicing!"

Luo Tian roared like a mad tiger, and the spiritual veins in the world inside his body burned faster and faster. After a while, the lavender light was almost absorbed by the three-color disc, but Luo Tian still did not give up, but drove Tracing the source of that lavender light with the tri-color disc!

This is where Luo Tian's boldness lies. He will not let go just because the current situation has improved slightly, but will take advantage of this to strive for greater benefits!

Whoosh whoosh!

Finally, as Luo Tian expected, Luo Tian finally found the source of the lavender light under the crazy tracing of the three-color disc!

A place sealed in the inner space of Houtu Hydrangea!

"Haha, since Lao Tzu found out, there is absolutely no reason for you to escape!"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, and then drove the Sky Swallowing Pagoda, and a lot of Swallowing Heaven Yuan Power quickly diffused out of the Sky Swallowing Tower, quickly repairing the inner world.

At the same time, Luo Tian began to crazily cooperate with the adsorption power of the three-color disc, and began to trace the Houtu hydrangea fiercely.

"how is this possible?"

"This is too fierce!"

At this time, the two Xuanxians beside Luo Tian shouted anxiously, because everyone including them saw the hydrangea slowly descending towards Luo Tian, ​​and the sky-high red clouds slowly oppressed Get down and push everyone else away.

Among them, a powerful little saint immortal was directly knocked into the air without any suspense, and his condition was extremely miserable.

"It's so unreasonable!" The bearded little saint yelled viciously after getting up, "It's against the sky, even I am so good..."

Before he could finish speaking, the little saint's voice stopped abruptly.

Because a deep blue beam of light suddenly shot down from the high sky, suspended directly above Luo Tian's head, clearing the area around Luo Tian for several miles, no one could be spared.

"This breath is, it is..."

"Ah! This is..."

"This is the breath of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!" Mu Fuxiu frowned tightly, "I didn't expect this guy to be so unlucky, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal was alarmed, what should I do now?"

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